With the blessing of the new equipment glasses, Ye Xingchen has completely solved the horror element in the secret room. As for deciphering, it can be regarded as his strong point.

The whole secret room is like an abandoned factory, but I don't know if this secret room is as fun as the one I used to play with Miaomiao.

"Ye Xingchen, why are you not afraid of the dark at all? Could it be that you were pretending last week?"

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen who was looking for clues carefully and asked in surprise.

Ye Xingchen rolled his eyes at first, and then said angrily: "When did I say that I'm afraid of the dark, I don't want to come because the escape room is really meaningless, there is a door to prevent you from leaving, it's purely a joke to ask people to find clues." Money for crime."

With the new equipment, Ye Xingchen is stiff now, completely forgetting how scared he was before.

"Cut, see if you can do it. Hey? Since when did you wear glasses, you still look pretty, but now you look more like a beast in clothes." Lin Miaomiao looked up and saw the eyes on Ye Xingchen's face, said in surprise.


Deng Xiaoqi and Jiang Tianhao followed closely behind and didn't hold back, secretly laughing behind them.

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen's blood pressure soared. What kind of metaphor is this? He said he was a scum just now, and he was a scum. Now he has become a beast in clothes. Now Ye Xingchen's face is black and white, not to mention how ugly it is.

"Um, I'm sorry, I just blurted it out, not on purpose." Lin Miaomiao seemed to know that what she said was a bit too much, she quickly covered her mouth, and apologized softly.

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He turned his head to look at Lin Miaomiao's cute and aggrieved eyes, and then said flatly: "Add another week, no, one month."

"Ah?" The dark environment just covered the rosiness of Lin Miaomiao's face, she said dissatisfied.

"Huh? Don't want to?" Ye Xingchen's tone was extremely calm, which made Lin Miaomiao afraid.

She couldn't help but grabbed Ye Xingchen's arm with both hands and shook it, saying, "Ye Xingchen, don't go too far!"

Ye Xingchen pulled out his arm calmly, pretending to be cold and said: "It's not forced."

Then he lifted his foot and walked to the front corridor.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen as if she was really angry, because he had never spoken to her in such a tone.

"Wait for me, Ye Xingchen, don't be angry. Ah..."

Lin Miaomiao ran over cautiously, because the road was difficult and the surroundings were too dark, Lin Miaomiao suddenly tripped.

Almost as soon as he heard the sound, Ye Xingchen turned his head quickly. Lin Miaomiao was about three body distances away from him. She was about to fall, and the ground was covered with uneven marble. I exclaimed in worry.

At this time, Ye Xingchen took a quick step forward and caught Lin Miaomiao just in time.

Lin Miaomiao closed her eyes and thought she was about to touch the ground, but there was no pain on her forehead. She slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw was Ye Xingchen's cold and handsome face.

"Huh, it's a good thing I react quickly, you idiot, why are you running in such a hurry?"

Ye Xingchen let out a breath, and blamed in a low voice.

To be honest, the moment Lin Miaomiao fell down, her heart stopped for a second. It may be because of the shock, or it may be the rest of her life. Lin Miaomiao suddenly threw herself into Ye Xingchen's arms, crying aggrievedly: " It's all your fault, you know how to bully me. I was scared to death just now, I thought I was disfigured. Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Lin Miaomiao's fists kept falling into Ye Xingchen's arms, and Ye Xingchen didn't dodge. Now he has to admire women's ability to turn black and white. As long as they cry, the whole world belongs to them.

At this time, Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi hurried forward and asked with concern: "Miaomiao, are you okay?"

"You are too careless. Fortunately, Ye Xingchen reacted quickly, otherwise you..." Jiang Tianhao said.

"Ah woo woo woo." Lin Miaomiao was even more aggrieved by these words.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao who was wiping tears in his arms silently, and then said silently: "At this time, if the props are dirty, you will lose money. Also, if you hit, you will also be beaten, and you will be cursed, and you will also vent your anger." Yes, but if we need to add one month, we can add one month, so there is a total of one month and one week, which is not negotiable."

Lin Miaomiao cried louder when she heard this.

Qian Sanyi and Yu Di also rushed to hear the sound behind.

"Miaomiao, what's the matter?" Qian Sanyi asked with concern.

"It's okay, she's acting like a baby. Haha." Jiang Tianhao turned around and smiled, telling him not to worry too much. Then, seeing Qian Sanyi's sickness, he couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?" What's the matter, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Qian Sanyi said panting.

This sentence I'm fine is really not authoritative at all, a fool can see that he is insisting.Ye Xingchen just glanced at him now and he probably knew what happened to Qian Sanyi.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen said, "Okay, let's continue walking forward, pay attention to the soles of your feet, the road is not easy to walk."

He looked down at the weeping Lin Miaomiao and said warmly, "Okay, don't pretend to cry, one month and one week, one day is all you need."

Lin Miaomiao knew that she couldn't fool him, so she raised her head suddenly and gave him a hard look: "Hmph, I don't have any sympathy."

Then he walked ahead angrily.

Ye Xingchen directly grabbed her hand this time and said: "Stop losing your temper, follow me, or God knows if you will fall again."

With a gossip mentality, Jiang Tianhao followed the two of them and asked, "I want to know what month and week are, what riddles are you two playing?"

"Go away!"×2
Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao turned their heads and cursed at Jiang Tianhao at the same time.


Then Jiang Tianhao returned to Xiaoqi's side in a dazed manner.

Deng Xiaoqi smiled and said, "You must have been scolded, let you talk too much."

"Don't you want to know?" Jiang Tianhao leaned closer to Deng Xiaoqi's face and smiled wretchedly.

Deng Xiaoqi smiled slightly: "Hehe, I don't want to."

Then he gave Jiang Tianhao the back of his head.

Now Jiang Tianhao has become the target of public criticism, so he can only silently come to Qian Sanyi's side, seeing Qian Sanyi's surprised eyes, so he pretended to care about Qian Sanyi and said, "I think there is something wrong with you, so come here I care about you, how about it, buddy."

"Aren't you abandoned?" Qian Sanyi said solemnly.

Yu Di can be considered a person with a relatively low point of laughter, but he quickly turned his head and covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

Jiang Tianhao saw himself being ruthlessly exposed, smiled awkwardly, and then left silently.


Immediately afterwards, everyone came to a room, which was the beginning of the first secret room.

Ye Xingchen carefully observed the paintings on the wall and the surrounding environment, carefully looking for clues.

"Hey, don't you think these paintings correspond to the four seasons? Look, there are four paintings in spring, summer, autumn and winter." Lin Miaomiao said, pointing to a few paintings like selling treasures.

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