"Is it fierce? It's okay." Ye Xingchen said disapprovingly.

"It's so fierce, and they grab me snacks and toys every day."

"Puhahaha, your sister still has such a childish side." Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he heard enough to tell him about Lin Miaomiao's dark history.


Ye Xingchen picked up a bun and handed it to him, then said softly: "Okay, let's not talk about her, your sister has to go to work today, I really don't have time to take care of you, I have to go to class, why don't you go to school with me Well, it was the classroom your sister took you to before, remember? The classroom where the two of us met for the first time."

"Remember, that classroom is huge, and there are many brothers and sisters." When Ye Xingchen mentioned it, Lin enough to remember.

"That's right, so you sit in front and don't move or talk nonsense. Just stay with brother for two classes, and brother will take you to eat delicious food at noon, okay?"

"Then can I not have delicious food, can I have toys?" Lin Gougou raised his cute face and said.

Ye Xingchen was a little puzzled. Although children like to play a little bit, but as an inheritance of the excellent genes (eating) of Lin Miaomiao's family, they don't like to eat enough.

"Alright, let's buy toys and food together."

Ye Xingchen's idea was very simple, since he was coaxing the baby anyway, he might as well give some strong medicine.

Lin Gougou hugged Ye Xingchen excitedly, and then said childishly: "Brother Xingchen is really nice, much better than my sister."

"Quite really can talk, eat quickly, we'll leave when you're full." Ye Xingchen didn't think the children's compliments were flattery at all, because children can't lie.

Lin enough to eat almost three small buns and couldn't eat any more. As for the rest, Ye Xingchen took care of the rest, and then started a day of raising the baby.

When I came to the classroom, the audience was already full of students. As for those who brought small benches, the school stipulated new rules a few months ago. For the safety of the students, they are not allowed to bring their own benches when there are no seats. , It is also not allowed to stand and attend lectures, and it is not allowed to crowd in the corridor. Violators may be warned to write inspections, and even expelled from the school.

Of course, when the students in the audience saw their god teacher brought a child to class, the classroom that was quiet just now exploded instantly.

"I'll go, why did Teacher Ye bring the child here?"

"I never heard that the teacher got married."

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Ye is only so old. This child is already this old. He must not be the teacher's child."

"Then maybe, there are a lot of pregnant women in junior high school now."

"shut your mouth."

Listening to the discussion below, Ye Xingchen took Lin Gougou to stand on the podium.

"Everyone be quiet, today I will introduce a new classmate to you, Lin Gougou, everyone welcome."

As soon as the words fell, there was roaring applause from the audience.

After the sound fell, a handsome female student in front raised her hand and asked, "Teacher, is this your younger brother?"

"Well, that's right. This is the younger brother of a senior sister in your department. She's working now, so she doesn't have time to watch it, so let me lead the class for a day." Ye Xingchen replied with a smile.

Another male classmate suddenly asked: "Then if you agree to help her look after her brother, it proves that you have a good relationship."

"not bad."

Ye Xingchen gave him a look that you understand.

"It can't be your girlfriend."

"Come on, Mr. Ye, you can't have a girlfriend."

"I exchanged my ten years of being single for Teacher Ye's ten years of being single."

"Come on, you won't be able to change someone for a month in ten years."

Listening to the more and more outrageous remarks in the audience, Ye Xingchen's face became darker and darker: "Quiet, class is now."

Although Ye Xingchen's tone was not too harsh, the students in the audience became quiet.

"Quough, you go and sit over there first, don't forget what you promised your brother." Ye Xingchen asked enough to sit in an empty seat at the very front. The classmates tidied up, and Lin enough to sit there.

Then Ye Xingchen began to give lectures with peace of mind.

And Lin Gougou sat on the seat and fiddled with his Transformers.

The female classmate next to her handed over a bag of potato chips and said, "Your name is Lin Gougou, right? Come here, sister treats you to snacks."

"Thank you sister. But it's enough to have breakfast today, and I'm not hungry." Lin Gougou said in a childish voice.

The female classmate was immediately surrounded by him: "Wow, so polite and so cute. Enough, my sister asked you, is the teacher dating your sister?"

"What is falling in love?" Enough raised his head and asked curiously.

Another female classmate next to her patted the classmate just now, and said angrily: "Don't teach bad children, Teacher Ye will definitely not let you go if he finds out."

"How can I teach the children badly? I'm here to help you ask questions."

"Then you have to take it easy, he is still a child."

"I know you don't need to teach me." Then he turned his head and explained to Enough, "Dating is just that, the relationship between the two is very, very good friends, eating together, going out to play together, sleeping, bah, anyway, that's about the same .”

Lin Gougou nodded half-understanding, and then said: "Brother Xingchen picks up my sister from get off work every day, and also cooks for my sister, which is very good to me."

After Lin Enough finished speaking, he went to play with his Transformers.

As for the girl who was lying sadly on the table at this time, she kept shouting, "I'm broken in love."

Lin enough to look at her sister who was smiling just now, and now she is crying so sadly, and can't help but sigh how complicated the world of adults is.

Ye Xingchen spoke very seriously at the front, and Lin Gougou was also very quiet below. The time of a class passed quickly. Ye Xingchen's class mode is usually to give a lecture and show a video of a class, so that students can Three-dimensional learning should also be relaxed.

But in the past, he was watching in the classroom, but this time he slipped away early.

"Everyone should watch carefully in the classroom, and you can talk, but you are not allowed to affect other classes."

Then Ye Xingchen led Lin enough to come out.

After Ye Xingchen left, the students started to discuss with each other again, and the female classmate who was chatting with Lin Qugou started to spread the news, and then... various versions were produced.

And Ye Xingchen, who was raising the baby, didn't know it, because he promised enough in the morning that he would take him to buy toys today, and he couldn't break his promise.

"What kind of toy do you want?" Ye Xingchen let Lin Gougou ride on his neck, and then asked with big hands holding small ones.

"I want Transformers."

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