In the evening, the original four little ones sat together again on the rooftop of Tianhao's kitchen. This time the table did not have the tense atmosphere of last time, but the embarrassment of everyone did not decrease much.

"Today our four little ones are really sitting at the same dining table again. I suggest that everyone should have a drink together." Jiang Tianhao of the active group naturally took on the heavy responsibility and began to break the long-held atmosphere.

"Agreed, Haozi is right, our relationship is reborn from the ashes, so we should toast and celebrate. Miaomiao, what do you think?"

Deng Xiaoqi kicked the ball to Lin Miaomiao, signaling her to hurry up too.

Lin Miaomiao stood up slowly, raised her glass and said, "I don't care, it's fine, just drink it."

Seeing that Lin Miaomiao agreed, Jiang Tianhao kicked Qian Sanyi and winked at him.

Although Qian Sanyi can't drink, but now he can be friends with everyone again, so he can't let it go, so under the eyes of the three people, Qian Sanyi stood up, picked up a can of beer and said, "Thank you for accepting me again. I, thank you Miao Miao, thank you for forgiving me."

"I said, why are you talking so much after a drink, so you don't need to thank you. To be honest, I should thank you." Lin Miaomiao said impatiently.

Qian Sanyi asked puzzledly: "Thank me, what are you thanking me for?"

"If you hadn't thrown me at the airport, I wouldn't have a boyfriend." Lin Miaomiao's words were really just a thank you, nothing else.
But what Qian Sanyi thought was that Lin Miaomiao was still blaming him, so his expression turned into guilt again.
"Miaomiao!" Deng Xiaoqi winked at her, signaling her to stop talking.

Lin Miaomiao also felt that what she just said seemed to be misunderstood by Qian Sanyi, so she quickly explained: "Who, I didn't target you, I just want to thank you sincerely, so I'll punish you with a drink, right? You can do whatever you want."

After all, Lin Miaomiao drank the can of beer.

"I'm done."

After finishing drinking, Lin Miaomiao refused to let the control empty the bottle, saying that she could finish drinking.

Jiang Tianhao saw that Lin Miaomiao's appearance was really not intentional, so he hurried out to smooth things over: "Well, Miaomiao really didn't do it on purpose, she has a string in her head, it's not like you don't know it, let's toast too."

"Yes, come, come, let's toast." Deng Xiaoqi also raised her glass again.

Qian Sanyi forced out a smile on the side, clinked his glass with them and drank it down in one gulp.

Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi looked at each other, and they both felt very uncomfortable seeing Qian Sanyi's appearance.

After sitting down, Lin Miaomiao took the initiative to pick up the topic, and the joy overflowing on her face let everyone know that this was a good thing: "I passed the interview, and I will officially join the job from next week. So today is mainly for me to celebrate."



Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi's tone of voice at this time was also extremely perfunctory, which made Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but roll their eyes at each of them.

"Congratulations." Qian Sanyi, who was pretending to be cold, also smiled and gave sincere blessings.

Lin Miaomiao sat on the side with her lips pouted, looked at the three perfunctory monsters in front of her, and said dissatisfiedly: "Cut, you are too perfunctory, it's really boring."

"What else do you want, let me make a celebration ceremony for you? Then make the scene more grand? You can be content with wine and food, and you don't want anything else." Jiang Tianhao saw the table he had worked so hard to make Cai was still disgusted, and I immediately became unhappy.

Lin Miaomiao didn't have any influence on Jiang Tianhao's cynicism at all, and even nodded and said, "It's fine, you can figure out what specifications, don't be too small, and don't be too big."

Jiang Tianhao: "Go away, go away, I'll give you a ladder and you can really climb up."

Deng Xiaoqi and Qian Sanyi couldn't help laughing, this feeling of going back to the past really made Qian Sanyi miss it.

After a few people chatted for a while, Jiang Tianhao suddenly remembered something, so he turned his head and asked Qian Sanyi with concern: "Sanyi, what happened to the claustrophobia that Ye Xingchen mentioned last time? It's not a big problem, right? "

"That's right, I said you felt weird when you were in the secret room, doesn't affect your body, right?" Deng Xiaoqi asked with the same concern.

Just as Qian Sanyi wanted to explain, Lin Miaomiao, who was opposite, suddenly said, "This disease has no effect on the body, it is mainly a disease in the heart, but according to Ye Xingchen, the disease is also very uncomfortable when it occurs."

Hearing Lin Miaomiao's remarks, Jiang Tianhao asked worriedly: "Really, Sany, you, how did you get this room phobia."

"It's airtight." Lin Miaomiao corrected.

"Yes, yes, sealed."

Qian Sanyi hesitated for a while, seeing everyone's concern, finally told the truth of the matter:

"Two years ago..."

In the next 20 minutes, Qian Sanyi narrated what happened in these years. After hearing that Qian Sanyi had been unconsciously lying on the hospital bed for a period of time, Deng Xiaoqi, Jiang Tianhao, and even Lin Miaomiao showed sympathy in their eyes. eyes.

The thorn in Lin Miaomiao's heart is completely gone. Now that the misunderstanding has been eliminated, the hatred for Qian Sanyi is naturally gone, but they can't go back to the past, they can only be an ordinary friends.

"Miaomiao, I know that this matter is ultimately my fault, so I..."

Qian Sanyi looked at Lin Miaomiao seriously and said.

"Okay, I see. Didn't I say I forgive you? If you want, we are still friends, but only friends."

Lin Miaomiao interrupted his words with her hand, and said emphatically.

When Lin Miaomiao said to forgive him, he was overjoyed at first, but then his heart fell to the bottom.

"I know." Qian Sanyi said lonely.

Jiang Tianhao suddenly felt a sense of sympathy for each other. He looked at Qian Sanyi with a wry smile and said, "Now we are four and two girls are out of singles first, leaving us two single dogs."

When Deng Xiaoqi heard what Haozi said, she was a little afraid to look up at him, because she always felt a little guilty towards Jiang Tianhao.

"Haozi, today is my day of great joy. What's the matter with your expression? How can you celebrate for me when you're so mournful?" Lin Miaomiao sensed that this topic was developing in a strange direction, so she hurriedly interrupted Jiang Tianhao emo.

"Yes, yes, mine, let's not talk about it, drink?"

Haozi also realized that he really shouldn't bring up this topic, so he immediately returned to the topic.

At this time, Qian Sanyi kept grabbing his pants, as if he wanted to say something.

Deng Xiaoqi noticed it, so she asked in a low voice: "What do you want to say on Sanyi? Just say it, and there are no outsiders here."

Qian Sanyi looked up at Lin Miaomiao, and then said slowly: "Miaomiao, although I know that this matter is out of my control, I still want to tell you after thinking about it."

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