Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "I listen to Miaomiao."

Seeing that everyone agreed, a smile finally appeared on Jiang Tianhao's face, this time it wasn't a fake smile or an embarrassing smile, it was a real smile.

"Well, since everyone has no objections, let's go to the secret room together next weekend. I just know that we should make it clear first. We can't be alone. See you next weekend." Jiang Tianhao got up and said.

Deng Xiaoqi: "Okay, I just want to play the secret room too, let's go together."

Then Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao looked at Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen again, waiting for their opinions.

"Okay, anyway, Ye Xingchen and I don't know where to go on a date. The secret room is pretty good, what do you think?" Lin Miaomiao nodded, thinking that this proposal was good, then looked up at Ye Xingchen, and asked about his Opinion.

Ye Xingchen's expression became a little strange at this time, he touched his nose nervously, and said with an unnatural expression: "The secret room... is it the decryption type or the horror type."

"Of course it's scary, and of course there's also deciphering. The secret room is for these two points, otherwise why would you go to play? By the way, this is a must-go date venue for couples. Don't you have any ideas?" Jiang Tianhao was obviously very excited. Looking at Ye Xingchen with a funny expression, he said.

Lin Miaomiao noticed that Ye Xingchen was hesitating, so she narrowed her eyes and said dissatisfiedly: "Yes, the scary secret room is fun, why? Don't say you don't want to go."

"You're not scared, are you?" Jiang Tianhao joked with a smile.

Ye Xingchen immediately acted indifferent when he heard it, and said in a disdainful tone: "There is nothing to be afraid of, I just feel that it is better to go to the playground, there are many things to play, and it is also a must-go place for couples. Escape room The game obviously pays an IQ tax, you see, spending money to buy scares, and the most important point is, there is a door to stop you, but let you find clues, it’s purely taking off your pants and farting, anyway, I don’t think it’s interesting.”

Lin Miaomiao nodded in agreement after hearing Ye Xingchen's remarks, and then said to Jiang Tianhao: "He agreed, Haozi, don't forget to send us our location when the time comes."

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao in disbelief, what did he say that he agreed to just now, relying on...

"Okay, no problem. It's such a happy decision. I'll contact my friend when the time comes." Jiang Tianhao clapped his hands, and the matter was considered dead.

Ye Xingchen obviously wanted to struggle a bit: "Well, I think it's better to go to the playground."

After Jiang Tianhao heard it, he looked at Lin Miaomiao in embarrassment.

Lin Miaomiao looked at him suspiciously and said, "Look at me, why can't you tell, he agreed."

Pfft... Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help laughing when she saw the two of them.
Jiang Tianhao: "OK."

Ye Xingchen sighed softly, lowered his head and let them decide, since his opinion is not important anyway.

Qian Sanyi sat there hesitating to speak, a little at a loss, when he wanted to stand up to speak, Jiang Tianhao said to them: "Well, I have something to do in the store later, you see..."

Lin Miaomiao got up and said, "We are full too. I have an interview in the afternoon and I will go home in the evening. Xingchen, how about you?"

"What else can I do? Be your driver. I don't need to work." Right now, Ye Xingchen's mind is all about the secret room next weekend, thinking about how to find a reason to escape.

Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously: "Don't you still have a subject?"

"Don't worry, the instructor mainly wants me to relax. By the way, I may have to take elective courses for first-year freshmen. If there is a time conflict, I may not be able to pick you up to and from get off work." Ye Xingchen reminded.

Lin Miaomiao smiled slightly, and then said coquettishly: "What do I think, don't worry about me, you are busy with your work, am I not the same as living well without you? Really!"

"That's good. But if I don't have a class, I will still pick you up." Ye Xingchen gently squeezed the little hand in his hand and said dotingly.

"Oh." Lin Miaomiao rolled Ye Xingchen's cute eyes.

Now Jiang Tianhao next to the two of them really couldn't stand it any longer, and said angrily: "Show affection, go home and show off, I don't welcome it."

"That's right, bullying single dogs. Miaomiao, you're going too far." Deng Xiaoqi was obviously guilty when she said this, because only Jiang Tianhao is single here, at least from his perspective, after all, Jiang Tianhao saw There was an older sister who lived with Qian Sanyi.

Just as Lin Miaomiao was about to refute, Deng Xiaoqi quickly winked at him, and Lin Miaomiao swallowed the words that came to her lips.

During the chat, Qian Sanyi wanted to interrupt, but was interrupted by others.Although Ye Xingchen saw all these things, he didn't say anything to help him. After all, he might not be grateful if he helped others. The point is, no matter what the reason was, Ye Xingchen would not easily leave Lin Miaomiao at the airport. forgive him.

A few people were escorted downstairs by Jiang Tianhao.

Jiang Tianhao looked at several people and asked, "Brother Chen, are you sending Miaomiao back?"

"Otherwise, if we live together, if he doesn't send me, you will." Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

Qian Sanyi suddenly raised his head when he heard it, and looked at Lin Miaomiao in disbelief. He didn't understand why the two developed so quickly.

"That's right, I can't deliver it either, I'll just send Xiaoqi back later. By the way, how do you return Sanyi?"

Jiang Tianhao looked at the surrounding vehicles and said, suddenly he saw a girl in front of him, and took a closer look, this was the sister who opened the door when he went to Qian San's family to look for him that day.

He smiled and nodded at Yu Di as a greeting.

At this time, all eyes were on this girl, only Lin Miaomiao glanced at Bie Chu.

Ye Xingchen reached out and took Lin Miaomiao's soft little hand, and squeezed it lightly: "Go back to the apartment in the afternoon, or?"

"Go home, my mother told me to go back today, so I might go back to my house." Lin Miaomiao said.

"Okay, I'll take it to you."



Jiang Tianhao patted Qian Sanyi on the shoulder, and said: "I don't care about you in that line, see you in the secret room this weekend."

"The secret room, I might..." Qian Sanyi said hesitantly.

After today's incident, Lin Miaomiao already had a bigger opinion on Qian Sanyi, so she said disdainfully: "Don't force others, anyone can miss an appointment to play disappear, isn't it just a game, we can play it as well .”

At this time, Lin Miaomiao's cell phone rang suddenly, she picked it up and saw that it was her mother's phone, and then said to Ye Xingchen: "Let's go, my mother is urging me again."


Ye Xingchen readily agreed.

At this time, Qian Sanyi was provoked by Lin Miaomiao, and regardless of his condition, he said loudly to Lin Miaomiao's back: "I will definitely be there on time."

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