The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 399 Miaomiao, when are you going to start a family?

"Isn't there a Transformer? Why do you need a Transformer?"

"That's Bumblebee. I also want an Optimus Prime. My sister promised to buy it for my birthday, but she hasn't bought it for me until now."

This reminder from Lin Gougou made Ye Xingchen suddenly think that Lin Miaomiao's birthday seems to be coming soon, November 11 Sagittarius, he remembers it very clearly.It's October now, and there's still a month left.

Then Ye Xingchen agreed to Lin Enough's request, and took him to the mall to buy an Optimus Prime.Then I brought enough to eat KFC and ice cream. According to enough to say, every time my sister brought him to play, she would grab his food, which was very bad.

This is not surprising, after all, this guy competes with cats for food, and she can definitely do it for children.

In the afternoon, Ye Xingchen brought enough to play, the children's playground, the swimming pool, and the game hall that children especially love to play. In short, after getting familiar with Ye Xingchen this afternoon, Lin enough to be more familiar with Ye Xingchen. kind.

Lin Miaomiao was worried that Ye Xingchen would not be able to take good care of her enough, so she called him in advance that day, saying that she was off work normally today, and asked Ye Xingchen to bring her enough to pick her up at the company.

When he heard that he was going to see his sister again, Lin Zuigou subconsciously refused: "Can you tell my sister to work overtime?"

"Why?" Ye Xingchen smiled.

Lin enough to explain the reason: "my sister came to bully me again."

"She dares, brother Xingchen is protecting her so she doesn't dare to bully you, don't worry." Ye Xingchen assured her, patting her chest.

"Yeah." Lin Gougou nodded wildly, completely trusting Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen parked the car downstairs of Lin Miaomiao's company, and then sent a message to ask Lin Miaomiao to come down.

After a while, Lin Miaomiao's figure came out of the company door.

"My sister is here." Lin enough to lean on Ye Xingchen subconsciously.

"Don't be afraid, look at me later, you play by ear."


Lin Miaomiao skillfully opened the co-pilot's door and was about to get in when she saw Lin Gougou on the co-pilot.

"Lin Gougou, you go and sit in the back." Lin Miaomiao directly ordered her brother to go to the back.

And Lin Gougou turned to Ye Xingchen for help: "Brother Xingchen, look, my sister is bullying me again."

"Miaomiao, just feel wronged today and sit in the back." Because Ye Xingchen promised to help him enough, everything was in trouble

Looking at Lin's smug smile, and seeing Ye Xingchen and his younger brother winking, he knew that the two had formed an alliance against him.

"Okay, you two are really good, just wait for me." Lin Miaomiao closed the door angrily, and then sat in the back seat.

Ye Xingchen looked at the angry Lin Miaomiao in the rearview mirror, and said softly, "Why are you so fierce, who messed with you."

"Who else is there, you two." Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

"No, what's wrong with the two of us, I—"

Ye Xingchen was stunned, not knowing where the fire came from.

At this time, Lin Quou quietly leaned into Ye Xingchen's ear and said, "Don't worry about my sister, she will be so fierce for a few days every month."

Puff ha ha ha——

Ye Xingchen really couldn't hold back this time.

Lin Miaomiao naturally heard what Lin Gouge said, and now her anger is full, but she can't fight Lin Gougou, but Ye Xingchen can.

Lin Miaomiao exploded from behind, grabbing Ye Xingchen's neck with both hands: "Let you laugh, laugh."

Ye Xingchen showed a painful expression on his face, and then asked Lin enough to help: "Save me enough."

Lin Gou hurried forward to break Lin Miaomiao's hand, and said, "Let go of Brother Xingchen."

Lin Miaomiao's face was full of disbelief, her younger brother had already been completely bribed within a day.

"Lin enough, I'm your real sister, where are you from?"

"Whoever treats me well is mine. Brother Xingchen never robs me of food, and even buys me birthday presents. Of course I help brother."

Lin enough reason enough, and very reasonable.

"Okay, you two are in a group, right? Let me go, can't I go?"

Lin Miaomiao made a gesture to get out of the car.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Ye Xingchen took a breath and said.

"I'll go, you two go play." Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

"Don't, just talk and play when enough is enough. Don't lose your temper. In the afternoon, he said that it would be good if you were here. The three of us can play together. He has been looking forward to it all afternoon."

Then Ye Xingchen blinked at enough.

Lin Enough is also very smart. Although he was very reluctant, he still coaxed his sister and said, "Sister, don't be angry."

"Hmph, little white-eyed wolf, did you hurt you for nothing before?"

Lin Miaomiao nodded Lin Gegou's head fiercely.

Ye Xingchen saw that this method was effective, so he took advantage of the victory and chased after him: "Okay, sit down, I'll take you to dinner first, and think about where our family will go to play."

"Bah, who is with your family, don't come here to get closer, I haven't agreed to go through the door yet." Lin Miaomiao scolded with a smile.

Ye Xingchen was a little dazed, why did he suddenly talk about the door-to-door? This thought jump was a bit big, maybe it was a hint.

"Look at me, why don't you drive?" Lin Miaomiao also knew that she seemed to have said "passed", so she quickly changed the subject.

Ye Xingchen started the car, and then asked intentionally or unintentionally: "Well, Miao Miao, when are you going to think about your life's major events?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"Ask." Ye Xingchen shrugged and said.

Lin Miaomiao looked out the window, and said, "Well... I'm not in the internship period right now, and besides, I didn't decide this matter alone."

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly when he heard the last sentence, "Got it."

The blush on Lin Miaomiao's face deepened. She didn't know why she said those words just now, anyway, she just said them out of nowhere.

Although Lin Enough couldn't understand what the two were confused about, he asked Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao a particularly shocking question: "Brother Xingchen, are you and sister in love?"

Ye Xingchen froze for a moment, the green light in front turned red and did not rest, and when he saw it, he slammed on the brakes, fortunately in time, and did not cross the line.

"No, who told you the word love, Ye Xingchen?" Lin Miaomiao asked in surprise.

"No, it was my sister who was in class today who asked me if brother Xingchen was in a relationship with my sister."

"And then? Do you know what falling in love is?" Lin Miaomiao continued to ask.

"The elder sister said that eating together, going out to play together, and being good friends is to fall in love." Lin enough to say the original words.

After hearing this, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but regret taking Lin enough to go to class.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen, Xingshi asked, "Ye Xingchen, is this how you take care of the child?"

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