Chapter 350 (This chapter was swallowed, please repost)
Lin Miaomiao tilted her head and leaned on Ye Xingchen's body. Ye Xingchen gently stroked Miaomiao's head with her hands, making her lean more comfortably in his arms.

"There is a saying in Lu's Spring and Autumn Period. The past is an expired document, and I am reluctant to delete it. All that is left is worries and entanglements. Therefore, forget about the past. Don't you have me now?" Ye Xingchen comforted softly.

Lin Miaomiao burrowed into Ye Xingchen's arms again, found the most comfortable position and lay directly in Ye Xingchen's arms, and said coquettishly: "I know, I don't need you to teach me. I want to eat watermelon, you feed me."

"You just ate so much, you still eat it, and you'll eat later, don't eat so much fruit." Ye Xingchen lowered his head and gently played with Lin Miaomiao's hair, rolled it into a roll, spread it out, and rolled it into another roll , Lin Miaomiao couldn't help hitting his hand, and after a while Ye Xingchen came again, and finally didn't care about it.

Lin Miaomiao rolled his eyes at him several times, and finally said coquettishly: "I will eat if I don't care, and I won't get up if I don't eat."

Ye Xingchen was slightly taken aback, and couldn't help but recall Xiao Miaomiao from before, she really looked like a baby just now, Ye Xingchen seemed to be back in high school again.

"Okay, I'll feed you." In the end, by accident, Ye Xingchen agreed to her request.

"Xiaoqi, can you bring me the watermelon? Miaomiao wants to eat it."

"Oh, good!"

Deng Xiaoqi was sending a message to Jiang Tianhao, when she heard Ye Xingchen calling her, she immediately put away her phone, and brought half a plate of watermelon on the table to the two of them.

Looking at the posture of the two, Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help smiling and said, "Miao Miao, are you going to let your boyfriend feed you?"

"Ang, no way." Lin Miaomiao looked up at Xiao Qi with a smug smile on her face.

Deng Xiaoqi handed the watermelon to Ye Xingchen, and said to Lin Miaomiao angrily, "Okay, that's too good, you can eat slowly, and don't disturb the two of you showing your affection here."

"Slightly slightly." Lin Miaomiao stuck out her tongue cutely.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at Lin Miaomiao's childish appearance, shook her head and walked away.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xingchen sent the watermelon to Lin Miaomiao's mouth one by one, and Lin Miaomiao opened her mouth to enjoy the emperor's treatment.

After a while, she found that Ye Xingchen had been feeding herself but didn't eat at all, so she said with concern: "You eat too, don't just feed me."

Ye Xingchen raised the corner of his mouth when he heard it, and then inserted another piece of watermelon, biting half of it himself, and brought the remaining half to Lin Miaomiao's mouth, saying, "Do you want to eat?"

"Hey, it's so disgusting, I don't want to eat it." Lin Miaomiao said pretending to be disgusted.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's disgusted look, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to ask her to eat, but ate it on his own, and then slowly wiped out the remaining watermelon on the plate.

Finally Lin Miaomiao realized what was going on, and hurriedly got up to stop her: "Hey, why are you eating by yourself?"

Ye Xingchen glanced at her innocently and said in a flat tone: "Aren't you not going to eat?"

"When will I stop eating?" Lin Miaomiao asked angrily.

"Just now, you said you don't want to eat." Ye Xingchen opened his eyes brightly, and said it as a matter of course.

Lin Miaomiao stood up and said angrily, "You...I didn't mean that just now."

"Then what do you mean? Dislike me?"



"Oh what do you mean?"

Ye Xingchen glanced elsewhere and said, "It's not interesting."

The more calm Ye Xingchen behaved, the more uncomfortable Lin Miaomiao felt: "Ah——, Ye Xingchen, you did it on purpose!"

But Ye Xingchen continued to ignore her, and then wiped out the rest of the watermelon. Lin Miaomiao was annoyed, looked at the last piece of watermelon on the plate, took a bite of half of it, and looked up at Ye Xingchen triumphantly, not forgetting to raise her eyebrows to provoke a bit.

Ye Xingchen quickly pressed the back of Lin Miaomiao's head with one hand, then leaned in front of Lin Miaomiao and bit the remaining half of the watermelon.

Lin Miaomiao never expected that Ye Xingchen would be so bold, completely ignoring the people around him.

Sweet, this is the only word that comes to mind in Ye Xingchen's mind, it may have the sugar content of watermelon, so it makes him feel even sweeter.

And Deng Xiaoqi, who was sitting and watching the play over there, was dumbfounded after seeing this scene, and the watermelon in her hand fell to the ground without holding it properly.With his mouth open, he forgot to take a picture for a moment.

And Jiang Tianhao, who just went down to urge the food, also came back at this time. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but swear: "Fuck."

"Hush!" Deng Xiaoqi hurried over and put her index finger on her mouth to tell him to be quiet.

The two of them went downstairs slowly without making a sound.

After coming downstairs, Jiang Tianhao couldn't wait to ask: "Xiaoqi, what's the situation with the two of them?"

Deng Xiaoqi: "I don't know, I just lowered my head and ate a mouthful of watermelon, and when I looked up again, they..."

"Ah!" Jiang Tianhao, who was still gossiping, suddenly sighed.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at him suspiciously and asked: "What's the matter, why are you sighing? Aren't Miao Miao and Ye Xingchen very affectionate, why don't you see him well?"

"That's not the case, forget it, you can see for yourself." Jiang Tianhao handed the phone to Xiao Qi.

Deng Xiaoqi took it, and what came into view was the chat records of Haozi and Qian Sanyi.

Jiang Tianhao: "Well, let's get together today, are you coming?"

Qian Sanyi: "Okay."

Jiang Tianhao: "Alright then, I'll send you the location."

Qian Sanyi: "Haozi, thank you!"

Deng Xiaoqi looked up at Jiang Tianhao, not knowing whether to be happy or unhappy.

Qian Sanyi is my good friend, I should be happy that he can come, but today Miaomiao's boyfriend is here, and I don't know what to do.

Jiang Tianhao looked at Deng Xiaoqi and asked, "What should I do?"

"I don't know either. Forget it anyway, you told him to come, and Qian Sanyi also agreed. We can only wait and see what happens. Let's go up and tell Miaomiao first. Otherwise, if it really comes later, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold back." Deng Xiaoqi said with a sigh.

Jiang Tianhao nodded, that's all he can do now.

After the two went to the rooftop, Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen had already sat on the seats here. The rosiness on Lin Miaomiao's face hadn't completely faded, and it could be seen that she was still a little shy.

On the other hand, Ye Xingchen acted as if nothing had happened, and joked with the two of them: "Where did you go just now, why did you all go down, why, the two of you go down to remind me, will the food be served faster?"

Jiang Tianhao first sat on the side, and then said to Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao with an awkward smile: "Well, there may be a friend coming later, Brother Chen doesn't mind."

"I don't mind, there are so many people." Ye Xingchen knew who Jiang Tianhao was talking about, but he really wanted to see what Qian Sanyi was like in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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