The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 394 Let me carry you to the head office

"I know, but I still stick to my point of view. She is my boyfriend and I respect him. I can't push him into the limelight for my work."

Lin Miaomiao lowered her head, as if she was willing to deal with you. Anyway, she had already prepared for the worst.

"You respect your boyfriend, but you don't respect your work. What are we doing now? We are rushing to attract attention. If you don't give me enough material and a comprehensive perspective, how can I help you. Lin Miaomiao, you are now There is no way to do self-media if you are untouchable, and self-media people have to dig up everything about themselves and show it to others.”

Tian Tian held back the anger in her heart, and patiently spoke to Lin Miaomiao.

"You dig me up and I admit it, but he can't."

The two stared at each other for a few seconds.

Tian Tian's patience has reached its limit, she said in a bad tone: "I warn you, this is the first and last time, if I arrange work for you next time and you can't finish it properly, I will pack up and find you boyfriend."

Lin Miaomiao took a deep breath: "Yes."


Lin Miaomiao was always depressed on the way back by taking a taxi. Of course, she didn't regret it. If she did it again, she would choose to do this again. She can do whatever she wants, as long as it affects Ye Xingchen, the problem of principle cannot be changed.

After arriving at the apartment, Lin Miaomiao stood at the door and pondered for a while, then exhaled lightly, then opened the door and entered the room and said cheerfully: "Ye Xingchen, my girl is back."

At this time, Ye Xingchen was busy in the kitchen, and was a little surprised to see Lin Miaomiao came back so early: "Hey, I got off work early today, didn't I say there was an interview?"

"The interview is over, and I'll be back when I have nothing to do." Lin Miaomiao put down her schoolbag and leaned on the sofa.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao at this time and smiled knowingly, then turned around and went back to the kitchen to cook the chicken soup he made himself: "Didn't your boss criticize you if I didn't go?"

"No, would I be so happy if you scolded me? What are you doing? It smells so good."

Lin Miaomiao got up and walked to Ye Xingchen's side, hugged him from behind, then stood on tiptoe with her chin resting on Ye Xingchen's shoulder and looked ahead.

Ye Xingchen turned his head slightly to look at Miaomiao on his shoulder, and said dotingly: "I thought you might come back very late today, so I made chicken soup for you in advance."

"That's great." Lin Miaomiao said softly.

Ye Xingchen immediately asked: "I'm better than soup."

"all good."

Ye Xingchen keenly sensed something was wrong with Lin Miaomiao, then turned around and gently hugged Lin Miaomiao's waist and asked, "To be honest, have you been scolded by the boss?"

"No, why scold me for my good grades." Although Lin Miaomiao pretended to be calm, she didn't dare to look directly at Ye Xingchen.

"Miaomiao, you really don't know how to lie. Once you lie, you don't dare to look at me directly." Ye Xingchen said, staring straight into Lin Miaomiao's eyes.

Lin Miaomiao was very unconvinced: "Whoever said it, look straight at it, whoever is afraid of you."

After 10 minutes...

"Okay, I lost." Lin Miaomiao's tone was a little frustrated.

Ye Xingchen patted Lin Miaomiao's head and said softly: "Unhappy is unhappy, just show your truest side in front of me, it's tiring to pretend."

"Okay, not next time."

Lin Miaomiao said coquettishly.

Ye Xingchen narrowed his eyes slightly: "It's a deal."

"It's a word."

After the two reached an agreement, Lin Miaomiao's mood improved a lot, but the two of them tacitly did not mention today's matter.

Lin Miaomiao bit Ye Xingchen's clothes and said, "How long will it take to get better, I'm hungry."

"It'll be fine in a while, can you stop biting my clothes?" Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao speechlessly.


"There's still some boxes of yogurt in the refrigerator, you should fill it up first."

"Oh, I don't want to move, you go get it for me?" Lin Miaomiao had already completely leaned on Ye Xingchen.

"Huh... how can I get it like this?"

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath and said.


"Then you should be hungry."

Ye Xingchen turned his head away from talking to Lin Miaomiao, not knowing why the sudden rush was happening today.


Seeing that Ye Xingchen ignored her, Lin Miaomiao bit Ye Xingchen's shoulder unhappily.


"What are you doing?" Ye Xingchen asked angrily.


Reluctantly, Ye Xingchen turned around and hugged Lin Miaomiao horizontally, and then asked, "I'll carry you to the head office, shall I?"


Seeing her plan succeed, Lin Miaomiao laughed happily.

Maybe it's because I was very depressed after being scolded today, and I want to release it when I get home.Lin Miaomiao also feels that she is very abnormal now, but now she really feels the taste of love.

After Ye Xingchen carried Lin Miaomiao to the refrigerator and put it down, he took out the yogurt: "No, let's eat on the sofa."


Seeing Lin Miaomiao, who ran to Pidianpidian and lay on the sofa, Ye Xingchen sighed, it's really terrible for a girl to act like a baby, it's troublesome, but - very happy.


The video of the two of them has been uploaded crazy on the Internet, and Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan naturally saw it. Although Ye Xingchen was fighting the fire in the video, and Lin Miaomiao was anxiously standing by the side and talking on the phone, Wang Shengnan still felt Such a special danger.She first called Lin Miaomiao and taught her a lesson.

Lin Miaomiao had already been scolded by her boss, but now her mother not only did not support her, but also poured cold water on herself, so she hung up the phone on the spot, and then put the phone on silent.

Wang Shengnan saw that he couldn't persuade Lin Miaomiao, so he called Lin Dawei and asked him to persuade his daughter, who made the two of them belong to the same camp.

Lin Dawei felt that his daughter was willing to help others, and there was no danger, and now the Internet is praising this behavior of self-sacrifice to save others, so he refuted Wang Shengnan a few words.But it was precisely this rebuttal that made Wang Shengnan, who was already in the early menopause, even more anxious, so he quarreled with Lin Dawei.

Ben was driving Lin Dawei, and he couldn't help being a little distracted when he saw his wife started babbling again. Unfortunately, there was a car accident, but fortunately, there was no serious problem.

Lin Miaomiao was working, so she received a call from her mother. When she learned that her father was in a car accident, she felt at a loss for a moment, and then she explained the situation to Director Xiao Yao, and hurriedly rushed to the hospital.

In the taxi, Lin Miaomiao unconsciously called Ye Xingchen. After connecting, she said anxiously this year: "Ye Xingchen, my dad was in a car accident."

"What? Are you all right? Where are you now? Don't worry. "

"I'm on my way to the city hospital. I don't know what to do now." Lin Miaomiao was obviously on the verge of crying.

"Don't worry, I'll go there now, you wait for me."


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