The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 366 The Good Wife Lin Miaomiao

"Eat it if I don't want it, give it to me." Lin Miaomiao returned to her soul instantly after being blocked, and she said angrily to Ye Xingchen.


"give me."


"I'm hungry."

"Go wash your hands, you can eat in a while." Ye Xingchen didn't give in the slightest this time.

In the end, Lin Miaomiao still didn't turn Ye Xingchen around, so she had to go to the bathroom to wash her hands.

Ye Xingchen's process has been completed. Tomatoes, three meat and three vegetables, plus a big pot of rice, it is a relatively luxurious dinner.

And Lin Miaomiao took the initiative to help Ye Xingchen bring the food.Don't get me wrong, this is really hungry and crazy, just two steps away, Lin Miaomiao couldn't wait any longer, so she grabbed a piece of spicy chicken nugget and put it in her mouth.


Ye Xingchen sighed heavily after seeing Lin Miaomiao's appearance, the original warm dinner scene will not be seen today, and not only will not be able to see the warm scene, but it is very likely to see the battlefield full of gunpowder smoke.

When the food was ready and the rice was served, Lin Miaomiao couldn't wait to grab a piece of meat and took a bite of the rice.

"Ah, I'm so's so delicious. From now on, I've decided not to go to restaurants, but to eat at home. You are in charge of cooking." Lin Miaomiao looked at the food, her eyes glowed, and then she turned her gaze to Ye Ye. On the body of the stars.

After hearing Lin Miaomiao's words, Ye Xingchen's head was full of black lines and he refused directly: "Don't even think about it, I'm a teacher, not a chef, I don't cook every day, I have to do it yourself."

Ye Xingchen's refusal was also expected by Lin Miaomiao, she smiled at the corner of her mouth and said: "If you cook for me every day, then I will show you that white dress every day when I go home, how about it?" , do you want to reconsider now?"

Ye Xingchen put down the bowl, and then said righteously: "I don't think about it, I don't think about it, I just like to cook, so I made such a happy decision. I will take care of the three meals in the future."

"Hehe, I despise you." Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen with dull eyes suddenly, and couldn't help but sneer.

Ye Xingchen had a smile on his face, so he didn't care what Lin Miaomiao said.

While the two were having dinner and chatting, Jiang Tianhao called.

Ye Xingchen picked up the phone and pressed the answer button: "Hey, Haozi, what are you doing calling?"

"Xingchen, are you free now? Come out with me for a drink." Jiang Tianhao's voice was a little low.

Ye Xingchen didn't hesitate after hearing Haozi's voice, and agreed directly: "Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes, wait for me."

Then Ye Xingchen hung up the phone, and said to Lin Miaomiao: "Just put the bowl away after you finish eating. I'll wash it. I'll go out for a while."

Lin Miaomiao also put down the rice in her hand, stood up and asked nervously, "Where are you going so late?"

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's worried look, Ye Xingchen smiled softly: "Haozi said he asked me to drink with him. I think it must be because of a relationship problem, so I went to see him."

"I'll go with you." Lin Miaomiao said quickly when she heard that Haozi's feelings were frustrated.

Ye Xingchen waved his hand and said: "No need, the reason why he called me was because he didn't want you to know, okay, you can eat quickly. By the way, I may not be back tonight, after you finish eating Go to bed by yourself first."

"Okay." Seeing Ye Xingchen's refusal, Lin Miaomiao nodded reluctantly.

"So good." Ye Xingchen gently hugged Lin Miaomiao, then nodded her forehead, "Okay, let's go."

Lin Miaomiao followed outside the apartment, helped Ye Xingchen tidy up her clothes, and then said with concern: "Be careful on the road, don't drink too much alcohol, and if you come back, don't drive, call me if you need anything. "

At this moment, Lin Miaomiao is like a good wife and mother, arranging the clothes of her husband who is going to work.

Ye Xingchen's heart suddenly warmed up. At this time, Lin Miaomiao's concern for him seemed to touch a certain place in his heart: "Miaomiao, I will definitely come back."

"Okay, I'll wait for your return." Lin Miaomiao said seriously.

"Well, I'm leaving, you go back quickly, bye." Ye Xingchen knew that he couldn't stay any longer at this time, otherwise he really didn't want to leave for a while. I'm a little reluctant to go out.

Lin Miaomiao stood at the door and waited until Ye Xingchen was out of sight before returning to the apartment.


Soon Ye Xingchen came to the rooftop of Jiang Tianhao's shop. At this time, Jiang Tianhao had already drank several bottles of beer, and was sitting there dejected.

Ye Xingchen sat down opposite him and said, "What's the matter, seeing you like this, are you troubled by love?"

"You're here, brother Chen, come and drink." Jiang Tianhao took a bottle of beer to Ye Xingchen and handed it over.

Ye Xingchen took it without politeness and took a big gulp.

Seeing Ye Xingchen being so forthright, Jiang Tianhao laughed at himself and said, "Brother Chen, Xiaoqi, she's talking about a boyfriend."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xingchen did not show a surprised expression, but said calmly, "So?"

"Aren't you surprised at all?" Jiang Tianhao was a little puzzled.

Ye Xingchen shook his head and leaned back on the chair, looked at the beer in his hand and said slowly: "I'm not surprised, I feel normal, it's not normal not to fall in love in four years of college."

"But I've been chasing her for so many years, I... I don't understand what I'm not doing well enough."

"You didn't do anything badly. On the contrary, it was because you did so well that you couldn't catch up with Xiaoqi."


Obviously Jiang Tianhao didn't understand why Ye Xingchen said something.

Ye Xingchen sat up straight, and said seriously: "Because this is human nature, people are cheap, if you try your best to treat her well, she will feel that you are not important, and everyone, including me, will feel this way .”

"But why did you and Miaomiao..."

"I'm different from Miaomiao."

"Why is it different? Some things you do are better and more detailed than mine, but why did you succeed and I fail? Is it because I'm not as handsome as you, richer than you, and as educated as you are?" ?”

Jiang Tianhao said indignantly.

Ye Xingchen was slightly taken aback when he heard this, then silently turned his head to Bie Chu and said, " know this too, don't you?"


Jiang Tianhao was at a loss for words for a moment, and felt speechless for a moment. He drank half a bottle of beer in his hand suddenly, because he was hit, and his heart was already traumatized by the blow. After drinking, he opened another bottle on his own.

"Okay, stop drinking." Ye Xingchen got up and snatched the bottle of beer and put it on the table, "I was just joking, my situation with Miaomiao is different from yours, my fate with Miaomiao is destined Yes. Even if I tell you, you still don’t understand.”

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