The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 393 Lin Miaomiao, Forced to Open Business

"Then can you share your thoughts on rescue?" The reporter's microphone was about to hit Ye Xingchen's face.

At this time, Ye Xingchen passed an idea to Heitan, and Heitan began to inquire about the identities of these two people.

"If you see someone injured, save them. Do you have any other ideas? Besides, I don't want to be interviewed, so please let me go." Ye Xingchen walked around the female reporter and was going to the parking space to drive home.

Unexpectedly, the female reporter refused to give up, and immediately stopped Ye Xingchen to continue the interview: "May I ask if this matter is real or planned."

Ye Xingchen, who didn't want to pay attention to these reporters, suddenly laughed angrily at this sentence: "Heh, since you asked that question, let me ask you a question, do you think that after the earthquake and fire broke out, the rescuers rushed to the scene and risked their lives?" Save people, do you say this is real or planned."

"Nowadays there are people who will do anything for the attention of bloggers, that's why we want to interview you, please don't bring up other topics, and I see that your fans have increased a lot overnight, what do you think? .” The question asked by the female reporter was very sharp, and if the answer was not answered well, it would cause a big sensation on the Internet.

At this time, Heitan also sent the information of the two reporters to Ye Xingchen's mobile phone, and then Ye Xingchen took out his mobile phone, looked at the female reporter and replied: "Liu Caixia, female, born in Jiangzhou in 1991, primary school junior high school senior His grades have not been very good. Later, he was expelled from school because of bullying classmates in high school, so that he failed to enter the university. However, he still found a job as a reporter by virtue of his family relationship. It is said that the family entrusted him with 4 RMB. As for the press card I also found a relationship to let others do it, I'm right."

Ye Xingchen briefly explained the background of the female reporter.

Liu Caixia asked in horror, "How do you know?"

"It's not important. Delete the video and recording. I don't want the interview about me to be broadcast. Of course, your colleague Wang Shuai also needs to delete everything. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk."

After that, Ye Xingchen didn't care about the two of them, and left without looking back.

Both of them didn't stick to it like a plaster.Now they were covered in cold sweat, and everything about the two of them had been investigated in just a few minutes, which made them instantly understand that they couldn't afford to mess with this boy.

Ye Xingchen came to the car and immediately said to Heitan: "List all the self-media who are interested in me and Miaomiao, I need to know everyone's trajectory and background information.

"Okay, boss."

After doing all this, Ye Xingchen looked at the rearview mirror with a gloomy face, wondering what he was thinking.

Just then Lin Miaomiao called.

After Ye Xingchen saw the name of the caller, the expression on his face immediately changed from cloudy to sunny, and his tone became softer: "Hey, Miaomiao, why are you calling? Did you miss me?"

Lin Miaomiao: "Ye Xingchen, did someone from We Media look for you today?"

"Yes, I was sent away just now, what's the matter?"

"What do you mean by dismissed?"

"That's right, I left after being coerced and lured, mainly because of coercion." Ye Xingchen emphasized the last two words.

Lin Miaomiao knew what Ye Xingchen meant and what he did, so she breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

"What's the matter, worry about me, we are all internet celebrities now, you should be interviewed today too." Ye Xingchen asked about the situation over there.

"A group of people came to our company today, but they were stopped by Mr. Tian. By the way, Mr. Tian said that there is an exclusive interview tonight, and he asked me to bring you." To be honest, Lin Miaomiao was a little bit It's hard to say.

Ye Xingchen understood Lin Miaomiao's meaning in seconds, and then asked with a smile, "What do you mean?"

"I don't want you to show up, I'm afraid it will cause trouble to you." Lin Miaomiao said seriously.

Hearing Lin Miaomiao's sincerely caring words, Ye Xingchen felt warm in his heart.

"But if I come forward, it will be of great help to your work. Your current grades are very good. As long as I give you a push, it will be better."

To be honest, Ye Xingchen didn't want to show his face because he knew that these unscrupulous reporters could make up any fake news in order to make headlines, but when he heard that Miaomiao cared about him, he suddenly wanted to help her.

Lin Miaomiao's tone was firm: "No, I won't involve you."

"I'm your boyfriend..."

"Because you are my boyfriend, I can't get you involved."

The corners of Ye Xingchen's mouth raised slightly: "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

"Yes." Lin Miaomiao also smiled happily.

Ye Xingchen suddenly thought that this was a task assigned to her by Boss Miaomiao, if she didn't go...

"Miaomiao, if I don't go, how will you do business?" Ye Xingchen asked worriedly.

Lin Miaomiao said that it doesn't matter, the big deal is to resign and quit, anyway, it is impossible to touch on principled issues.

Ye Xingchen nodded, that's right, she wouldn't die of starvation anyway with herself in Miaomiao, at worst, it's okay to let Miaomiao be a food broadcaster, this is also her dream.

"Then listen to you."

"Okay. Then I will prepare for the interview. Goodbye."


After hanging up the phone, Ye Xingchen drove back to the apartment.

Lin Miaomiao was preparing for today's interview. Originally, Tian Tian didn't memorize the script that Tian Tian gave her, she just improvised. Anyway, saving people is definitely right, and I didn't think much about it at the time. It's important to save people. Ask again why they saved people, they are long gone.

After the interview, Tian Tian called Lin Miaomiao into the office and watched the replay of today's interview.

"No wonder the manuscript is so fast, so concise." Tian Tian said indifferently.

Lin Miaomiao felt a little apprehensive, but she still pretended to be relaxed and said: "Ham, I'm seeking truth from facts. Isn't our self-media just seeking truth from facts? I don't think long-winded manuscripts are read, but I feel more down-to-earth. Greedy Fear of death, timid as a mouse, this is the true portrayal of my life."

Looking at Lin Miaomiao who was still talking hard, Tian Tian went straight to the point: "Okay, pursuit is true, then can you tell me the real reason why your boyfriend can't appear on the scene?"

"He doesn't want to come, and I don't want him to come either." Lin Miaomiao replied.

"Okay, Lin Miaomiao, remember, it doesn't matter whether you don't want him to come or he doesn't want to come. The point is, this is an order from your superior, and you must complete it. So, you put Give me your boyfriend's phone number and address, and I'll let someone else do the interview."

"Sorry Mr. Tian, ​​I don't agree. What I want to say is, don't bother looking for him anymore." Lin Miaomiao said with her head down.

"What do you mean? Do you know what you're going to say? Do you think it's appropriate to talk to your superiors like this?"

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