The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 388 The Sudden Inspiration Miaomiao

Seeing the middle-aged uncle with a prayer on his face, Lin Miaomiao suddenly felt that she was very uncomfortable, and she said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, uncle, get up first, I won't give you a bad review."

"Thank you, thank you." After the middle-aged uncle got the answer he wanted, a smile appeared on his face.

Because of the heavy rain outside, the uncle's body was completely soaked, Lin Miaomiao gave him the takeaway in her hand, and said, "You haven't eaten yet, this is for you."

"I, I can't."

The uncle is still refusing.

But Lin Miaomiao, who was full of sympathy, insisted on giving the things to him, and finally Ye Xingchen also joined in, saying that it would be good for the uncle to hold it.

In the end, they couldn't hold back the two of them, so they could only accept it, saying thank you non-stop, and saying that the good man was safe in life.

Lin Miaomiao was also very happy to see that she could give some warmth to those who were constantly running around in the heavy rain.

Originally, the two of them planned to ask the uncle to avoid the rain at the door, but the uncle said that there were other orders to be delivered urgently, and the time was almost over.

Ye Xingchen offered to help finish the trip because he had a car.

Looking at the order that was about to expire and the heavy rain outside, the uncle finally agreed.

In the end, it was delivered to the customer on time without overtime.

After this process, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but lament the hardships of the delivery staff:
"Hey, I didn't expect such a heavy rain to have hard-working people."

Looking at Lin Miaomiao leaning on the car window, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing and said, "Do you think there are many people in this world who work harder than you?"

"Yeah, at first I thought we were squeezing the labor force, but I didn't expect..." Lin Miaomiao said looking at the heavy rain outside the window.

Ye Xingchen explained to Lin Miaomiao: "It's not just that, in fact, some people in life work harder than you imagine, and some people are even more dangerous."

"It's really hard to live in this world. Hey, do you know what Haozi is doing all day long?" Lin Miaomiao asked suddenly after she finished expressing herself.

"I don't know, how do I know."

"Then do you know what Xiaoqi does in the theater?" Lin Miaomiao asked again.

"What do you want to say?" Ye Xingchen suddenly smiled, as if he had guessed what Lin Miaomiao wanted to say.

Lin Miaomiao said while thinking: "I suddenly realized that I know very little about our society. You see, the streets are full of takeaway workers, couriers, cleaners, security guards, and even you. I found that I know very little about your work. So little."

"Me? I don't have a job. I don't do anything other than the research and writing of intelligent robots. I don't think I'm dating you."

Ye Xingchen teased Lin Miaomiao, hoping to ease the serious atmosphere.

Lin Miaomiao patted Ye Xingchen's hand lightly, and said angrily, "Don't make trouble, I'm thinking about something."

"What do you think about? Think about the laws and connections of everything in the world? Why do you think about it? Does it have anything to do with you? Just do your job well."

"It's related, you see, we don't know what we do every day, how much we pay, let alone other people, so I'm going to make a short documentary about professional experience to help people build bridges and understand the big world, What do you think?" Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen expectantly after telling her plan, waiting for him to give advice.

And Ye Xingchen nodded without thinking about it and said: "I think this idea is very good. People nowadays are more concerned with people's livelihood. Although the competition for short videos is fierce, as long as there is something to watch, I believe it will definitely become popular."

"Really, it's great. I'll report to Mr. Tian tomorrow and ask her to support some equipment, but I feel that Mr. Tian may not approve." After getting Ye Xingchen's affirmation, Lin Miaomiao jumped up excitedly, But then she thought of the shooting equipment and various things, and she felt a headache.

Ye Xingchen was a little confused: "No, do you want to fight yourself or shoot other people, and what line of business are you going to enter?"

Lin Miaomiao answered the questions raised by Ye Xingchen one by one: "First of all, for the authenticity of the program, I will definitely participate in the battle in person. Secondly, I am going to enter the food delivery industry to understand the hardships of this industry. Now the plan is clear. , The only thing missing is the equipment. Sports cameras, electric vehicles, clothes and helmets, etc., you can buy the latter two, but the front ones are too expensive.”

Just when Lin Miaomiao was frowning and didn't know what to do, Ye Xingchen said at this time: "The electric car and the camera are handed over to me. You just put your request on it, as long as you pass it, it's easy to talk about. "

"Come on, there's no need to buy it just for one show, and I can borrow it from the company. Besides, didn't we agree to make money and live together?" Lin Miaomiao saw that Ye Xingchen was about to show off his ability to make money again, so she hurried refused to arrive.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao's stubbornness, Ye Xingchen secretly changed the concept and said again: "Actually, it's the same. You see, our salaries haven't been paid yet, we just borrowed from my treasury first, and then paid Repaying the salary later is equivalent to an interest-free loan, let’s understand it this way.”

Lin Miaomiao's little head has never been able to figure out this kind of logical problem. I feel that what Ye Xingchen said is quite reasonable. Although it still doesn't feel right, he finally agreed to his proposal: "Okay, I will Let’s talk to Mr. Tian first tomorrow, and we’ll talk about other things when the plan is approved.”

Ye Xingchen nodded, now he really has to wait for this order to pass before proceeding to the next step.The rain is much lighter now, so Ye Xingchen started the car and took Lin Miaomiao home first.

Lin Miaomiao came to the company early the next morning and waited for Tian Tian's arrival. After Tian Tian arrived, Lin Miaomiao hurried forward to report her plan.

At first, she thought it would take a lot of talking to get Mr. Tian to agree to her plan, but what she didn't expect was that Tian Tian directly approved her plan and affirmed the feasibility of the plan.

After the plan was approved, Lin Miaomiao immediately called Ye Xingchen and told Ye Xingchen that the company's camera machine can be used, as long as the electric car problem is solved.

Ye Xingchen didn't even think about it when he heard about it, he directly ordered a little sheep, the cuter one, Miaomiao must be more cute to ride, and Ye Xingchen specially chose this car, it can carry people, and It is also very comfortable. This is not the point. The point is that it can carry people. At that time, he can be a photographer behind and record Lin Miaomiao's day-to-day life.

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