As soon as Ye Xingchen sent Lin Miaomiao away, the phone rang. He picked up the cell phone beside him. Seeing the caller's name, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After the phone rang for a long time, he picked it up.

"Hey, Mom, what are you doing on the phone?"

Mu Ying said angrily: "Of course I have something to do on the phone, why are you still calling?"

Ye Xingchen heard that his queen mother seemed not particularly satisfied with him, so he asked, "What's wrong, who messed with you?"

"You messed with me."

"Hey! Say it first, I won't take the blame for this. I'll go to class later. If you have anything to say, tell me, my queen mother." Facing his mother's unreasonable condemnation, Ye Xingchen was about to run away.

Seeing her son's urging, Mu Ying went straight to the topic: "Has Yun Xi been living with you recently?"

"No!" Ye Xingchen replied bluntly.

"No? Didn't you tell her to stay with us temporarily?" Mu Ying's angry voice came from the microphone.

Ye Xingchen could feel the anger of his mother from thousands of miles away at this moment. In order to prevent himself from being scolded, Ye Xingchen quickly explained: "Mu Yunxi has always lived in our house, but I moved out. Now I Live with Miaomiao."

"Living with Miaomiao? Are you two living together?" Mu Ying asked in surprise.

"Yes, otherwise, I have a girlfriend and live with other girls, do you think it's reasonable? Mom!"

Mu Ying who was "questioned" by Ye Xingchen was speechless.

"This, this, this, you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell your mother, how did I know... I also kindly introduced you to a girl quickly. How wonderful is Yun Xi, with a high degree of education, a good family background, and a very friendly person. She's pretty, and she's the child of my college classmate, so I just... who would have thought that you fell in love suddenly." Mu Ying's tone was rather guilty at first, then he was wronged, and then... very righteous.

Ye Xingchen also knew that now is not the time to argue about right and wrong, so he hurriedly said: "I take good care of Mu Yunxi, don't worry, by the way, when will you and my dad transfer the company to China, so I can let you See you Miao Miao."

"Well, it may take a while, and besides, it's fine to come to Holland during your vacation. Do you need us to go back after seeing Miaomiao? What are you doing?" Mu Ying said angrily.

Ye Xingchen sighed softly and said: "Because Miaomiao was stranded at the Amsterdam airport last time, so I'm afraid she will remember something bad, forget it, you guys don't see each other anymore, this matter can't be rushed. Okay, I will I'm going to class now, hang up, and bid my respects to my queen mother."


Ye Xingchen didn't care if his mother had other things to do, so he hung up the phone directly. Ye Xingchen thought that it was finally cleared up, but he didn't expect another call.

"Who is it this time?" Ye Xingchen picked up the phone displeased, "Mu Yunxi, why is she calling?"

After hesitating for a while, Ye Xingchen chose to answer:
"Hey, Miss Mu, is there anything you can do on the phone?"

"Why, can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?" Mu Yunxi's voice had a hint of charm.

Ye Xingchen's tone was very firm, and she was not moved by her voice at all: "No, because I want to accompany my girlfriend, I suggest you don't call me for nothing important, you can easily put me in a desperate situation."

Regarding Ye Xingchen's answer, Mu Yunxi pouted a little displeased, and then said: "Cut, senior, you are really boring, I need to buy some daily necessities, but I am not particularly familiar with this place, so I will trouble you, senior." .”

"..." Ye Xingchen was speechless for a while, and then said: "Sister, don't you know how to use a map?"

"No." Mu Yunxi's answer was very crisp.

"Hey! Wait, I'll be there right away." Ye Xingchen hung up the phone helplessly, and then drove to his home.


Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao had already met, chatting in a beverage shop in the shopping mall.

"Haozi has liked you for so many years. Although he is calm on the surface, he must be heartbroken behind his back. He can still send blessings so generously. I hope you have a good life. He is absolutely true love for you, so selfless." May I ask how many people in this world can do it, anyway, I can't." Lin Miaomiao leaned back against Deng Xiaoqi, her face full of regret for Haozi.

Deng Xiaoqi sighed, and said seriously: "Hao Zi is indeed a nice person, but things like feelings can't be forced, so I just won't call him."

"Understood, but don't worry about it. Haozi is also a person who has experienced great storms, and he has been tempered by you. I believe he will come out sooner or later."

After Lin Miaomiao said this, she didn't believe it. How did Jiang Tianhao get out after chasing Xiaoqi for so many years.But speaking of it, Ye Xingchen also chased him for two years, if he didn't agree in the end, would he be very sad too?

Thinking about it, Lin Miaomiao didn't know where her mind wandered.Deng Xiaoqi yelled several times before she came back to her senses.

"Miaomiao!" "Lin Miaomiao!"

Lin Miaomiao suddenly came back to her senses: "Ah, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter, why are you suddenly distracted, what are you thinking?" Deng Xiaoqi asked curiously.

Lin Miaomiao shook her head and said, "Ah, I didn't think about it. By the way, Xiaoqi, I have a question to ask you."

"what is the problem?"

"It''s Ye Xingchen to me..." Lin Miaomiao's face was rosy, and she hesitated.

"What's wrong with you? He won't treat you... God? Miaomiao you... you are too fast, I asked you to take the initiative but didn't let you come to your door." Deng Xiaoqi was puzzled at first, but suddenly seemed to think of it What, then covered his mouth and said in surprise.

Lin Miaomiao hurriedly waved her hand and explained: "No, we didn't, Ye Xingchen was drunk yesterday, so...but nothing happened to us, I pushed him away, and I don't know what to do today It was embarrassing to face him."

Deng Xiaoqi, who just said that Lin Miaomiao was progressing too fast, suddenly felt bored when she heard that nothing happened between the two:
"It's a pity."

"Yeah, it's a pity. Wait, it's not right, why is it called a pity, Xiaoqi! What are you thinking about?" Lin Miaomiao didn't realize it at first, she nodded foolishly, and when she realized something was wrong, she immediately Said angrily.

"Ah? No, that's not what I mean. I just think that if things like drinking and having sex fail once, there is probably no chance, because next time you will be on guard, and it is unlikely that he will succeed if he wants to. By the way, does Ye Xingchen know what happened last night?"

Lin Miaomiao shook her head, and said uncertainly: "He should have forgotten, and I'm not sure either. He said some inexplicable things to me this morning."

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