Seeing Tian Tian and Xiao Yao's appreciative gazes made Lin Miaomiao secretly happy.

At this moment, Mr. Tian suddenly applauded, followed by everyone applauding. The applause filled the entire meeting room and could not be subdued for a long time.

Lin Miaomiao bowed her head flattered, a little embarrassed, because this was Ye Xingchen's idea, and she just made a simple statement.

Mr. Tian pressed his hand to signal everyone to stop, then looked at Lin Miaomiao and praised, "Very good, Miaomiao, you are the one who surprised me the most among all the interns. Originally, I just wanted to test your understanding of self-media. How much do you know, I didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise."

"That Mr. Tian, ​​I just checked some information and talked about it casually." Lin Miaomiao felt a little panic when she saw that Mr. Tian gave him such a high evaluation.

At this time, President Tian suddenly interrupted her and said to her with a smile: "Don't be modest. Listen everyone, the suggestion Lin Miaomiao just made is very insightful and practical. I hope everyone can make a report based on what I just said. Give it to me tomorrow."

"Okay, Mr. Tian."


Tian Tian: "Okay, that's it for today, the meeting is over!"

The people in the conference room left in an orderly manner. When Lin Miaomiao packed up her things and was about to go back to her work station, Lu Jiawei stepped forward to strike up a conversation: "Not bad, Miaomiao, I was praised on the first day of work. To be honest, Tian It is not easy to always praise, you are very powerful."

"No, I just checked some information casually." Lin Miaomiao said truthfully.

Lu Jiawei smiled slightly and said, "Hey, it's not good for Miaomiao to be too modest. Come on, keep it up, and you'll definitely be reused by Mr. Tian."

Lu Jiawei really knows how to make girls happy. He praised Lin Miaomiao and drew a big cake at the same time, which not only satisfied the girl's vanity, but also gave her motivation.

"Thank you, brother."

Lin Miaomiao nodded happily and said.



After returning to her work station, Lin Miaomiao excitedly sent a message to Ye Xingchen saying that she was praised by the leader in public.

Ye Xingchen is in class now, and his phone is on silent, so he didn't reply in time.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help complaining when she saw Ye Xingchen who hadn't come back for a long time, and she started to fiddle with her computer out of boredom.

After about 20 minutes, Ye Xingchen's get out of class ended. As soon as the get out of class ended, he took out his mobile phone to see if there was any news or calls. After discovering Lin Miaomiao's message, he quickly replied:
"I was in class just now, and the phone was muted. But, it was the first day that I was appreciated by the leader. It's great, come on."

After hearing the notification tone, Lin Miaomiao quickly grabbed her phone, and after seeing Ye Xingchen's perfunctory words, she typed in dissatisfaction and responded, "That's also your credit, I always feel like a thief, especially guilty. .”

Ye Xingchen couldn't help smiling when he saw it, and replied after thinking for a while: "Well, think about it from another angle, although I sorted out this thing, but I'm your boyfriend, so I can conclude that I It is yours, because the information is mine, and because I am yours, it can be concluded that the information is your own. Thinking about it this way, it is easier to accept in my heart."

Lin Miaomiao stared blankly at this message, because math logic problems have always been her weakness, so she felt a headache when she saw the sentence formed because of it, but after reading this sentence patiently, she felt that It makes sense, suddenly the feeling of guilt in my heart disappeared.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that."

So Lin Miaomiao sent a proud emoji, praised Ye Xingchen's ability, and then put away her phone and waited cheerfully for get off work.

Ye Xingchen shook his head with a smile after reading the message, and did not reply to the message in a tacit understanding.


Because it was the first day of work, Lin Miaomiao didn't know what to do. After the meeting in the afternoon, she sat at her desk and watched the computer in front of her keep turning on and refreshing. People can't sit still before get off work.

Ye Xingchen had been waiting downstairs in the company for a long time at this time, so he couldn't help but send a message and asked, "Miao Miao, are you still off work?"

Lin Miaomiao: "No, I remember getting off work at 6 o'clock, why didn't anyone leave, I still dare not move, what should I do, what should I do."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but frowned, the company still has such an outrageous overtime system.

"Heitan, help me check Vientiane's overtime system and the average working hours."

Heitan: "Good boss."

After a while, Heitan sorted out the average working hours of no one, and reported: "Boss, the average working hours of employees in Vientiane is 10 hours."

Ye Xingchen scolded his mother directly in his heart, this is a proper way to eat human blood.

Before he could reply, Lin Miaomiao sent a new message: "What to do, I'm so hungry, I feel like I'm about to starve to death, you may not see me tonight, woo woo woo."

Ye Xingchen looked at the time, and then got out of the car to see if there was a supermarket nearby. At least Lin Miaomiao could have something to cushion her when she got off work.

ding dong...

Lin Miaomiao: "I'm so hungry, so hungry, so hungry."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help feeling distressed after seeing the news. Other girls might be acting like a baby when they said they were hungry, but Lin Miaomiao said she was really hungry when she said she was hungry.

"Be patient, I'll take you to a big meal after get off work. Hold on. jpg"

Ye Xingchen sent messages to encourage him as he walked. At this time, he had already arrived at a nearby convenience store, bought a lot of snacks and bread regardless of 21, and then paid and left.

As for Lin Miaomiao, she was already hungry and suspicious of her life at this time. At this time, after Director Xiao answered a phone call and left, everyone started to move.

Just when Lin Miaomiao was in a daze, Lu Jiawei came over: "Still here, let's go, you can get off work."

Lin Miaomiao asked in surprise, "Can we go now?"

"Well, it's ok. You can leave after Director Xiao leaves. Remember to wait until Director Xiao leaves before you can leave." Lu Jiawei instructed solemnly.

"Ao'ao, okay, thank you senior brother." Lin Miaomiao bowed her head in thanks.

Lu Jiawei: "You're welcome, let's go, I invite you to dinner."

"No, no, my boyfriend is here to pick me up, so I won't bother you, brother." Lin Miaomiao waved her hand and refused.

Lu Jiawei showed embarrassment, and then said: "It's okay, that, then I'll go back first."

"Okay, elder brother, go slowly."


After Lu Jiawei left, Lin Miaomiao hurriedly packed up her things and went downstairs.

At this time, Ye Xingchen was already waiting at the door of the company. Seeing the employees of Vientiane coming out one after another, Ye Xingchen looked for Lin Miaomiao.

Soon Lin Miaomiao appeared in Ye Xingchen's sight.

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