The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 359 Ye Xingchen's Secret Weapon

Seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help laughing, knowing that he did it on purpose, if you want him not to be angry, you need to agree to some conditions, otherwise he won't forgive you.

"Okay, stop pretending, tell me what's the condition this time?" Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes and asked impatiently.

Ye Xingchen's eyes lit up, thinking that he was really sensible, so he leaned into Lin Miaomiao's ear and whispered, "When I get home, wear a dress for a week and show me, hehe."


Lin Miaomiao blushed, gritted her teeth and said, "Okay."

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen immediately changed his expression, returned to the crowd with a smile and said, "There is still one person missing, Haozi, haven't you sent a message to Qian Sanyi?"

Looking at Ye Xingchen who changed his face so quickly, and Lin Miaomiao who was blushing next to him, the two of them didn't believe that Jiang Tianhao was killed because of such a shady deal.

"Well, he sent a message just now, saying he will be there in a while, Brother Chen, this is..." Jiang Tianhao looked at the two of them, with an unknown smile on his face.

Before Ye Xingchen could speak, Lin Miaomiao blew up: "Shut your mouth, I'll pull out your teeth while talking."

Facing Lin Miaomiao's vicious threats, Jiang Tianhao resolutely shut up, while Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help but snicker beside her.She still didn't forget to call Lin Miaomiao aside, and asked curiously: "What did you two say just now, why is Ye Xingchen not angry all of a sudden?"

Lin Miaomiao hesitated and hesitated, not knowing how to answer her question for a while:
"This... oh, it's nothing, just...forget it, don't ask."

Deng Xiaoqi smiled knowingly: "Oh...understood."

"No, don't think too much." Lin Miaomiao knew Deng Xiaoqi was wrong when she saw Deng Xiaoqi's expression.

"I didn't think much about it."


Well, anyway, Lin Miaomiao can't explain clearly, so it doesn't matter.

The four of them waited for a while before Qian Sanyi and Yan Yudi rushed over.

Jiang Tianhao stepped forward to ask the question: "Sanyi, why did you come here? We have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Me, there's a traffic jam on the road." Qian San glanced at Lin Miaomiao, then at Ye Xingchen next to him and said.

"Okay, okay, hurry up and change your clothes, we'll start right away."

Jiang Tianhao didn't ask any more questions, and urged him directly.

Qian Sanyi obviously wanted to say something, but was pushed into the dressing room by Jiang Tianhao.Yu Di followed behind and entered the women's dressing room next to her.

"Oh, the shelf is really big."

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Qian Sanyi's direction, and said disdainfully.

Ye Xingchen brushed the hair by her ear, and said gently: "It's settled, it's settled, if you don't want to see him, don't look at him, so as not to make yourself feel uncomfortable."

"Yeah." Lin Miaomiao nodded and smiled obediently.

This made Ye Xingchen suddenly feel tempted by the uniform.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you look good."

"Cut, glib, scumbag!"

"Very well, adding another week."

"You are really...shameless."

"Thank you for the compliment!"

Jiang Tianhao looked at the two people showing their affection in front of him, and he was a little envious. He asked Deng Xiaoqi who was beside him: "Xiaoqi, do you think we should also sublimate our friendship and kiss each other better?"

"You don't come here, don't forget the purpose of coming today. We are here to ease the relationship between everyone. And you, if you have the opportunity to ask why Qian Sanyi left in the first place, don't just think about these things." Deng Xiaoqi whitened him One glance emphasized today's task.

Jiang Tianhao sighed and said, "Alright."

Soon after they changed their clothes, Deng Xiaoqi looked at Yu Di and said with a smile, "Qian Sanyi, who is this, why don't you introduce us?"

"This friend Yu Di." Qian Sanyi still glanced at Lin Miaomiao and said.

Perhaps sensing Qian Sanyi's eyes, Ye Xingchen took the initiative to hold Lin Miaomiao's hand.

Immediately, Qian Sanyi's eyes dimmed.

"Sister Yu Di is very beautiful, tell us quickly, how did you meet." Deng Xiaoqi first praised her beauty, and then went on to find a topic.

Seeing that Deng Xiaoqi was so enthusiastic and did not let the scene cool down, Yan Yudi continued to answer: "Our two families are family friends."

"Friends of the world, good friends of the world."

Seeing this embarrassing scene, Ye Xingchen couldn't help it: "Well, since everyone is here, let's start."

"Hurry up, hurry up." Lin Miaomiao ran ahead bouncingly, but because Ye Xingchen held her hand, she didn't run away.

The first step is to enter an elevator, which is similar to Ye Xingchen's idea, and there is a strange red light flashing in the dark environment, which looks more intrusive.

Because there is still a little light, Ye Xingchen is not so timid.

After everyone went in, the voice of the staff came: "Everyone, stand up, the elevator will start in a while, and after the game is over, please come to the front desk to pick up your mobile phone."

As soon as the words fell, the elevator suddenly started, and the elevator shook with a bang.

"My god." Lin Miaomiao grabbed Ye Xingchen's arm in fear.

Ye Xingchen also turned around and hugged Lin Miaomiao before comforting him, "Don't be afraid, it's just that the elevator is starting."

"Yeah." Lin Miaomiao put her head on Ye Xingchen's shoulder and smiled.

At this time, Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi looked at Qian Sanyi in tacit understanding, as if they were watching his reaction.

Qian Sanyi just glanced at the two of them, and then lowered his head. In addition to feeling uncomfortable, he also has a phobia of claustrophobia.

As the elevator stopped, everyone also started the secret room escape.

"Let's go, everyone, slow down and watch your step." Ye Xingchen looked at the darkness outside and reminded everyone.

"Yes, be careful." Lin Miaomiao held Ye Xingchen's hand and walked out cautiously.

"let's go,"

The ones behind also followed slowly.

Because of Qian Sanyi's illness, he would feel dizzy and nauseated in this kind of secret room, so he insisted on every step he took.

Lin Miaomiao poked her head out cautiously: "It's too dark for me to go here."

Seeing the darkness in the corridor, Ye Xingchen frowned, and then took out the eye strap from somewhere.

High-tech eyes: It can directly see the night as if it is day, and there are unexpected functions, please explore by yourself.

It was such a short sentence, Ye Xingchen exchanged it without hesitation.

After starting it, it was as if the originally dark corridor was turned on. Ye Xingchen's fear disappeared immediately, and the road to cheating officially started.

Ye Xingchen's pace gradually accelerated, and he began to search every place in the corridor.Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but hold his arm tightly and said, "Xingchen, slow down, wait for me."

"Uh, come on, hold my hand tightly." Ye Xingchen stroked Lin Miaomiao's head with the other hand and comforted her.

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