Ye Xingchen knew that Lin Miaomiao did this on purpose, and of course it was a formal introduction of himself.

After seeing the actions of the two of them, Qian Sanyi felt even more uncomfortable.

Immediately afterwards, both of them fell into memories, Ye Xingchen felt that Lin Miaomiao was holding his hand more and more restrained, and knew in his heart that Miaomiao was thinking of the past.

"Miaomiao! I'm here!" Ye Xingchen also shook Lin Miaomiao's hand vigorously, comforting him softly.

After hearing Ye Xingchen's voice, Lin Miaomiao's mood suddenly calmed down, and then she smiled at Ye Xingchen.

At this time, the eyes of Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi kept changing between Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi, and finally Jiang Tianhao said to Qian Sanyi: "This, Sanyi, everyone said, It's your turn."

Qian Sanyi took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and finally said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, I've been in touch with you so often... I came here today to apologize to everyone, I'm sorry, I'm sorry everyone. You... can you accept me again?"

Qian Sanyi said the last sentence while looking at Lin Miaomiao. At first, he wanted to talk about you, but he glanced at Ye Xingchen next to him, and suddenly changed his mind.

Lin Miaomiao didn't speak, and Ye Xingchen frowned slightly.

The scene was embarrassing for a while, Jiang Tianhao wanted to break the embarrassing atmosphere again, raised his glass and said: "Well, what can I do, let him pass the past, come on, let me represent everyone, welcome you formally..."

"Who are you? You represent everyone. Why do you represent me? You were not the one who was thrown at the airport." Lin Miaomiao said emotionally.

Jiang Tianhao laughed nervously and said: "Well, I also, I can't just waste my life like this, Brother Chen, please persuade Miaomiao."

Ye Xingchen lowered his head and smiled softly, and then said to Haozi: "I really can't help this. Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering. You also know this sentence. I can't help Miaomiao to forgive others, because I Not qualified for that."

As soon as the subject changed, Ye Xingchen's tone became slightly colder: "Haozi, a girl was left alone at a foreign airport. She couldn't speak the language, couldn't move, and the airport staff was complicated. What should I do if I was in danger? This is when I met Miaomiao. , but if I didn't meet it, have you thought about the consequences? Do you know how serious the consequences are?"

"Here, I..." Jiang Tianhao knew the seriousness of the matter, and was speechless for a while.

Lin Miaomiao's eyes were red at this time, she stood up suddenly, raised her glass and said, "Okay, let's look forward, yes, Ye Xingchen also introduced himself just now, but let me repeat, first of all, Ye Xingchen is my boyfriend, and at the same time Haozi's good friend will also become Xiaoqi's good friend in the future. By the way, I forgot to mention that Ye Xingchen is a doctor and a top student."

This sentence was deliberately said to Qian Sanyi.

Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi were stunned when they heard the pertinence in the words.

Then Lin Miaomiao clinked glasses with the two, sat down after taking a sip of the drink, continued to eat, and did not forget to put food for Ye Xingchen, completely ignoring the other three people, just like she and Ye Xingchen.

Qian Sanyi suddenly felt difficult to breathe, so he asked Jiang Tianhao weakly: "Haozi, where is the bathroom?"

Jiang Tianhao got up quickly and supported Qian Sanyi: "Let's go, I'll take you there."

The two walked off the roof.Seeing this, Ye Xingchen got up and followed.

"Ye Xingchen, where are you going?"

"Where are you going?"

Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao asked at the same time.

Ye Xingchen smiled softly at Miaomiao: "I'll go and have a look here, don't worry about me, I know what's in my heart, and besides, isn't there still Haozi down here?"

Then, under the watchful eyes of the two, they also went downstairs.

Deng Xiaoqi hurriedly asked Lin Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, Ye Xingchen won't..."

Lin Miaomiao shook her head, continued to eat the meat and said, "You think too much, Ye Xingchen is very thoughtful, what can be done and what can't be done, he knows better than us."

"That's good." Deng Xiaoqi breathed a sigh of relief.


Downstairs, the bathroom.

Qian Sanyi was washing his face to calm himself down.

Jiang Tianhao asked faintly beside him: "Why, is it not in your heart? If I had known earlier, why bother today, tell me you are Miaomiao..."

"Haozi!" Qian Sanyi yelled to stop him, "I don't want to talk about this now, I'll tell you later."

Jiang Tianhao: "Okay, I won't force you anymore. By the way, Ye Xingchen is a very nice person. He has taken good care of Miaomiao in the past two years. I can see that, so I think..."

"I know..." Qian Sanyi replied lonely with his head down.

"I'm just afraid of you... Forget it, it's good that you know, let's go, they are still waiting up there."


After the two came out of the bathroom, they found that Ye Xingchen was waiting for them outside with his back against the wall.

Seeing Ye Xingchen waiting outside, Jiang Tianhao asked in surprise, "Brother Chen, why did you come down?"

"Come down to find you." Although Ye Xingchen said so, his eyes were always on Qian Sanyi.

Seeing this, Jiang Tianhao hurried forward and hugged Ye Xingchen and said, "Brother Chen, you have to calm down, this is not the time to be impulsive."

Ye Xingchen looked at him speechlessly and said, "I'm not that stupid, okay, I just want to see what's wrong with you, why haven't you come back yet, I'm waiting for you to eat."

"Damn, tell me earlier, I'm scared to death, let's go and eat." Jiang Tianhao put his hands on Ye Xingchen's shoulders, and motioned Qian Sanyi to follow.

Several people returned to the rooftop, Deng Xiaoqi saw the three of them back, and hurriedly stepped forward to ask Jiang Tianhao: "Haozi, Ye Xingchen and Sanyi... nothing happened, right?"

"No, I'm here, nothing happened, don't worry." Jiang Tianhao leaned into Deng Xiaoqi's ear and said.

After Ye Xingchen sat down, Lin Miaomiao asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm not going to fight, I'm just looking to see if I can help, okay." Ye Xingchen smiled helplessly, helped Miaomiao to stroke some messy hair, and said dotingly.

Only then did Lin Miaomiao smile: "Hee hee, that's good."

After being seated, everyone ate quietly this time, and no one talked about other things. Except for Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao's occasional love affair, the rest was relatively harmonious.

After everyone finished eating, Jiang Tianhao put down his chopsticks and said, "Well, you see, everyone finally got together again. Xiaoqi and Sanyi have also lived together for a long time. It's not easy. I suggest, we all How about going out to have fun and celebrate?"

After Jiang Tianhao finished speaking, he looked forward to looking at everyone. At this time, Deng Xiaoqi first said: "Okay, I also want to go out to play. After all, we haven't gone out together for a long time. Miaomiao, what do you think?"

After Lin Miaomiao ate the last piece of meat, she wiped her mouth in satisfaction and said, "Yes, I have no objection."

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