Xiao Yao was speechless, then pointed to the seat over there and said, "You can only sit in this seat after you become a director. Your seat is over there."

Embarrassed, Lin Miaomiao quickly thanked her and ran to her desk to sit down.

At this time, a colleague suddenly yelled for some reason: "Why, I stay up late and work overtime every day."

Then angrily rushed to the president's office to argue.

Lin Miaomiao did it in fear, clutching her effective heart with her right hand, and complained: "Am I going to work or going to hell?" Then she threw her head back and said, "Oh, help me, I'd rather go to school .”

Then she took out her mobile phone and sent Ye Xingchen a message complaining: "Oh my God, I feel like my good days are coming to an end. Crying.jpg"

Ye Xing was walking on the way to school. He picked up the message on his phone immediately after hearing the message. Lin Miaomiao's message ringtone was specially set by Ye Xingchen, so he knew it was from Lin Miaomiao without looking at the message.

Ye Xingchen could tell from the lines in the news that Lin Miaomiao now had an unlovable look on her face.But now he is driving, so he replied directly by voice: "What's the matter, can't stand it on the first day at work?"

It was Lin Miaomiao's first day at work and she had no experience, so she didn't wear earphones. Looking at Ye Xingchen's voice message, she had no choice but to transfer it to your text.

Just as she was reading the news, Lu Jiawei appeared from behind her and patted her on the shoulder.

"Miaomiao, why are you here?" Lu Jiawei's voice was full of surprise.

Lin Miaomiao looked back and saw that she was an acquaintance, and immediately said pleasantly, "Brother, you also work here."

Because the voice was too loud, everyone in the office turned their attention to the two of them.

Lin Miaomiao also realized that she had made a big mistake and quickly bowed her head to apologize to everyone.

Lu Jiawei responded awkwardly to all the employees in the office, indicating that there was nothing wrong, and asked everyone to do what they should do.

"Sorry, I was too excited." Lin Miaomiao said apologetically.

As a qualified scumbag, Lu Jiawei naturally had to show generosity. He responded with a smile: "It's okay, if you don't understand mobile phones, tell me, I'll go to work first."

Lin Miaomiao: "Oh, good."

Just as Lin Miaomiao was staring at Lu Jiawei's back in a daze, Director Xiao Yao's voice came from behind: "What are you doing? Why don't you stack?"

Lin Miaomiao, who came back to her senses, looked at the director behind her and hurriedly said, "Oh, I'll go right away."

"Cheer up and concentrate. By the way, you have a regular meeting this afternoon. According to my understanding of Mr. Tian, ​​a newcomer like you will definitely not be able to escape the spot check. The company will be fired the fastest , It happened at the regular meeting. You can understand me when I say this.” When Lin Miaomiao was folding the mattress, Director Xiao Yao kindly reminded her, and then told Lin Miaomiao to be careful.

As soon as Lin Miaomiao heard this, she knew that this was pointing out herself, so she hurriedly asked: "Well, Director Xiao, since you have covered this point, can you give me a thorough explanation."

Xiao Yao said as he walked, "I'm not a roundworm in Mr. Tian's stomach, how do I know, but since it's an opportunity for the company, the question I asked can't be separated from this room. That's all for now, I wish you good luck."


Lin Miaomiao originally thought that she might survive in hell for the next period of time, but whether she can survive now is still a question.

After returning to his work station, he realized that he hadn't replied to Ye Xingchen's message, so he quickly took out his phone and replied to Ye Xingchen.

"It's over, it's over, the director said, I may be randomly checked to participate in the regular meeting in the afternoon. It is said that if I don't perform well, I will be fired. What should I do, what should I do, wait online... Urgent!!!"

Ye Xingchen had already arrived at the school at this time, and he couldn't help frowning when he saw the news from Lin Miaomiao. The company asked a newcomer to attend the regular meeting, just to see the newcomer's ability.

So he typed and replied: "Don't panic, take a good look at the information I sent you, there is nothing serious about it, and you won't be too hard on you as a newcomer."

Soon Lin Miaomiao replied to him: "Are you sure? Life and death are not a joke."

Ye Xingchen smiled, and then couldn't help teasing Lin Miaomiao: "At worst, you can come back and be my assistant. After 8000 a month and [-], you can still lie down and sleep every day. How nice."

After about 10 seconds, Lin Miaomiao replied:



This is a classic conversation between two people to end their chat.


After a whole morning of boring fishing, it was finally time to cook lunch at noon. Just when Lin Miaomiao was hesitating whether to go out to eat or order takeaway, Ye Xingchen sent a message: "Have you eaten yet?"

Lin Miaomiao curled her lips, and replied: "No, I just got off work, and I'm already starving to death."

Ye Xingchen: "That's just right. I just ordered a takeaway for you. Although it's not as good as mine, but the taste is okay. Let's try to make a meal on the first day of work."

Lin Miaomiao: "Thank you, but I can't eat anymore. I'm going to attend the regular meeting this afternoon. I'm nervous."

After a while, Ye Xingchen sent a video call invitation.

Lin Miaomiao immediately showed a sly smile, and after answering the call, her expression turned into a bitter face: "Why are you calling?"

"You can lose your job, but you have to eat on time, otherwise I will break into your company and arrest you, do you hear me?"

Ye Xingchen's serious expression and tone made Lin Miaomiao feel that if he didn't eat on time, he would really come back and take her away.

In order to avoid this kind of thing from happening, Lin Miaomiao hurriedly begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, I can't eat, you still have to take care of the meal, it's really domineering."

Lin Miaomiao gave Ye Xingchen a hard look, venting her dissatisfaction.

"I'm concerned about your health. If you don't eat well, your stomach will feel uncomfortable. A few days a month is enough. Why, you don't think it's good enough, so you're ready to play big."

Ye Xingchen's analogy made Lin Miaomiao blush, after all, like him casually mentioning a girl's menstruation, it makes people feel that this person is very frivolous.

Well, it's already frivolous, and there's no need to feel it.

Lin Miaomiao lowered her voice, gritted her teeth and said, "Ye Xingchen, can you stop being so perverted, how can boys mention girls every day..."

Being scolded as a pervert made Ye Xingchen a little reluctant, so he fought back: "Speaking of perverts, I know what a certain person did to me last night, so I won't talk about it here, after all, a certain person wants face. "

"You... what are you talking about, me, what did I do?" Lin Miaomiao suddenly panicked, her eyes wandered, and she stammered.

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