The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 362 The private conversation between Ye Xingchen and Qian 31.

Lin Miaomiao is indeed not interested in the truth of the matter. From her point of view, the past has passed, and it doesn't make any difference whether she knows it or not.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's stubborn look, Yu Di didn't say much.She carefully searched for operable things in this room, trying to open the door and go out earlier.


Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi were locked in a room alone, and the situation was quite embarrassing at the moment.

Looking at Qian Sanyi's condition, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but said, "Are you claustrophobic?"

Qian Sanyi looked back at him in disbelief and asked, "You, how do you know?"

Ye Xingchen walked up to Qian Sanyi, and said slowly: "I just happen to know a little about this disease. I guessed it from your reaction when you first entered the secret room. I didn't expect that you really have this situation. I would rather risk it. You have to come to play the Chamber of Secrets even if your life is in danger, it seems that Miaomiao is very important to you."

Because there were only the two of them here, Ye Xingchen opened the skylight to speak frankly.

Qian Sanyi remained silent.

And Ye Xingchen continued calmly, "To be honest, you really shouldn't be here. No matter what the reason was, I have already sentenced you to death just because you left Miaomiao alone at a foreign airport." Yes. I really want to beat you up now, but reason tells me that I can't. So, after today, I hope you leave by yourself."

"Why? What right do you have to let me go." Qian Sanyi retorted, clenched his fists and looked up at Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen was not angry, he chuckled, and then said flatly: "You should know that Miaomiao is my girlfriend, we two like each other now, although your appearance will not affect our relationship, but Miaomiao is my girlfriend. Miao will be unhappy after seeing you, so I hope you will not appear in front of her in the future."

Qian Sanyi looked at Ye Xingchen unconvinced, and his breathing gradually became short of breath, but he didn't know if he was claustrophobic or because Ye Xingchen was mad at him.

"Impossible!" Qian Sanyi shouted loudly.

It was because of this sound that it attracted the attention of the people in the two rooms next to it.

"Qian Sanyi, Qian Sanyi, are you okay?" Yu Di ran to the door and asked nervously.

Lin Miaomiao also heard the movement outside, thinking that Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi were arguing, so she lay at the door and listened to the voice outside: "Ye Xingchen, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi also lay nervously at the door.

"I'll go, the two of you don't fight." Jiang Tianhao said worriedly.

Deng Xiaoqi please pat him and then said: "Shut your crow's mouth, shhh, listen carefully."

Qian Sanyi looked at Ye Xingchen without fear and said firmly:

"I have known Miaomiao for more than 6 years. We have known each other since the first year of high school. It is impossible for me to give up."

Ye Xingchen was not angry when he heard it, but laughed heartily, and then said coldly: "Hahahaha, don't give up? Why don't you give up? Do you think you have a chance? Do you think you can give Lin Miaomiao Did it bring any help? Or do you think that your illness will not be a burden to Miaomiao? Not to mention anything else, do you think you can take care of yourself now? Wake up Qian Sanyi, if you didn’t Leaving Lin Miaomiao at the airport alone, to be honest, I have no dislike for you personally, even though I know you like Lin Miaomiao."

Qian Sanyi was ashamed of what Ye Xingchen said now, and then he was particularly puzzled. He didn't understand what Ye Xingchen's purpose was for saying this.

Without waiting for him to think deeply, Ye Xingchen's voice continued: "Your illness should be a heart disease. No matter what difficulties you had at the beginning, I still hope that you can leave wisely. Of course, this is your freedom, as you like. But as Miaomiao’s boyfriend, I don’t want to see you pestering Miaomiao again. In fact, I wanted to tell you this last time, but Haozi is by your side, so I have no chance. opened."

Ye Xingchen's words made Qian Sanyi speechless. He wanted to refute but he had no reason to refute. He knew his own situation, and now that Lin Miaomiao had a boyfriend, it was not suitable for him to entangle her any longer, but—he didn't willing!
"Miaomiao and you have known each other for six years. Six years of love have exchanged for two years of disappearance, two years of no news, and the helplessness of Miaomiao being thrown at the airport alone. Qian Sanyi, Do you think you have the nerve to show up again?"

Ye Xingchen said while searching for clues. At this moment, he touched the mechanism and hung an electronic screen from the air. Ye Xingchen turned to examine it carefully, and was also waiting for Qian Sanyi's answer.

"I, I, I didn't mean to, I was..."

Qian Sanyi wanted to tell the truth to defend himself, but Ye Xingchen didn't give him this chance: "If it were me, I would put aside everything and come to Miaomiao as quickly as possible, because in my heart, Miaomiao is the most important thing. Qian Sanyi, do you know that you said that you and Miaomiao have known each other for six years, but the real time we have been together is only three years in high school, right?"

Qian Sanyi thought about it carefully, and finally said: "Yes."

"After three years in high school, it's not too short to get along day and night. In fact, Miao Miao and I have known each other for four years." Ye Xingchen said casually.

Faced with Ye Xingchen's words, Qian Sanyi was a little at a loss, and he couldn't help but said, "Impossible. You are not at the airport..."

"That's right, Miaomiao and I met at the airport, but this is now. And I'm talking about the past."

Ye Xingchen thought of the past, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Qian Sanyi frowned, and asked puzzledly, "What... do you mean?"

Ye Xingchen's remarks not only made Qian Sanyi a little confused now, but also made the four people eavesdropping in the other two rooms dumbfounded, especially Lin Miaomiao. was shocked.Now she desperately wanted to hear what Ye Xingchen had to say.

"Literally, realize it yourself. Anyway, I've come to this point, never disappear from Lin Miaomiao's world, do whatever you want. In fact, you should also understand that it is impossible for you to return to the way you were before. People are valuable You have self-knowledge, so let's do it for ourselves." Ye Xingchen didn't go into details about this matter, but concentrated on solving the puzzle.

Qian Sanyi clenched his fists again, he squatted on the ground unconsciously, and fell into a painful struggle in his heart.

"It can be seen that you and the girl who came with you are not in a relationship, you are just good friends. Maybe you didn't get in touch with Miaomiao in time because of your illness. But... the past is the past , no matter what the reason is, you really hurt Miaomiao, even if you didn't mean it."

"it is good."

Qian Sanyi got up silently and responded.

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