The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 381 It's Nice To Have You.

"So, you really plan to take Haozi there?" Lin Miaomiao asked.

"Go, let's go together. Just like when I was with you, didn't I meet all of them? Go and meet Haozi so that Haozi will give up." Ye Xingchen said indifferently while driving the car intently.

Lin Miaomiao sighed: "Well, I hope nothing happens."

Ye Xingchen smiled and said: "Don't worry, nothing will happen, Haozi knows it well."

"hope so!"

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao, who was still worried, and quickly changed the subject: "Okay, don't think about these things, don't forget that you have to go to work tomorrow, if you have the time, why don't you read more about what I sent you?" Information, so that it will be easier for you to get started when the higher-ups assign you work."

"Hey, don't mention it, I get a headache when I think about work now, and I just look at those who work overtime and stay up all night..." Lin Miaomiao scratched her hair and said.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing and said: "Stop complaining, you don't want a comfortable job for you, you have to be self-reliant, since you've decided, stick to it, I've already bought you an insulated lunch box, and I'll eat it at noon from now on." You don't need to order takeaway, I'll make delicious food for you in advance."

Lin Miaomiao turned her head to look at Ye Xingchen who was concentrating on driving, and said in a low voice, "It's good to have you."

"Same, it's nice to have you."


In the next few days, Lin Miaomiao also slowly adapted to the working hours in Vientiane, and gradually she also came into contact with the work of sorting out the official account. Slowly get used to the road.

On Saturday, both Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen dressed up specially. According to Lin Miaomiao, today is to meet her best friend's boyfriend, and she must dress nicely so that Xiao Qi cannot lose face.

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to wear something simpler, but under Lin Miaomiao's coercion and lure, he still put on a more handsome and stable outfit.In this way, Ye Xingchen couldn't help wondering, was this going to save face for Xiao Qi, or was it a boyfriend competition.

After arriving at the airport, Ye Xingchen saw Deng Xiaoqi and Haozi who were already waiting at the exit, plus Haozi's... little employee, Xiao Zhao.

"Xiaoqi!" Lin Miaomiao called out from a long distance away.

Deng Xiaoqi turned around and said with a smile, "Miaomiao, you are here."

"There's a traffic jam on the road, so it's not too late." Lin Miaomiao said apologetically.

"No, no, the Western Zhou Dynasty hasn't arrived yet, we have to wait for a while." Deng Xiaoqi said.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Lin Miaomiao took a breath, she was a little tired from running over just now.

Ye Xingchen came straight to Jiang Tianhao and reminded: "Calm down later, don't forget that he is Deng Xiaoqi's boyfriend."

"I know, I'm just doing what the landlord wants."

Jiang Tianhao said with a forced smile.

"That's good, and remember what I said that day, it's okay to do the landlord's favor, don't cross the line."

"Remember, don't worry, Brother Chen." Jiang Tianhao patted Ye Xingchen's shoulder to let him relax.

Seeing Jiang Tianhao's appearance, Ye Xingchen shook his head, thinking: I hope he can listen to it.

The five of them waited outside for 20 minutes, and today's "protagonist" finally came out.

"Xiaoqi!" Li Xizhou pushed the suitcase and greeted Deng Xiaoqi.

"Xi Zhou." As soon as she met Deng Xiaoqi, she stepped forward and hugged Li Xizhou.

When Jiang Tianhao saw this scene, he wanted to go forward and pull the two of them apart, but Ye Xingchen blocked him with a hand: "Don't move, they are boyfriend and girlfriend, hugging is normal, if you go over It's not normal, have you forgotten what I said? Hold on."

"I..." Jiang Tianhao clenched his fists, but gave up and stepped forward.

After Deng Xiaoqi and Li Xizhou hugged, Deng Xiaoqi began to introduce her friends: "Xi Zhou, these are my good friends I told you about, Lin Miaomiao, Jiang Tianhao, Ye Xingchen."

"Hello, thank you for taking care of Xiaoqi." Li Xizhou greeted the three of them with a smile.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Li Xizhou's dignified appearance and elegant speech. She still had a good impression of this person, and she responded enthusiastically: "Hello, hello, what I said is that Xiaoqi is my good friend." Friends, you should take care of her, you're welcome."

Jiang Tianhao also changed into a smiling face and said: "That's right, we are good friends, we should take care of each other, that's all, don't be dumbfounded, I've booked a hotel, and I'm waiting to clean up the dust for you."

"Let's go, let's go eat first." Deng Xiaoqi said with a smile.

"Oh, good."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Tianhao led the way from the front, took the initiative to help Li Xizhou get the suitcase into the car, and then let the two of them get into the car, without saying a word or showing any other expressions during the whole process.

This made Lin Miaomiao, who was always worried behind her, couldn't help but look at her with admiration:
"I'm going, is this still Haozi? I was so afraid of the two of them just now. Why are they so harmonious now? It's unscientific."

Ye Xingchen touched Lin Miaomiao's head and said with a smile: "It's very scientific, it doesn't matter who taught it."

Lin Miaomiao turned her head to look at Ye Xingchen and asked, "Something's wrong, tell me quickly, what bad idea are you two holding back?"

Ye Xingchen smiled mysteriously, and then asked, "Miaomiao, what do you think of this Li Xizhou?"

Lin Miaomiao replied disapprovingly: "It's pretty good, he's pretty handsome, and he behaves and talks very well, but he's still a bit worse than you, hehe."

It can be seen that Lin Miaomiao's desire to survive is still very strong. Of course, this does not rule out that Ye Xingchen's charm is indeed greater than that of Li Xizhou, or it is not a little bit stronger.

"You can talk." I have to say that Ye Xingchen is quite useful.

"That's right. By the way, why did you ask that just now? Why do you think there is something wrong with Li Xizhou?" Lin Miaomiao asked suddenly.

Ye Xingchen looked at Jiang Tianhao's rented car and said slowly: "This person feels weird to me, but I can't tell what's weird."

Lin Miaomiao: "Could it be that you are overthinking?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head and said: "My perception of the relationship between people is quite accurate, forget it, maybe I really overthink it, let's go, let's catch up quickly."


Then Ye Xingchen drove his car and followed Jiang Tianhao to the hotel.

When several people got out of the car and were about to go in, Li Xizhou recognized Ye Xingchen's car, so he asked, "Is this Phaeton?"

Ye Xingchen responded politely: "Yes."

"The price should not be low."

"well enough."

"You are too modest."

"No, it's just a means of transportation, it's all the same."

Li Xizhou's sudden enthusiasm overwhelmed Ye Xingchen, and he couldn't help but feel baffled.

Seeing this, Deng Xiaoqi quickly took Li Xizhou's hand and said, "Okay, stop chatting here, let's go in and chat while eating."

"That's right, go in and chat while eating. I've already ordered the meals." Jiang Tianhao also echoed.

"Okay, please." Li Xizhou stepped aside from Ye Xingchen to let Ye Xingchen advance.

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