"You... what are you talking about, me, what did I do?" Lin Miaomiao suddenly panicked, her eyes wandered, and she stammered.

Ye Xingchen looked at her speechlessly, and then helped her recall carefully: "At 48:[-] last night, what did someone do with his hand? Why? Do you want me to point it out?"

"Stop talking, I was wrong." Lin Miaomiao's face was so red that it was hot, she glanced at Bie Chu and said.

And Ye Xingchen stopped talking, didn't continue, and used this incident to return to the previous topic: "Can we eat well on time now?"

"Okay." Lin Miaomiao said perfunctorily.

Ye Xingchen's expression froze, and he asked again: "What?"

"I said that I will eat seriously and eat well, just be a good baby who eats seriously." Lin Miaomiao said seriously with a smile on her face.

Ye Xingchen saw that Lin Miaomiao's attitude was very correct, so he let her go this time, and before hanging up the phone, he asked again: "It is estimated that the takeaway will arrive in a few minutes, remember to eat on time, by the way, what can I do for you?" On the phone, always on."

"Understood!" Lin Miaomiao said, nodding her head.



After hanging up the phone, Lin Miaomiao lay down on the table shyly and muttered: "Last night was not a hallucination, it's over now, Ye Xingchen must think I'm a little pervert now, what should I do! What should I do!"

Lin Miaomiao is no longer worried about the meeting in the afternoon. All her thoughts are thinking about how to face Ye Xingchen when she goes back tonight. This is what worries her the most.

"Forget it, those who should come will always come back. Only when you are full can you have the energy to think about other things." Then Lin Miaomiao took her mobile phone and went downstairs in advance to get takeaway.

Coincidentally, as soon as we arrived downstairs, the takeaway brother also arrived. After asking for his phone number and name, Lin Miaomiao brought in the takeaway.

At first glance, the packaging felt very high-end, but after a closer look at the words, she realized that this was the last time she casually gave Ye Xingchen an online celebrity Japanese grocery store, saying that she had a chance to try it.At that time, she even talked about it casually, but Ye Xingchen didn't expect Ye Xingchen to remember that the shyness just now turned into full of emotion at this moment.


Ye Xingchen had just finished his work when he received a message from Lin Miaomiao.

"I'm eating on time, and I clocked in successfully. A selfie is attached at the back."

Ye Xingchen zoomed in on the photo and saw that the cute and cute Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but rise recently. While looking at the photo, Lin Miaomiao sent her next message.

"Thanks husband."

Ye Xingchen couldn't believe that Lin Miaomiao actually took the initiative to call him that, and he succeeded in taking a screenshot almost instantly, but what was even more unexpected was that Lin Miaomiao didn't withdraw it.

Immediately Ye Xingchen replied: "You're welcome my wife, I wish you a successful escape this afternoon. Come on.jpg"

Although a little shy, seeing Ye Xingchen cheering for her, Lin Miaomiao felt less scared now, and her appetite increased greatly. Looking at the delicious food on the table, Lin Miaomiao started a battle without gunpowder smoke war.


The regular meeting in the afternoon was going on normally, Mr. Tian was still smiling and talking: "Do you think the data of the last two periods have met your expectations?"

Although the boss spoke with a smile, the people below were still very serious, because they knew it was all appearances.

Director Xiao coughed lightly, and said, "Mr. Tian, ​​the data of the last two issues are basically the same as before. The reading volume and popularity haven't fluctuated much compared to before. At least it's not too ugly."

Hearing what Director Xiao said, many people silently agreed with it, but did not make a statement. Only Lin Miaomiao nodded in agreement.

Tian Tian turned her head and smiled and said to Xiao Yao and everyone sitting here: "It's not ugly, but there is nothing to be proud of. We have stayed at this level for too long. We are now in an era of information explosion. Backed by the Internet, in this wave, we must grasp a fast word, sail against the current, and if we do not advance, we will retreat. There is no stable development of self-media, and the current stagnation is no different from retrogression in my opinion.”

Immediately afterwards, Mr. Tian began to ask everyone sitting here for any good suggestions: "In this case, do you have any ideas to help the company break through this bottleneck?"

This is a headache. If it is really so easy to solve, then the data during this period of time will not be stagnant, so all the people below lower their heads, for fear of hitting themselves.

Tian Tian looked at the directors and employees who all bowed their heads and asked, "What's wrong? Don't all these people have any ideas?"

This situation is very similar to the way the ancient emperors encountered problems, like ministers asking for good ideas. In this company, Tian Tian is the emperor.

Seeing that there was no one who could answer Mr. Tian's question, Xiao Yao, the director, said at this time: "Mr. Tian, ​​this is not the case with our family. Everyone has worked hard, but it will take time to break the situation. "

Lin Miaomiao was still nodding her head with a pen.

But this move was already discovered by Mr. Tian, ​​so she suddenly called out Lin Miaomiao's name.

"Lin Miaomiao!"

"Yes." Almost instinctively, Lin Miaomiao stood up and answered after hearing the point. She can't be blamed, it's a habit developed in four years of college life.

Mr. Tian couldn't help laughing and said: "This is not a school, so you don't have to stand up before answering the question, just sit down first."

At this moment, everyone below was holding back their laughter.

"Oooh, good." Lin Miaomiao sat down awkwardly and said.

Then Tian Tian began to ask: "I've seen you nodding non-stop since just now, it seems that you already have a very clear idea on this issue, let's hear it."

Lin Miaomiao was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head to Director Xiao.

Xiao Yao showed her a self-seeking expression, and then turned his head.

Lin Miaomiao swallowed, and thought carefully about the information Ye Xingchen sent her. She remembered that there was a paragraph on it about the development prospects of self-media, so she thought in her heart: Forget about dead horses and treat them as living horse doctors, Ye Xingchen Xingchen, whether you can pass the test this time depends on the information you gave.

Lin Miaomiao took a deep breath, and then sorted out the content of Ye Xingchen's document, and talked about the key points. Although it was just picking and picking, there was still a lot of content, and it took 10 minutes to talk about it.

More importantly, the content of these 10 minutes has no nonsense at all, and it is not all possibilities and plans for the future development trend of self-media.

So much so that someone started to write notes in the middle of the speech, and both Director Xiao Yao and Lu Jiawei had shocked expressions on their faces.And Tian Tian looked at Lin Miaomiao's performance with admiration.

"Um, I just sorted out these materials. If it's not good, please don't mind." Lin Miaomiao bowed to everyone modestly.

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