Lin Miaomiao hurriedly covered her head subconsciously to avoid it, and begged for mercy: "I didn't do it on purpose, those questions were not memorized by humans at all. I have worked hard, okay, but there is no way to memorize them."

With a helpless expression on Ye Xingchen's face, he said bitterly, "I've given you the answer, you just have to memorize what I gave you."

It’s okay not to mention this, but once Lin Miaomiao mentioned this, she became angry: “You have the nerve to say that you gave me the answer, you gave me dozens of possible big questions, and then told me that there is one compulsory question. Why don't you give me the whole book, it's useless at all, the ghost knows which one to take, it's not all about luck."

Lin Miaomiao's unreasonable appearance made Ye Xingchen feel a little unreasonable, because he felt that as long as he drew the specific question, he basically won't miss the point, but he forgot that he was different from Lin Miaomiao, he There is a photographic memory, but others do not.

"Okay, okay, don't complain, it's fine if you pass the exam anyway. By the way, although your punishment is gone, you still have to write a review. Although you were framed, the video you complained about is still It made the school leaders very dissatisfied, so hand in the review before next week, and remember that the review should be in-depth." Ye Xingchen changed the topic and instructed seriously.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's unlovable expression, she said weakly: "Understood, don't emphasize it, I get a headache just thinking about it."

After a while, Lin Miaomiao said suddenly: "By the way, Qian Sanyi saw you shopping with other girls this afternoon, and he told me about it during dinner."

Originally thought that Ye Xingchen's reaction would be a little bigger, but what Lin Miaomiao didn't expect was that Ye Xingchen said calmly as if nothing had happened: "Then what?"

"Then I showed him what you sent me, and I told him that my boyfriend doesn't need to learn from others. Why don't you look angry at all?"

"Why should I be angry? You did a great job. I should be happy that you can say that." Ye Xingchen asked back.

"I didn't mean to be angry with me. I meant that you wouldn't be angry with Qian Sany? After all, he hit you with a small report."

Ye Xingchen was silent for a while, and then said earnestly: "I think what he did is essentially right. You used to be good friends. It is normal for him to remind his friends when he sees me shopping with other girls, but he said To be honest, as a potential rival in love, it is quite disgusting. Different identities, others have different views on him."

Lin Miaomiao nodded half-understood, but after a closer look, she felt that something was wrong. After thinking it over, she became annoyed: "Ye Xingchen, what is a potential rival in love? I don't feel anything about him now. Do you not trust me?"

Ye Xingchen quickly explained: "No, that's what I said, I don't trust you."

"You have it."

"Not really!"

"There is!"


Ye Xingchen was unable to explain anymore, Lin Miaomiao had no choice but to believe him or not.

Originally, she thought that she could escape the catastrophe by not speaking, but Lin Miao insisted: "If you don't speak, you will acquiesce."

"Miao Miao, from the moment I first saw you, I believed that you were mine. I thought in my heart at that time, I must get you at all costs, even if it is a robbery, I will grab you. I have enough self-confidence, there is no one better than me in this world!" Ye Xingchen's domineering tone was filled with a trace of ruffian, it sounded like a rascal, but from these remarks, it's not hard to hear Ye Xingchen's love for Lin Lin. I like it wonderfully.

Lin Miaomiao blushed, and her voice was obviously much lower: "Cut, you're really narcissistic."

In order to hide her shyness, she turned her head and looked out of the car.

Ye Xingchen smiled and didn't speak any more, concentrating on driving.

After returning home, Ye Xingchen took a cold shower first, while Lin Miaomiao looked at the information about the Vientiane Vientiane Network Culture Media Company that Ye Xingchen had sent her to prepare for her entry into the job next week.

Not long after Ye Xingchen came out of the shower, he was wearing big underpants.

"Done?" Lin Miaomiao read the information more seriously, said after hearing the sound, and then slowly raised her head after speaking.

The moment the two looked at each other, the air froze instantly.
six or seven seconds later
"Ah—Ye Xingchen, you, why aren't you wearing clothes?" Lin Miaomiao covered her eyes and said shyly.

Ye Xingchen looked at his lower body, and then said speechlessly: "It's so pitiful to be blind at such a young age."

Lin Miaomiao slowly opened her fingers, and looked at Ye Xingchen cautiously, but what she saw was Ye Xingchen standing in front of her shirtless, so she quickly closed her eyes:

"You're blind, you're obviously naked, rascal!"

Ye Xingchen didn't bother to talk to her, and went straight to the table to pour himself a glass of water to drink.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen was silent, Lin Miaomiao quietly opened her glasses and looked at Ye Xingchen secretly. Her smooth and fair face revealed a sharp-edged and indifferent look; Lin Miaomiao's muscular curves are beautiful, and she has watched many TV series like Lin Miaomiao. Whenever the male lead shows off his excellent figure, her small eyes will stare at him tightly, and Ye Xingchen's figure completely kills them in seconds.

Although Lin Miaomiao was shy, after seeing Ye Xingchen's perfect muscle lines, she couldn't help but want to take a sneak peek.

Just when she couldn't help watching it again, Ye Xingchen who was next to him suddenly spoke. He smiled and said, "You can watch it if you want. I didn't say I won't let you watch it. Don't be sneaky."

Like a frightened rabbit, Lin Miaomiao quickly lowered her head and argued, "I, I don't have one, I don't want to see it, put on your clothes quickly, I'll drive you out if you're here."

Seeing the duplicity of Lin Miaomiao, Ye Xingchen walked in front of her, gently lifted Lin Miaomiao's chin with his fingers, and said with a smirk: "Miaomiao, I found that you can't lie at all, and you feel shy when you lie. Blushes when shy. It's so easy to be exposed."

"Ye Xingchen, I warn you not to mess around, I, I can box." Lin Miaomiao broke away from Ye Xingchen's hand, fled to the side and said threateningly.

Ye Xingchen felt quite bored when he saw Lin Miaomiao who was so resistant, and he was a little tired after a busy day today, so he got up and said, "Don't worry, if you don't agree, I won't do anything to you. I Go to bed first, we will talk about things tomorrow, and you should go take a shower quickly and rest early."

After speaking, Ye Xingchen went to the bedroom without looking back, leaving only Lin Miaomiao with a look of reluctance on his face. After a few minutes, Lin Miaomiao snorted softly and said, "Hmph, cheapskate."

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