Although Ye Xingchen didn't know why Lin Miaomiao was so wary of him, but he was sure that he must have done something to Lin Miaomiao last night when he was drunk, and then Ye Xingchen thought of that dream again.

"No way!" Ye Xingchen's face immediately became ugly, and he asked Lin Miaomiao nervously, "Well, last night I...did I do anything strange?"

When Lin Miaomiao heard that, a faint blush immediately appeared on her face, and then her eyes flickered, and she said in a panic: "No, no, nothing happened."

It's okay if you don't explain, Ye Xingchen's heart is half cold with this expression and tone, he won't really treat Miaomiao... Sigh, beast.

"I'm hungry, I'll wash and eat first." After Lin Miaomiao got off the sofa, she hurried into the bathroom.

Taking advantage of Lin Miaomiao's absence, Ye Xingchen asked the bracelet, "Heitan, did I do something to Miaomiao last night?"

Heitan: "Sorry boss, I don't know."

"How could you not know? Aren't you under 24-hour surveillance?" Ye Xingchen asked puzzled.

Heitan: "When the boss is doing private things, Heitan will turn off the real-time monitoring."

Ye Xingchen's mind quickly turned around, and he would turn off real-time monitoring when doing private things, wouldn't that be...

While Ye Xingchen was having a thought storm, Lin Miaomiao came out after washing.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao with an embarrassed smile, then summoned up courage and said slowly, "That... Miaomiao, I will take responsibility."

"Ah, what?" Lin Miaomiao was confused by Ye Xingchen's words.

Ye Xingchen got up and walked to Lin Miaomiao, stared at Lin Miaomiao, and said in a very serious tone: "I said that I will be responsible and marry you. We have time to go to the hospital for a check-up. I am afraid you are pregnant. Pregnant."

Lin Miaomiao was stunned, and then said shamefully and angrily: "Ye Xingchen, what are you talking about, you, you... hooligans! Who will be pregnant! Also, I will not marry you, get out of the way."

Lin Miaomiao pushed him away forcefully, then sat on the sofa and turned her head away from him.

"Ah, we didn't last night..." Ye Xingchen was a little confused by Lin Miaomiao's reaction, what was going on.

"Shut up and eat!" Lin Miaomiao said through gritted teeth.

"Okay." Ye Xingchen sat down with doubts in his heart, and began to eat today's breakfast.

The whole small living room was filled with embarrassment, no one behind the two spoke, only the sound of eating noodles.

Soon after breakfast, Ye Xingchen took the initiative to put away the bowls and chopsticks, washed them clean, and then prepared to take Lin Miaomiao to work. He reminded hesitantly:

"That... Miaomiao, it's almost 8 o'clock, your work."

"I, I'm leaving now." Lin Miaomiao returned to the house and began to pack her things.

Ye Xingchen followed in slowly, and then said, "I'll take you there. I just happen to have no class this morning."

"Whatever you want." Lin Miaomiao's tone was extremely calm, without any hint of happiness or anger.

Ye Xingchen smiled wryly at the side, thinking that he would never drink again in the future, drinking really delays things, and it is easy to make mistakes.

In fact, what he didn't know was that Lin Miaomiao's current appearance was pretending. Although she looked very calm on the surface, she was actually shy in her heart. Now she was a little afraid to face Ye Xingchen normally. The appearance of the stars reminded her of what happened last night.

"Okay, I'll go down and wait for you first, you pack up quickly." Ye Xingchen said.

Lin Miaomiao: "Good!"

Then Ye Xingchen went downstairs first.

After Lin Miaomiao saw him leave, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and a blush appeared on her tense face.

"What to do, what to do... how to face him in the future." Lin Miaomiao lay on the bed and covered her head with the quilt.

Five minutes later, Lin Miaomiao sat up from the bed, changed into a professional attire, and went downstairs with her resume.

After Lin Miaomiao got into the car, Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao in black professional attire and couldn't help but said, "Are you wearing this to the interview?"

"Why, isn't it good? The company said they are wearing formal clothes." Lin Miaomiao looked at her clothes and asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen frowned, thought for a while and said, "That's fine, it's indeed quite formal, but it just feels a little too formal."

"Just be formal." After Lin Miaomiao heard this, a smile appeared on her face.

Then Ye Xingchen started the car and brought Lin Miaomiao to the Vientiane company for an interview. The company's address is not far from Miaomiao's apartment, but the drive will take 10 minutes. With black charcoal navigation, the trip was not delayed by the morning rush hour.

After coming downstairs to the company, Ye Xingchen said to Miaomiao: "I won't accompany you to the interview, come on, I'll wait for you in the car."

"Okay." Lin Miaomiao responded, then opened the car door and left.

During this time, Ye Xingchen took out the computer from the back seat of the car, and began to inquire about the detailed information and main business of Vientiane Company.

Because there were a lot of things yesterday, I didn't check the detailed information of this company in time.

Ye Xingchen took a general look at the company's system and a series of employee requirements, and understood that this is a formal self-media company. The only bad thing is that the company has a wolfish cultural system, and the new employees are under a lot of pressure , so he was afraid that Miaomiao would not be able to adapt.

After Ye Xingchen frowned and thought for a while, he said to Heitan: "Heitan, help me integrate the complete investigation report of Vientiane Network Culture Media Company, analyze its development trend, and then send it to my mobile phone .”

Heitan: "Good boos."

Heitan finished the report in less than 5 minutes and sent it to Ye Xingchen's phone.

Ye Xingchen opened it and saw that it was slowly filled with dry goods. A satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I hope it can be helpful to Miaomiao."

Then Ye Xingchen turned on the car music, adjusted the seat, lay down and waited leisurely.

After about 20 minutes, Lin Miaomiao returned to the car with a smile all over her face, and said impatiently, "Ye Xingchen, I passed the interview."

"Congratulations." Ye Xingchen touched Lin Miaomiao's face habitually.

Then Ye Xingchen thought about what happened yesterday, and then retracted his hand in embarrassment.

Lin Miaomiao naturally understood what Ye Xingchen was thinking at this time, she quickly changed the subject: "Well, just now Xiaoqi sent me a location, asking me to go to Wanda to find her."

"Okay, I'll take you there." Ye Xingchen responded with a smile.


On the road, Lin Miaomiao kept clutching the suit in her hand nervously, looking out the window in a state of bewilderment.

After arriving at the mall, Ye Xingchen asked, "Do you still need me to wait here?"

"No need, no need, Xiaoqi and I will take a taxi back later, you should hurry back and prepare for lessons." Lin Miaomiao quickly refused.

"Okay, then you two, pay attention to safety and call me if you need anything."

"alright, bye!"


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