"Lv Jiawei agreed very happily, but it was beyond my expectation." Lin Miaomiao recalled Lu Jiawei's appearance just now, and said to Ye Xingchen word by word.

Ye Xingchen was also a little surprised. He had already prepared to tell Lu Jiawei about this matter himself, but he didn't expect it to be solved so easily, which made him feel a little uneasy.

Seeing Ye Xingchen frowning tightly, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help asking: "What's the matter, isn't the matter already resolved? Why do you look unhappy?"

Ye Xingchen immediately stretched his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "No, I'm not unhappy, I just think it's going too well, and I'm just a little uneasy."

"It's so smooth, please, don't worry if you still want people to pester me all the time. Let me tell you if you are mentally ill." Lin Miaomiao tapped Ye Xingchen's head hard with her fingers, and said angrily.

"Hahaha, my fault, my fault, since you haven't eaten enough, let's go, I'll take you to dinner." Ye Xingchen turned to get in the car and motioned for Lin Miaomiao to follow.

Lin Miaomiao quickly got into the car and asked, "Where are you going this time?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to eat skewers last time, I'll take you there tonight."

"Ah yes, I haven't eaten for a long time, I'm so hungry."

"Sit down and let's go..."


After a meal, the two of them only spent a little over 200, which was basically nothing to Ye Xingchen before, but to Ye Xingchen now, it hurts...

After the two returned to the apartment, they sat on the sofa and chatted for a while.At this time, a girl added Lin Miaomiao's WeChat account.

"Who is this girl, I have no impression." Lin Miaomiao glanced at the phone and said to herself.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's tightened expression, Ye Xingchen couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"No, a girl added me and said she wanted something from me, but I don't know this person." Lin Miaomiao replied.

Ye Xingchen: "It's not easy, just agree and see what she wants to do?"


Then Lin Miaomiao agreed to Gao Feifei's application, and typed and asked, "Hello, do we know each other?"

After a while, the other side replied: "I am Lu Jiawei's girlfriend, my name is Gao Feifei, and you are Lin Miaomiao, right?"

"Yes, you said you are Lu Jiawei's girlfriend, so what do you want from me?" Lin Miaomiao asked while typing with a puzzled face.

"You had dinner with my boyfriend today, right?"

"Yes, but I have something to tell him." Lin Miaomiao quickly explained.

"What kind of things need to eat together to talk about it, and it's so intimate."

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting. Don't you think it's shameless to seduce someone else's boyfriend?"

This sentence completely stupefied Lin Miaomiao, what is seducing your boyfriend, it's obviously Lu Jiawei who has been flirting with her all the time, okay?

Ye Xingchen watched Lin Miaomiao's face become particularly bad, so he went to her side and looked at the chat records of the two of them.

Lin Miaomiao replied by typing: "I think you misunderstood. We are just eating. Tell me something else. If you don't believe me, you can ask Lu Jiawei."

"No, I only believe what I see. By the way, I forgot to tell you. I have posted your video on the Internet. I believe you will be able to see it in a short time. I will not make it easy for you two of."

When Lin Miaomiao was about to reply, a red exclamation mark had already appeared.

"What's the matter, I seem to have been misunderstood." Lin Miaomiao anxiously asked Ye Xingchen next to her.

And Ye Xingchen didn't speak, but went to the bedroom.

Seeing Ye Xingchen leave without looking back, Lin Miaomiao was even more confused, and quickly asked, "What are you doing?"

"Take the computer."

"A computer? What are you doing with a computer?" Lin Miaomiao was puzzled.

After a while, Ye Xingchen came out with his set of equipment in his arms, and sat on the sofa for a while, and asked Lin Miaomiao, "Can you help me see if Gao Feifei has her mobile phone number on WeChat?"

"What are you doing?"

Lin Miaomiao felt that this scene was inexplicably familiar, so she couldn't help asking.

"You can just watch it, hurry up." Ye Xingchen frowned and urged.

Lin Miaomiao, who was being scolded, said aggrievedly: "Just look at it, why are you so fierce."

Then Lin Miaomiao told Ye Xingchen the phone number she saw.

And Ye Xingchen was also very fast, hacked into all of Gao Feifei's social software, and checked the video she was talking about. Sure enough, he saw this post on Weibo. At this time, it had already received thousands of likes. , there are hundreds of them on average, and the formation of comments is very neat. It seems that they have bought comments and likes on purpose. Delete this account completely.

Next, Ye Xingchen hacked into Gao Feifei's phone and deleted the original video. After doing all this, Ye Xingchen stretched himself: "Okay."

Lin Miaomiao felt very cool seeing Ye Xingchen's crackling operations, but she couldn't understand the string of codes on the screen at all.

"That's all right.? What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao asked curiously.

Ye Xingchen replied: "Delete the video, otherwise after the video is fermented, won't it be bad for you if unreasonable netizens believe this nonsense?"

"Cut, I don't believe it. Who cares about this in their free time, and I didn't do anything. I'm not afraid of the shadow when I'm upright." Lin Miaomiao said stiffly, holding her arms.

Ye Xingchen sat down and said to Lin Miaomiao seriously: "Didn't you see it just now? The video has been liked thousands of times, and there are already hundreds of comments below. If you don't delete it in time today, it is very likely It can be fermented overnight, and if you spend money to buy comments and likes, more passers-by will see it, especially if feminism sees it now, don't you know what the consequences will be?"

Lin Miaomiao thought about Ye Xingchen's words carefully, and instantly broke out in a cold sweat. If it was really like what Ye Xingchen said, she might really be raped by the Internet.She works in the self-media now, and she deeply knows that most of the current netizens are just following the trend and don't care about the authenticity of the incident at all.

"Then, if she sends it again, you can't keep deleting it. Besides, it's impossible to prevent it." Lin Miaomiao asked worriedly.

The corner of Ye Xingchen's mouth raised, and he said confidently: "Don't worry, this video won't be posted again. And if she still refuses to let go, I will let her cancel her account in this world."

Lin Miaomiao hugged Ye Xingchen's arm nervously after hearing this, and said worriedly: "What do you mean? You don't mean to... You must not do anything stupid."

"Ann, I won't date myself for a fool. What I mean by canceling an account is to directly make this person's file disappear from the world. It is a black account, the one without an account."

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