The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 380 It's too easy to get, but it won't be cherished.

Facing Jiang Tianhao's question, Lin Miaomiao was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that Xiaoqi seemed to have told her not to tell Haozi just now.

"Well, who knows why we are here, forget it, let's not go, so as not to cause trouble to others. Haozi, this chicken is delicious, next time I come, don't forget to make me a copy."

Lin Miaomiao knew that she seemed to be in trouble again, so she changed the subject.

But since Jiang Tianhao got the news, it is impossible for him not to act.But when he made the decision to tell Lin Miaomiao that they would be together on Saturday, he suddenly remembered what Ye Xingchen said, and immediately looked at him.

Ye Xingchen still looked like there was no one else in his eyes except Lin Miaomiao.

Maybe because he noticed Jiang Tianhao's gaze, he raised his head and said to Haozi: "Look at me, you decide whether to go or not."

"Brother Chen, if it were you, would you go?" Jiang Tianhao didn't make a decision lightly, but threw the question to Ye Xingchen.He wanted to know what Ye Xingchen would do in this situation.

Ye Xingchen was stunned for a while, then fixed his eyes on Lin Miaomiao and said, "Go, definitely go, at least you need to know where you are losing?"

Lin Miaomiao felt that this sentence seemed to have other meanings besides answering Jiang Tianhao's question, but her IQ couldn't figure out what medicine Ye Xingchen sold in the gourd at all.

"It makes sense, I'll listen to you, but I want to see where I lost?" Jiang Tianhao said loudly as he slapped the table.

This startled Ye Xingchen was not affected much, but Lin Miaomiao, who was concentrating on cooking, was frightened.

hiccup~ hiccup~
Maybe it was because she was so frightened that Lin Miaomiao had already started to hiccup.

"Jiang Tian hiccup~ Hao hiccup~ can you not be surprised~ Hiccup."

"What's the matter? Why did you start hiccupping, scared?" Jiang Tianhao got up and went to check the situation.

Ye Xingchen also came to Lin Miaomiao's back and patted her on the back lightly, and scolded Jiang Tianhao: "I said, can you be more cautious as a boy, just go, why are you so surprised?"

"That's right, hiccup~. It's over hiccup~, leaf hiccup~ Xingchen, can't stop. Hiccup~"

Lin Miaomiao had already started to hiccup crazily, and she had to hiccup several times before she could finish a sentence.

"Eat two more bites of rice and see if you can suppress it." Ye Xingchen suggested.

"Okay, hiccup~"

Lin Miaomiao quickly picked up two mouthfuls of rice, trying to suppress the hiccups, but after eating, she continued to hiccup, which didn't seem to have any effect.

"It doesn't work. Hiccup~" Lin Miaomiao said anxiously.

Jiang Tianhao suddenly thought of a simple method, and said weakly to Ye Xingchen: "Why don't you hit her hard, I remember I used to do this when hiccupping, just hit her hard."

Lin Miaomiao burst into flames when she heard it: "Haozi, hiccup, are you, hiccup, wanting to die, hiccup."

"Hehe, that's a good idea. Next time you hiccup, I'll definitely experiment with you." Ye Xingchen sneered.

Then he turned to go downstairs.

"Where are you going? Hiccup~" Lin Miaomiao asked anxiously.

"Go get something from the car. I remember I have medicine for hiccups in the car." After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he turned and went downstairs.

After he left, Jiang Tianhao and Lin Miaomiao tried all available methods, but to no avail. Just as they were concentrating on solving the problem, Ye Xingchen walked over quietly, and then frightened behind him.


"Ah~" Lin Miaomiao and Jiang Tianhao took off at the same time.

The two turned around and found that Ye Xingchen was playing tricks, so Lin Miaomiao stepped forward and beat him up.

"Ye Xingchen, you are sick, let you scare me, let you scare me."

Lin Miaomiao, who had practiced boxing, crazily licked Ye Xingchen's abdomen, that, crazily output.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly hugged her, and said in a warm voice: "Okay, I'm here to help you cure the hiccups. Look, do you stop hiccupping now?"

After being reminded like this, Lin Miaomiao realized that she really wanted to stop hiccupping. She hurriedly pushed Ye Xingchen away, and said happily, "It's really good, I don't hiccup anymore."

Then there was a loud belch.

Both of them cast their eyes on Jiang Tianhao at the same time.

"Hic~ I rely on hiccup~ I got tricked~"

Jiang Tianhao said in astonishment.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the hiccupping Jiang Tianhao and couldn't help but taunt: "Haha, the way of heaven is reincarnation, the heavens have mercy on who, Haozi told you to scare me just now, now you hiccup too."

"I said don't hiccup at this time~ let's make sarcastic remarks, okay. Hiccup~ help, hiccup~" Jiang Tianhao said with a bitter face.

Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen looked at each other with a different smile on their faces.

"What do you want to do? Hiccup~" Jiang Tianhao was keenly aware of the danger, so he asked tentatively.

"Help you cure hiccups." Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao said in unison, shaking their arms at the same time.

Jiang Tianhao backed away in fright, then tremblingly said: "I warn you, don't act recklessly, help, help, ah..."


After exercising, Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao packed up their things and went back to the apartment. Lin Miaomiao couldn't help asking Ye Xingchen when they were in the car: "Hey, I said you are not helping Haozi chase Xiaoqi, are you? Don't make trouble, you two, he has a boyfriend now."

"Don't worry, I'm not teaching Haozi to dig walls, I'm just teaching him how to be true to himself." Ye Xingchen smiled slightly, signaling Lin Miaomiao not to worry too much.

"What do you mean by your true self?" Lin Miaomiao was a little puzzled by this sentence.

Ye Xingchen explained: "Hao Zi spoils Xiao Qi so much that everything is centered on Xiao Qi, which is not good."

"Not good? I think it's good, such a boy is so warm." Lin Miaomiao didn't take Ye Xingchen's words seriously.

Before Ye Xingchen could continue to speak, Lin Miaomiao continued: "You were very kind to me when you were chasing me, and you were very careful. I think Haozi is just like you."


"What's the difference?"

"Let's put it this way, you feel that I treat you in every possible way, right? I think I understand your mind, what you like and what you don't like, and everything is in front of you, right?"


"Haozi is different from me in essence. He knows that Xiaoqi's preferences are slowly tested out over time, but I know it from the beginning, so I just go for what I like. There are not so many things. Probing, sometimes probing too much, although you get the result you want, but the other party already feels that it is not important, and you will also feel that you are not important.

Moreover, Deng Xiaoqi likes boys with halos, such as Qian Sanyi, who studies well and is a good student, so Xiaoqi liked him when she was in high school. Of course, Haozi also had them, but... gradually disappeared. "

After listening to it, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help nodding her head. After thinking about it carefully, it was true. It was too easy to get, so I really wouldn't cherish it.

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