Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi, the two people who eat melons, immediately stopped their movements after hearing Qian Sanyi's words. At this time, they both had a common thought in their hearts: Qian Sanyi would not Confession.

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Speak, it's okay."

Qian Sanyi took a deep breath and said, "This afternoon, I seem to have seen Ye Xingchen go shopping with other girls, so I have been hesitant to tell you."

Make a small report!

At this time, the three people, including Lin Miaomiao, all looked at Qian Sanyi in surprise. Although as a friend, it is okay to remind Lin Miaomiao, but for some reason, these words came from Qian Sanyi at this moment It's really bitch to come out.

Lin Miaomiao frowned and then relaxed, and then found a photo from her mobile phone, turned to Qian Sanyi on the screen and said, "You mean this girl, right?"

Qian Sanyi looked at it carefully, and then confirmed, "That's right, you know her?"

"Well, I know. Her name is Mu Yunxi. Ye Xingchen's mother found him a blind date. I have met her before. She came to Jiangzhou for some reason and now lives at Ye Xingchen's house." Lin Miaomiao Said calmly.

At this time, Qian Sanyi's heart was completely messed up. Since Lin Miaomiao knew that Ye Xingchen's blind date person was living in Ye Xingchen's house and he was so peaceful, she couldn't help asking in surprise: "Then what are you doing?" why……"

Qian Sanyi didn't finish his sentence, because some things don't need to be said so clearly.

Lin Miaomiao then found the specific report Ye Xingchen wrote to her from her mobile phone, as well as the recordings of those documents, handed it to Qian Sanyi and said calmly: "I'm not worried because I don't need to worry, I trust Ye Xingchen very much." Xingchen, even if he doesn’t send me these, I still trust him, Qian Sanyi, I don’t like to know what kind of person my boyfriend is from other people’s mouths, I just want to feel what kind of person he is, thank you Kindness, but I won’t bother you next time.”

Qian Sanyi looked through the content carefully, and couldn't help being shocked. He didn't expect Ye Xingchen to be so careful, and he didn't expect Ye Xingchen to be so caring about Lin Miaomiao.

Indeed, although Ye Xingchen sometimes destroys a good atmosphere, but more often he cares about Lin Miaomiao meticulously. The description, reason, process, and ending are written in special detail.

"okay, I get it."

Qian Sanyi already fully understood how big the gap between himself and Ye Xingchen was.No matter from which aspect, I really can't compare with others.

Then, according to the normal process, Jiang Tianhao came out to change the subject and chat about other things, and then the topic ended here.

When everyone had eaten their fill and came outside to take a taxi home, they saw Ye Xingchen who had been waiting outside the door as soon as they went out.

"Brother Chen, when did you come?" Ye Xingchen asked in surprise outside the door of Jiang Tianhao's boss.

Ye Xingchen smiled and said, "I've been waiting for almost an hour. I didn't expect it would take you so long to eat."

Then he looked at the time on the wristband and complained: "It's past 10 o'clock, and you have been eating for more than 4 hours."

Lin Miaomiao bounced up to Ye Xingchen, hugged him gently, looked up at Ye Xingchen and asked, "Why don't you go up when you're here, you're still waiting here."

"The four of you finally got together, I have to give you some time to catch up on the past, it's not good for me to go." Ye Xingchen scratched his head and said with a foolish smile.

These words changed everyone's perception of Ye Xingchen again, the structure, generosity, and a little... silly.

Lin Miaomiao looked at him speechlessly, and she suffered from intermittent naivety again:
"Next time, just come up directly, and there are no outsiders."

"Okay." Ye Xingchen patted Miaomiao's little head and agreed.

Looking at the two sweet people, the rest took another big mouthful of dog food, while Qian Sanyi looked at them silently, with an indescribably ugly expression.

"Brother Chen, if I knew you were coming, I would definitely come down to pick you up, what a big deal." Jiang Tianhao complained.

"Well, anyway, I have nothing to do, and I didn't wait long. It's getting late, so the two of us will go back first." Ye Xingchen waved his hands to everyone with a smile.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't show your affection in front of me, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it." Jiang Tianhao wished that the two of them would leave quickly, after all, they were fed dog food after they had eaten their fill, and they felt like vomiting.

Immediately, Ye Xingchen did not greet them any more, bowed to everyone, and left holding Lin Miaomiao's hand.

Qian Sanyi looked at the two people who had returned to the car, and couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration.

"Okay, Sanyi, Xiaoqi, you two should go back too, I won't see you off." Jiang Tianhao turned back and said to the two of them.

Deng Xiaoqi: "Okay, then I'll go too, bye."

"Bye, be careful on the road!" Jiang Tianhao instructed.


After watching Deng Xiaoqi leave, only Qian Sanyi was left standing here.

Looking at his expression, Jiang Tianhao knew that Qian Sanyi should be feeling very uncomfortable at the moment. In fact, the two of them are almost the same.

He patted Qian Sanyi's shoulder with his hand, and said earnestly: "As you can see, Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen have a very good relationship, and I have known Ye Xingchen for two years, there is no problem at all, Let me tell you this, he loves Miao Miao very much, the kind that spoils him so much, so I hope you..."

"Haozi... I know what to do."

Jiang Tianhao nodded, and then said: "It's getting late, you should go back quickly, don't keep your sister waiting."



Ye Xingchen in the car

"Miaomiao, your homeroom teacher has already found out about your expulsion from the TV station, and you are furious. The school originally wanted to punish you, but I stopped you."

"Ah, I stopped it, how did you stop it?" Lin Miaomiao asked in shock, because she thought that she was definitely dead.

Ye Xingchen showed a mysterious smile, and began to guess with Lin Miaomiao: "What do you think?"

Lin Miaomiao immediately thought that Ye Xingchen had gone to Professor Chen Yi's house today, so she tentatively said, "Isn't it because of this that you were invited today?"

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and replied, "You're so smart, you guessed it right."

"It's true, but I'm still wondering, how did Professor Chen Yi know about me and you..."

"This, of course I told him. Otherwise, you think how you passed this class. I will be angry when I read your paper. The last question is unlocked with fingerprints. You can solve it for me." Ye Xingchen said angrily, if he hadn't been driving, he would have given Lin Miaomiao a headache.

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