"What?" Deng Xiaoqi asked.

Lin Miaomiao blushed and continued: "He said he would be responsible for me, and then asked me to go to the hospital for an examination, saying that I might be pregnant..."

Deng Xiaoqi was stunned for two seconds after hearing this, and then burst out laughing.

"Xiaoqi! Don't laugh." Looking at Deng Xiaoqi who was laughing out loud, Lin Miaomiao felt ashamed and angry, and started to use her "dragon claw hand" at Deng Xiaoqi.

After a lot of fighting between the two, Deng Xiaoqi finally succumbed to Lin Miaomiao's "excessive power":
"Okay, okay, I was wrong, Miaomiao, stop making trouble."

"Hmph! Do you know how powerful I am? Do you still dare to laugh at me?" Lin Miaomiao said triumphantly when she saw Deng Xiaoqi begging for mercy.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Afterwards, Lin Miaomiao let go of Deng Xiaoqi, and the two tidied up their clothes. They both breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that no one had noticed the two of them.

Then Deng Xiaoqi still couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, she leaned into Lin Miaomiao's ear and asked, "What did Ye Xingchen do to you?"

Lin Miaomiao's face was blushing, and she also whispered in Mr. Deng Xiaoqi's ear.

"Oh my God, Ye Xingchen is too... I advise you to be more careful, I'm afraid that one day he really won't hold back and eat you without even bones left." After listening to this, Deng Xiaoqi's eyes lit up and her expression changed. It's weird.

Lin Miaomiao took a sip of the milk tea in her hand, and then said disapprovingly: "Probably not, he is usually very well-behaved, but occasionally he will take the initiative, most of the time he is a piece of wood, and he will especially spoil the atmosphere. Open the skull and see what's inside."

When speaking, Lin Miaomiao stretched out her clenched fist, and her expression was also very ferocious (cute)!
"Um, Miao Miao, you are too violent, you don't look like a girl at all." Deng Xiaoqi said shyly.

"What's wrong with violence, I also like violence, hehe." Lin Miaomiao happily bumped into Deng Xiaoqi's arms, and rubbed the two pillows in front of her.

"Uh...you just have to be happy."

After a while, Jiang Tianhao sent a message in the four little groups: "Will Tianhao's chef get together tonight?"

"Who is it?" Lin Miaomiao asked, still lying in Deng Xiaoqi's arms.

Deng Xiaoqi took out her mobile phone and looked at it. The smile on her face gradually disappeared, and then she felt a trace of guilt: "It's Haozi!"

Lin Miaomiao suddenly sat up and looked at Deng Xiaoqi and asked, "What's the matter, what did he say?"

"He said, do you want to get together tonight..."

"Gathering again, who is it, the four of us?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

"Maybe, of course, these four people may also include Qian Sanyi."

After finishing speaking, Deng Xiaoqi put down her phone and looked at Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao looked indifferent, and said with a warning: "Come on, anyway, the past is over, I have a boyfriend, Qian Sanyi, let's just be ordinary friends, right, I'm warning you two, don't be blind, I like Ye Xingchen."

"Don't worry, I don't care about your affairs. Who you like is your business. We don't care. If you have no problem, I will reply."

"Well, please reply, let Haozi prepare more good things, just to celebrate my successful interview, by the way, it doesn't matter if I open my mouth more." Lin Miaomiao said playfully.

Deng Xiaoqi sighed, and said playfully, "Oh, take it, you bring your family when friends have dinner together, forget it."



Ye Xingchen was accompanying Mu Yunxi to buy what she called "the necessities of life", but the expression on his face was unlovable:
"Sister, are these the necessities of life you mentioned? I said, why do you buy so many clothes as a non-local person? You don't really plan to live in our parents, do you?"

"The clothes I used to wear are all old. Besides, isn't it normal for girls to buy more clothes? But don't worry about the last sentence you said, I'm not that thick-skinned." Mu Yunxi said angrily.

"That's good." Ye Xingchen patted his chest, and the stone in his heart finally fell.

Before Ye Xingchen was happy for a while, Mu Yunxi's voice came again: "My mother said that our house was demolished before, and she planned to buy me a new house in Jiangzhou. She said that she would return to China after a while , and I have already found a job and am planning to develop in Jiangzhou for a long time."


Ye Xingchen was speechless for a while.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's appearance, Mu Yunxi was slightly unhappy: "What is your expression, you want to drive me away so much?"

Ye Xingchen quickly explained: "That's not enough."

"Hmph, you're smart." Mu Yunxi, who was still furious just now, smiled instantly.

"I was just wondering, when Miaomiao and I got married, would you have to pay a little more money, after all, you lived in our wedding room."

"Here! Me! Get out!"


After the two came out of the shopping mall, it was obvious that Mu Yunxi was a little unhappy, and Ye Xingchen was a gentleman behind her helping her carry things.

This scene happened to be seen by Qian Sanyi who was walking just now...

After sending Mu Yunxi back, Ye Xingchen immediately wrote a detailed report in the car and sent it to Lin Miaomiao. There was no way. Judging from Ye Xingchen's experience in watching TV dramas for so many years, this kind of thing must be reported truthfully. , and the more detailed the better, it is best to have photos, videos, and audio recordings in case something happens in the winter window.

Ye Xingchen had sent the recording along with the report.

Miaomiao, who had just finished lunch with Deng Xiaoqi, saw the document report that Ye Xingchen had sent her.

"What is this?" Deng Xiaoqi asked curiously.

Lin Miaomiao handed the phone to Deng Xiaoqi and asked her to check it herself.

Deng Xiaoqi glanced at it roughly, and finally said in shock: "Miao Miao, Ye Xingchen is too concerned about it."

"It's okay, I just feel that although Ye Xingchen did nothing wrong, I'm still unhappy, I don't know why." Lin Miaomiao said with an unhappy face.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's dissatisfaction, Deng Xiaoqi severely reprimanded her: "Hey, what else do you want, just be content with such a good boyfriend, besides, Ye Xingchen is so handsome, so he can't have many A female friend?"

Lin Miaomiao pouted and said, "Not very good."


Deng Xiaoqi shook her head and turned off the microphone on the spot, and stopped talking to Lin Miaomiao.


Soon the evening came, and Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi came to Jiang Tianhao's shop early. Originally, Lin Miaomiao wanted to ask Ye Xingchen to go with him, but Professor Chen Yi suddenly invited Ye Xingchen to his house for dinner, so Ye Xingchen today Can't come late.

Originally, Lin Miaomiao thought that the three of them would have a meal together today, but who knew that Qian Sanyi replied in the group that he would arrive in a while, which made Jiang Tianhao feel very strange, because Ye Xingchen was not free today, Qian Sanyi also replied, what a coincidence.

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