"No household registration? Impossible, everyone has a file in the public security system." Lin Miaomiao was full of disbelief.

Ye Xingchen made a fool of himself: "Don't worry about it, give me your phone, and I'll give her a call."

"What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao guarded her phone, afraid that Ye Xingchen would do something impulsive again.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao like this, Ye Xingchen was a little speechless. Could it be that he is the kind of person who often messes up things?Then Ye Xingchen took out his mobile phone and said:

"Forget it, I'll use my own to fight."

Ye Xingchen dialed the number just now, and after the ring rang for a while, the call was connected.


Ye Xingchen chuckled, and then said, "Hello, is this Miss Gao Feifei?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"My name is Ye Xingchen, Lin Miaomiao's boyfriend. Miaomiao did talk to Lu Jiawei about something today. I was outside at the time. You really misunderstood this matter." Ye Xingchen's attitude is still very good now, if It would be best if Gao Feifei could just let it go, if not, then she could only use other means.

"Oh? Lin Miaomiao has a boyfriend and is going out to dinner with my boyfriend?" Gao Feifei said mockingly.

Seeing Gao Feifei's tone, Ye Xingchen didn't get used to her, and his tone lost the gentleness just now: "I repeat, you misunderstood, the two of you are just talking about work, you are purely paranoid."

"Hehe, I don't care about that. Anyway, I won't make Lin Miaomiao feel better. I won't delete the video, and you don't have to ask me."

Gao Feifei originally thought that the other party would be angry, but Ye Xingchen not only did not get angry like she thought, but also laughed out loud: "Hehe, Gao Feifei, you are so naive, I am not begging you, I just want to remind you, Don’t look for trouble. I’ve already deleted the video, whether it’s on your social software or on your mobile phone. I just called to tell you that this is a warning. Next time, I’ll delete more than just a video. By the way , the chat history between you and your friend is very interesting, I believe that if this thing is posted on the Internet, it will definitely become popular, well, I won’t talk to you, hang up, you should think about it.”

After Ye Xingchen hung up the phone, Gao Feifei suddenly felt a chill down her back, and she couldn't help wondering, how did Ye Xingchen know about her chat history?
She turned on her phone in a hurry, and first opened Weibo to check her own updates, but when she logged in, she found that her account did not exist or had been logged out.Gao Feifei retried a few times unwillingly, but the result was the same.

Then she thought of what Ye Xingchen said just now, and clicked on her photo album to search for the video. Sure enough, as Ye Xingchen said, the matter had been deleted, and there was no trace, as if it had never happened before. He collapsed on the ground in fear, unable to believe it was real.

And Ye Xingchen here also settled down with Lin Miaomiao, telling her that the matter has been resolved, so she doesn't have to worry.

"Hey, I didn't expect this to happen, it's inexplicable." Lin Miaomiao complained.

Ye Xingchen also sighed: "I didn't expect that, as expected, there are everyone in this world, but women are more ruthless."

Ye Xingchen's last sentence aroused Lin Miaomiao's dissatisfaction: "What do you mean, what do you mean women are ruthless, what's wrong with us women?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that, I meant Gao Feifei." Ye Xingchen also realized that he had accidentally opened the map gun, and quickly apologized and admitted his mistake.

"Then you just said the name, isn't it over?"

"Didn't I make a mistake, confiscate it." Ye Xingchen said embarrassingly.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen's sincere attitude of admitting his mistake, so she didn't pursue it: "This is not an example, hum."

"Okay, okay, don't make an example, don't let me make an example. Well, look, it's getting late, concubine, should we go to bed?" Ye Xingchen rubbed his hands and said with a smile.




After Gao Feifei received Ye Xingchen's warning, she never did anything out of bounds again, so Lin Miaomiao couldn't help letting go of the big stone in her heart, and she could go to work normally with peace of mind.

And Ye Xingchen has been watching Gao Feifei's movements every day for the past few days, in case she bites Miaomiao again. Even if he can fight back, he will still be a little passive, so he simply keeps watching her until there is no threat.

These days, Lin Miaomiao's work can be regarded as officially launched. Basically, she works overtime until very late every day. Ye Xingchen also goes downstairs to the company to wait for Lin Miaomiao to get off work when the time comes.

It happened to be raining heavily that day, and Ye Xingchen didn't intend to stop the rain, so he came to the company ahead of time, and then sent Lin Miaomiao a message.

"Miaomiao, it's raining harder and harder outside, why don't you go back early today and don't work overtime."

Many, Lin Miaomiao's message replied: "You are here now, isn't my internship period almost over, I want to make a show by myself, but I haven't found a good direction, and I'm almost bored now .”

Ye Xingchen could think of Lin Miaomiao's cute expression now just looking at this line of words, so he replied: "Have you eaten yet? Only when you are full will you have the strength to think about things."


"Not yet, but I've already ordered takeaway, and it should be here in a while." Lin Miaomiao replied almost instantly.

Ye Xingchen opened the car window and saw that it was raining heavily outside, and then replied to Lin Miaomiao: "Come down and wait, it's time to move around and let your brain relax."

Lin Miaomiao wrinkled her temples, and then replied: "All right."

Then, he packed up his things and went downstairs with them.

When she came downstairs to the company, seeing the heavy rain outside, Lin Miaomiao complained, "It's really leaking and raining all night, which god is crying again."

Ye Xingchen saw Lin Miaomiao coming down, opened the car door and opened the umbrella and walked over.

"It's raining so hard, how did you come here? It can also depend on the way of love?" Lin Miaomiao asked with concern.

Ye Xingchen walked to the door of the company and put away the umbrella, then wiped the rain off his body and said, "It didn't rain so much when I first came here."

Lin Miaomiao also thoughtfully stepped forward and carefully wiped the rainwater off her head. Although she had an umbrella just now, the wind still blew her all over, but luckily it wasn't too much.

"Your takeaway, I don't think it will be here for a while." Ye Xingchen said.

After Ye Xingchen said this, Lin Miaomiao remembered: "It's raining so hard, does the delivery guy still deliver food?"

"Otherwise, how can you make money without delivering food?" Ye Xingchen said naturally.


Just as Lin Miaomiao was about to speak, a middle-aged uncle in the clothes of Are You Hungry brought takeaway in the rain.

"Excuse me, is this Lin Miaomiao?" the middle-aged uncle asked.

"Yes, it's me." Lin Miaomiao replied when her name was called.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the rain is too heavy, I'm late, can you not give me a bad review, please."

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