The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 365 Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau

At this time, Ye Xingchen came to him, handed him a card and said in a low voice: "This is a very good psychiatrist, maybe you have heard of him. Last time I contacted him, I remember that he is still in BJ. If you want to cure your disease, you can call him after going to BJ, and just say that I asked you to come, and I hope it can help you."

Then he patted Qian Sanyi on the shoulder, then turned around and took Lin Miaomiao's hand and said, "Everyone, Miaomiao and I are going home first, just call us when there is an event next time."

Deng Xiaoqi quickly responded: "Okay, goodbye Ye Xingchen, goodbye Miaomiao."


Ye Xingchen nodded to Deng Xiaoqi, and then left with Lin Miaomiao.

Qian Sanyi looked at the psychiatrist on the business card, and couldn't help being slightly surprised. He didn't expect Ye Xingchen to know him...


On the way back, Ye Xingchen hummed a ditty, feeling particularly happy.

Lin Miaomiao sat on the co-pilot and looked at the smiling Ye Xingchen, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, I have been laughing since I came out of the secret room, and it hasn't stopped."

"It's nothing, I'm just happy. I'll take you to eat what you want to eat tonight." Ye Xingchen said cheerfully.

Lin Miaomiao said dissatisfiedly: "You know what to eat when you eat. Didn't you say that you should be diligent and thrifty in the future? Alas, I haven't received a single notification until now. I'm so annoying."

Just when Lin Miaomiao was complaining, she suddenly received a message on her mobile phone.

"It's another spam message." Lin Miaomiao complained if she didn't read it.

Ye Xingchen persuaded her to be more optimistic: "What if it's a job invitation from someone else's company? After taking a look, I have a hunch that something good will definitely happen today, maybe it really is."

Listening to Ye Xingchen's optimistic words.Lin Miaomiao pursed her mouth, and turned on the phone with a touch of luck in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Miaomiao was stunned.

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao hadn't spoken for a long time, Ye Xingchen turned to look at her and said, "What's the matter, it can't really be an invitation to join the company."

Lin Miaomiao put down her phone blankly, looked at Ye Xingchen with disbelief and asked, "The text message said that I was admitted by Vientiane, and I will go to the company for an interview next Monday. Ye Xingchen, do you think this is someone's job?" What a prank."

Ye Xingchen slowed down the car, and reached for Lin Miaomiao's cell phone: "Miaomiao, let me take a look."

"Here!" Lin Miaomiao opened the message and handed it to Ye Xingchen.

After carefully checking the text message, Ye Xingchen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, then returned the phone to Lin Miaomiao, and said, "Let's go, let's have a big meal and celebrate."

"What do you mean, you mean it's real? I was really taken by Vientiane?"

Up to now, Lin Miaomiao is still full of disbelief.

Ye Xingchen saw Lin Miaomiao's cute and cute look, and couldn't help but joked: "Fake, I lied to you."

"Ye Xingchen!"

Lin Miaomiao greeted Ye Xingchen with her small fist the size of a sandbag.

Although Lin Miaomiao didn't hurt herself from beating herself, but it was on the road, if she got distracted and crashed, it would be over: "Stop, stop, stop, wrong, I'm driving Miaomiao."

Afterwards, Lin Miaomiao also realized that her behavior was indeed very dangerous, so she quickly stopped, but she still didn't give Ye Xingchen a good face.

"Okay, okay, I'm teasing you, it's true, you've really been taken by Vientiane. Today is a happy day, I'll take you to a big meal." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao's small mouth and pouted. Lao Gao didn't continue to tease her.

"Hmph! I don't want to eat food from outside. Go back and cook for me. I'll treat you to it after I get paid at work." Lin Miaomiao is still thinking about saving money and increasing income. She is really a good wife and mother Very typical.

After thinking about it, Ye Xingchen readily agreed: "Okay, anyway, I'm happy today, so I can cook a big meal for my future wife."

"Bah, who is your wife, don't be so narcissistic?" Lin Miaomiao said with disgust.

"To be honest, if you want to tell me to go get the certificate with me now, I will really take you there without any hesitation."

"Really? Then go now, do you dare?" Seeing Ye Xingchen say this, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help suspecting that Ye Xingchen was joking, after all, major events in life cannot be played like this.

But what Lin Miaomiao didn't expect was that Ye Xingchen suddenly turned left at the intersection where he was going home.

"What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao asked in surprise.

Ye Xingchen said bluntly, "Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

"Brother, today is the weekend. The Civil Affairs Bureau is not open." After hearing Ye Xingchen's simple answer, Lin Miaomiao covered her head. She wondered if the child Ye Xingchen had an intermittent IQ certificate.

Ye Xingchen, who had just turned around, was stunned for a moment, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses: "That's right, today is Sunday, so let's go tomorrow."

"Fuck you, turn around and go home, I'm starving to death, you idiot." Lin Miaomiao started to protest as she moved around the co-pilot.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's starving appearance, Ye Xingchen shook his head helplessly.It's only five o'clock and I'm so hungry. The point is that I just ate at 12:30 noon.

Ye Xingchen quickly brought Lin Miaomiao downstairs to the apartment, and the two of them prepared all the seasonings for cooking at the convenience store downstairs. As for the ingredients, last time Wang Shengnan prepared a large pile for Lin Miaomiao in the refrigerator , I haven't finished eating yet.

After arriving upstairs, Lin Miaomiao habitually lay down on the sofa: "Tired and hungry, ah, so hungry, so hungry, Ye Xingchen, I'm hungry."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to cook now, don't make noise, why don't you sleep for a while, sleep can relieve the feeling of hunger." Ye Xingchen said with his ears blocked by the noise.

"Hungry! Hungry! Hungry!"

At this time, Lin Miaomiao could no longer hear what Ye Xingchen said, she stared at the ceiling dully, and kept repeating the word hungry.

Helpless, Ye Xingchen hurried to the refrigerator to take all the ingredients to the kitchen, and cleaned out the rice to cook. Knowing Lin Miaomiao's appetite, Ye Xingchen specially cooked some more rice, fearing that Lin Miaomiao would not be full after a while .

Then I made another spicy chicken and Kung Pao chicken. Since there was another bag of chicken drumsticks in the refrigerator, Ye Xingchen made these two easiest ones first.

Then I picked two good pieces of pork, made a portion of pork belly, and then randomly copied a few vegetarian dishes.

Lin Miaomiao, who asked about the aroma, got up from the sofa in a daze, slipped into the kitchen like a walking dead, and started to grab something to eat.

But this time Ye Xingchen was not caught by her. He gently patted Lin Miaomiao's paw away with his hand, and said angrily: "Go wash your hands, you can eat after washing your hands, and you are not allowed to scratch directly with your hands in the future, it is not hygienic."

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