Ye Xingchen was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Qian Sanyi to agree so simply, but that's also good, to save himself from wasting words.

"Let's solve the problem." Ye Xingchen said.

The two did not speak any more, but both observed the jigsaw puzzle.

When Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi heard that there was no movement outside, they left the door.

"Well, Sany is actually quite pitiful." Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help but sighed.

Jiang Tianhao also thinks so, but he also has his own opinion: "Yes, but no matter what, Qian Sanyi did something wrong. He hasn't heard from him for two years, and he left Miaomiao alone at the airport. No matter who he changes angry."

"Okay, anyway, Qian Sanyi also wants to open it, so let's do it. Let's find clues quickly."

Deng Xiaoqi didn't want to discuss this matter anymore, because she was afraid that she would feel compassion.

Jiang Tianhao nodded in agreement, "Okay."

At this time, Lin Miaomiao, who was on the side, was lost in thought. She really wanted to know why Ye Xingchen said that she had known her for four years.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao like this, Yan Yudi thought she was thinking about what happened to Qian Sanyi, so she took the initiative to tell the truth face to face.

"Miaomiao, in fact, Trinity really had a hard time about what happened back then."

Yu Di told Lin Miaomiao the cause and effect of the incident.

Lin Miaomiao understood what happened that year from Yan Yudi's words.After getting the answer, she no longer blamed Qian Sanyi so much in her heart, but there was no resurgence of old feelings.

To be honest, after getting the exact answer, Miao Miao felt more relieved, without a trace of regret, and even had no thoughts of wavering in her heart. She just felt that... the past is in the past. Since there is no way to change the past, then Just cherish the present, if they can, they are still friends, but the relationship is not as close as before, just an ordinary friend.

"Okay, I see, sister Yu Di, thank you for telling me this, the previous things are over, let's continue to solve the problem." Lin Miaomiao smiled relieved, the thorn in her heart was gone, she He can devote himself wholeheartedly to his love with Ye Xingchen. Although the doubts in his heart have been solved, it is obvious that Ye Xingchen still has another puzzle.

Soon the three groups of people found out the electronic puzzle, and then quickly unlocked it, and the closed door reopened.

Lin Miaomiao hurried out and gathered with Ye Xingchen in the outside room.

I saw Lin Miaomiao walking slowly in front of Qian Sanyi, and said gently, without the usual sarcasm in her tone: "Sister Yu Di told me about your affairs, the previous things have passed, we The things that happened are over, we are still friends, but..."

Qian Sanyi laughed at himself after hearing Lin Miaomiao's words, and then said: "I know, as long as I can continue to be friends with you, I am already very satisfied. Your boyfriend is very powerful and excellent, I... …bless all of you."

Lin Miaomiao nodded lightly, with a smile on her face.

Then she turned her head and hugged Ye Xingchen's hand, then whispered in his ear, "What do you mean by those words you just said?"

"What?" Ye Xingchen stroked the back of his head, looking confused.

"Don't try to be stupid, why did you say you've known me for four years?" Lin Miaomiao's little hand got into Ye Xingchen's suit at some point, and then twisted it hard.

"Ah..." Ye Xingchen snorted in pain.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Tianhao and the others looked at Ye Xingchen and asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen resisted the pain, then showed a smile uglier than crying and said, "It's okay, I'm up to my waist."

Fortunately, the light in the secret room was weak, so the expression on Ye Xingchen's face was hard to be noticed by others.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen innocently, as if she had nothing to do with her.

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to say quietly: "I lied to him just now, and you believe it, he's really stupid."

"Hehe, I'm not as smart as you, but I don't even believe what you're saying even with this punctuation mark." Obviously, Ye Xingchen's nonsense didn't hide Lin Miaomiao's words, on the contrary, it aroused Lin Miaomiao's curiosity even more. , she thought that Ye Xingchen must have something to hide from herself.

Ye Xingchen argued again: "Uh, I'm telling the truth."



Yu Di supported the panting Qian Sanyi, and asked worriedly, "Are you all right?"

"Yu Di, don't worry, I'm fine." Perhaps it was because Lin Miaomiao had forgiven him, so there was a long-lost smile on his face.

Then everyone didn't waste any time, and directly entered the secret room on the next floor. After entering, an NPC first appeared on the TV next to him and said a bunch of inexplicable nonsense, and then asked everyone to find clues.

Ye Xingchen looked at the piano next to him and the score on the piano, and he already had the answer in his mind.

"This piano is the key to getting out of this secret room." Lin Miaomiao ran over and said.

"Yes." Ye Xingchen slowly walked around to the piano seat and sat down.

Lin Miaomiao picked up the music score next to her and said impatiently: "Is there any mistake, and I don't give you a score."

"Give me the score and you can talk." Deng Xiaoqi who was next to him struck out.

Lin Miaomiao was slightly taken aback, and suddenly thought: "That's right, I don't know how, then I can't get out."

At this time, Ye Xingchen put his hands on the piano slowly, and then slowly closed his eyes. At this moment, his ten fingers seemed to be fused with the keys.

A beautiful piano piece spread throughout the room. While everyone was enjoying it, they were even more shocked, especially Yu Di, because an expert would know if it was there.

As the only person here who has practiced the piano, she naturally knows that Ye Xingchen's piano level is at least a master level, which is even worse than hers.

After a while, the door of the secret room opened slowly.But at this time, everyone was surprisingly unanimous in not disturbing Ye Xingchen, but continued to enjoy this beautiful piece until the end.

After a piano piece ended, Ye Xingchen slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing this scene, everyone looked at him in shock.

"What's the matter, the door opened, why are you so dumbfounded, get out, we've cleared the level." Ye Xingchen got up and said.

"Lao Ye, you actually know how to play the piano?" Lin Miaomiao said excitedly, patting the table excitedly.

Ye Xingchen patted her head to calm her down, then said modestly: "I understand a little, I understand a little, I learned a little bit when I was bored."

"Talk about the whole piece with your eyes closed, and you still understand a little? If you understand a little, those piano learners who have only been in the 8th or 9th grade after several years of piano study will not be ashamed to jump into the river." Deng Xiaoqi said angrily.

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