The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 401 The four little ones have a meeting.

"What a fart, why don't I take you out to play every day?" Lin Miaomiao angrily picked up the other end of the chopsticks and tapped Lin Gegou's head lightly.

"Look at her bullying me again." Lin enough to complain to Ye Xingchen.

And Ye Xingchen also showed the majesty of being a "father" and said: "Don't bully enough."

Lin Miaomiao is angry and wronged now, she now feels as if she has been abandoned by the whole world

Just when Lin Miaomiao was about to take Ye Xingchen to bully her, the waiter came over and said, "Excuse me, have you finished your meal? You can take a picture after you finish eating."

"Are you full enough?" Ye Xingchen lowered his head and asked.

"I'm full, Baba."

Lin replied wittily enough.

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly, and then asked Miao Miao: "Alright then, let's take a group photo as a family."

"Slap, shoot you to death." Lin Miaomiao raised her fist as if to hit him.

Ye Xingchen hugged Lin enough to save face and hid far away, and said:
"Your mother is too fierce. Don't learn from your mother when you grow up."

Lin Miaomiao gritted her teeth when she heard this, she really wanted to eat Ye Xingchen whole, bit by bit.

The waiter next to her holding a Polaroid couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling. She thought this family was really interesting and loving.

"Okay, ok, just kidding, it's time for our family to take pictures, and I'm still waiting," Ye Xingchen took the initiative to admit his mistake in front of Daolin Miaomiao with his feet.

"Hmph." Lin Miaomiao snorted softly to express her dissatisfaction.

Now that the three of them are together, Ye Xingchen and Lin enough to laugh, only Lin Miaomiao looks angry.

The waiter took a camera and looked at several people and reminded: "Mom, smile, it looks more loving."

After Ye Xingchen heard it, he couldn't help but said: "Miaomiao, do you hear me, you have to show love, and for our little coffers, you should work hard."

Lin Miaomiao had no choice but to be forced to smile.

After focusing, the waiter immediately pressed the shutter button to record this moment.

After the photo was printed out, there were two in total, one was used for publicity in the store, and the other was taken back as a souvenir.

After discussing, the two decided to give the photo to Enough. After all, only by putting it here can the preciousness of this photo be highlighted.

"It's enough, you have to keep it well, you know?" Ye Xingchen asked when he came out.

"Understood Brother Xingchen."

Lin enough to hold the photo in his hand like a treasure, because just now Ye Xingchen promised him that next time as long as the photo is intact, he will buy him all the Transformers toys.

So the photo at this moment is a small treasury for Lin enough. He not only carefully protects it, but also guards against his sister coming to snatch it.

Because Lin Miaomiao asked just now, can she exchange this for something?
In Lin Gouge's eyes, this is the omen before Lin Miaomiao's robbing, after all, this is not the first time Lin Miaomiao has done it.

Seeing Lin Gougou defending her like a thief, Lin Miaomiao was annoyed for a while: "I won't rob you."

"Hahaha, it seems that Miao Miao, you left a deep impression on your heart." Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao with a smile and said.

"Don't gloat, let's go, I played late enough today, it's time to go back, I have to go to work early tomorrow."

Hearing that Lin Miaomiao had to go to work early, Ye Xingchen felt a little distressed: "There's no need to work so hard, don't tire yourself out."

"What do you know, now my show is not as bad as other shows, I don't have good inspiration yet, if I don't work harder, I will really go hungry."

Ye Xingchen sighed lightly: "Well, it's better not to be too tired anyway, the body is the most important thing."


Afterwards, Ye Xingchen put the sleepy Lin Gougou behind, and sent the two of them home.


Soon Lin Miaomiao's company held another meeting systematically. The content of the meeting was the innovation of the program.
This time Tian Tian focused on Lin Miaomiao's program, saying that the recent professional experience data is bleak, and if it continues like this, it must be cut off.

Because Lin Miaomiao has not had any good inspiration recently, and because Lin Dawei was deaf and hospitalized, he has no intention of working, so the content of the last few issues is not very interesting.

In order not to let the program that she worked so hard to create be cut off, Lin Miaomiao issued a military order to Mr. Tian: "Mr. Tian, ​​if the data of my program for this episode is still not good, it's fine to cut this program at that time." I have no opinion on whether to give it to someone else, and I will also write a resignation report myself."

Tian Tian especially likes Lin Miaomiao's energy.

So I gave her a chance: "Lin Miaomiao, you said this yourself, are you sure?"

"Yes, Mr. Tian." Lin Miaomiao replied affirmatively.

Tian Tiandian nodded and showed an appreciative smile: "Okay, then do as you said, I will arrange shooting personnel and machines for you, and I will try my best to help you if there are any work needs."

"Thank you, Mr. Tian."

Lin Miaomiao originally wanted a chance, but she didn't expect Mr. Tian to open such a long green channel for her.

However, the more this happened, the more Lin Miaomiao worried about her poor grades. After all, this was the trust of the leaders in her. If she hadn't made any grades yet, she was a piece of mud and couldn't support her.

So after work, everyone except Qian Sanyi was called this year. Don't get me wrong, I didn't make a small group. It was all because Qian Sanyi went to the capital to see a doctor, so I didn't have time to come.

Ye Xingchen, Jiang Tianhao, Deng Xiaoqi, and Xiao Zhao were sitting on a bench at one side, while Lin Miaomiao was in front, giving an affectionate speech:

"Comrades, now your good brothers and sisters need help, what should I do? This is the time for you to sacrifice your flesh."

Jiang Tianhao unconsciously covered his chest with his hands, and then whispered to Ye Xingchen next to him, "Brother Chen, why do I look at your family a little abnormally, I suggest that she also go to see a doctor in the heart, It’s more reliable that way.”

"Get lost." Ye Xingchen said bluntly.

Jiang Tianhao sat down awkwardly: "Hey."

"Why is no one talking, I'm asking for your help, are you standing by and watching?" Lin Miaomiao said dissatisfied looking at the still silent crowd.

Deng Xiaoqi gave her a blank look: "Sisters, tell me how you can help me. How can we help you halfway through your words. I don't even know what we are going to do."

"That's right, if you don't say what we can help, how can we help? Let's talk about the problem first, and then we will decide whether to help." Jiang Tianhao echoed, he is a ghost, and when he doesn't know what to help talk.

"Look, look at your attitude, I still treat each of you as good brothers in vain, it makes me sad."

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