"Hehe, it's destined, so Xiaoqi and I just disagree with God." Jiang Tianhao sat quietly under the lamp, laughing at himself.

Ye Xingchen shook the wine bottle, and said slowly: "Although it's not good to say this, it's a bit desecrating your friendship, but from the perspective of interests, if you want others to be inseparable from you, you must first have a certain value. .It doesn’t matter whether it’s friendship branched from the profit chain or love, it’s the same.”


Jiang Tianhao frowned.

Ye Xingchen nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, benefits. Regardless of emotions, the only thing that can maintain the relationship between people is benefits. For example, you like Deng Xiaoqi, so all you have for Xiaoqi Care and love are done according to the treatment of girlfriends, but your relationship with her is still in the friendship stage, which leads to one thing..."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Tianhao asked impatiently.

"Xiaoqi only needs to maintain a friendly relationship with you to enjoy the treatment of a couple. If this is the case, why does she need to go one step further? So your value is completely lost, because you have always been low. She chased after her posture. Everyone likes challenges, and your level is too easy, so if you are a girl, you will challenge more difficult levels."

Ye Xingchen felt thirsty, so he took another sip of beer, and then continued to ask,

"Deng Xiaoqi liked Qian Sanyi when she was in high school."

"How do you know?" Jiang Tianhao was startled, and then asked with an incredulous expression.

Ye Xingchen pretended to be mysterious and said with a smile: "You don't need to worry about this. The reason why Deng Xiaoqi likes Qian Sanyi is because Qian Sanyi has something that ordinary people don't have in him. We call this kind of shining point. Qian Sanyi is a student. Baba, it is said that back then he was the top student in the high school entrance examination, his family was rich, and he was also handsome, a pure protagonist template, a character at the school level."

When Jiang Tianhao heard this, he nodded half-understanding, as if he understood what Ye Xingchen said, but he didn't seem to fully understand, then he asked again: "So the reason why Xiaoqi doesn't like me is because of my body. If there is no shining point, then what can I do, this thing is born."

Ye Xingchen laughed, then shook his head.

"Brilliant points are a plus, but not the main thing. You are also pretty handsome, and your family was very rich when you were in high school. You can be regarded as a famous young man in Jiangzhou, and a national second-level athlete. These shining points are enough. But Qian Sanyi still attracts girls more than you, do you know why?"


"Because of personality. Qian Sanyi's personality is that... let's call it cold for now. But you are a bit like a warm man. Of course, each has its own advantages, but you are too active and warm a little too much. It has become a hot potato that no one wants."

When talking about Qian Sanyi's character, Ye Xingchen obviously hesitated, because according to his understanding, this guy has a sullen personality, and he pretends to be cold, in order to attract everyone's attention and increase attention to him .

"But I think it's right for me to do this. Isn't it good to treat the person I like?" Jiang Tianhao didn't understand what kind of theory this is. Shouldn't you be careful when chasing a girl you like?Why is there still a saying of passing and passing.

Ye Xingchen immediately said: "I don't think it's wrong, but human nature is like this. You never know how to cherish the things you get easily, but you are willing to pay any price for the things you want but are hard to get. Haozi, think about it carefully. Someone around you must have liked you, or is liking you, but you didn't realize it.

Of course, I can give you a suggestion, since you know that Xiaoqi already has a boyfriend, then you should restrain your behavior, don't do some things that shouldn't be done, and don't meet people who don't need to meet , Don't say what you shouldn't say, everything will return to the way of a friend, you can care about your friend, but don't care about your friend too much. "

After Haozi heard Ye Xingchen's suggestion, he resisted instinctively, but after thinking about it carefully, he really shouldn't bother Xiaoqi too much, so he raised his head and looked at Ye Xingchen and asked seriously: "What are the details?" What should I do?"

Ye Xingchen didn't tell him the answer directly but asked another question: "Do you still want to persist?"

"I like Xiaoqi very much..." Jiang Tianhao didn't answer this question directly, but now the answer is very clear.

Ye Xingchen smiled wryly, that's all, just stick to it, like this kind of thing, it's really hard to give up, let's help him one last time, so Ye Xingchen said: "It's better to restore your state to Friends, if you don't know how to do it, I will send you a detailed explanation tonight.

Sometimes when chasing girls, don’t chase them wildly. You must know how to play hard to get, but don’t have too much hope. The two of you haven’t been together for so many years, which means Xiaoqi doesn’t like you.Moreover, this matter is strictly immoral, after all, it is poaching. "

When Jiang Tianhao heard Ye Xingchen's words, he didn't see the lonely look just now, and his dim eyes suddenly lit up. He stood up excitedly and asked, "You mean, I still have a chance?"

"In mathematics, an event with a probability of zero may not be impossible to happen, so everything is possible, but Haozi, this possibility is very small, and even if you succeed, you may find that you don't like it that much. Xiaoqi, it's just obsession, are you sure you want to continue?" Ye Xingchen reminded for the last time.

Jiang Tianhao's tone was firm: "I can't give up even if there is even a chance."

"Okay, I'll help you." Ye Xingchen stood up and raised the half bottle of beer in his hand and said, "Tomorrow I will send you a detailed description, and you must strictly follow it."

Jiang Tianhao got up a bottle of beer again, bumped into Ye Xingchen, and said solemnly: "I will strictly abide by it. Cheers."



About two hours later, Ye Xingchen took a taxi and returned to the Swan Hill apartment.At this time, he tried his best to keep himself awake and climbed upstairs. As for how much he drank, he only remembered that this was the most he drank in his life.

With a good sense of direction, Ye Xingchen found the location of his apartment, and after confirming the house number, he knocked on the door with the last bit of strength.

dong dong dong...

"Who is it? Is it Ye Xingchen?" Lin Miaomiao's voice came.

Ye Xingchen leaned against the wall behind, shook his head, let Xing stay awake, and said, "It's me."


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