"My career has reached the most critical time. I just made a guarantee with my boss. If I can't do anything this time, I will pack up and leave. It's life and death, my family." Lin Miaomiao looked at the others anxiously. .

"So what exactly do you want us to do for you?" Jiang Tianhao asked impatiently.

Lin Miaomiao saw that there was too much foreshadowing ahead, "Isn't this program about filming professional experience, so now is the opportunity for everyone to go abroad, I need to film your day at work, how about it, who is interested."

Jiang Tianhao immediately got up and prepared to leave: "I'm sorry I'm not interested, I have to choose a book tomorrow."

"What book do you choose? When did you learn to read?" Lin Miaomiao said in astonishment.

"The script kills the book. Isn't Tianhao's kitchen business doing well? I'm going to expand into other industries." Jiang Tianhao raised his head and replied in torment.

"Good guy, you are trying to make a fortune, so I have to choose you even more. The topic of a day for an ordinary person to start a business is a good choice."

Lin Miaomiao suddenly came up with inspiration, and felt that this topic would definitely become popular and attract more audiences.

Jiang Tianhao frowned, and couldn't help asking: "But I'm going to choose a book tomorrow. There are so many people, and it's very messy inside. It's not that I won't let you take pictures of me. There's really nothing to take pictures of."

Hearing what Jiang Tianhao said, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help being a little disappointed, but she also knew that what Haozi said was very reasonable. If there were so many people, it would be difficult to walk around, let alone photographing things.

Seeing Lin Miaomiao disappointed, Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help but said: "Maybe I can help, you can film our day of rehearsal."

The gloomy Lin Miaomiao's eyes suddenly leaked light again, she trotted over to hug Deng Xiaoqi, buried her face in Deng Xiaoqi's arms, and said with a soft and coquettish head resting on her head: "Xiaoqi, I knew that you should treat me better, But can the crew come in at will?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. You're helping us with publicity. It's beneficial and harmless. The director will agree." Deng Xiaoqi thought for a while before saying.

"That's good, then I'll live with you tonight for the convenience of filming." Lin Miaomiao immediately made up her mind when she heard that there was no problem.

Ye Xingchen frowned tightly. Although what Deng Xiaoqi said was fine, according to Ye Xingchen's understanding, generally not everyone can join the crew, so he still raised his concerns: "Miaomiao, I don't think this will work. First of all, the profession of an actor is quite special, and they must pay attention to confidentiality in private, and the point is that not everyone can join the crew, if journalists can join the crew, how can the normal shooting and rehearsal be completed on time. "

Although what Ye Xingchen said made sense, Lin Miaomiao still showed displeasure on her face: "Hey, I said Ye Xingchen, it's fine if you can't help, can you not disturb the morale of the army here? Xiaoqi can help here , if you still refuse, can I shoot you tomorrow?"

"Shoot me? That's fine, but my day is quite boring, except for class and coding, are you sure you want to shoot me?" Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't object.

"Cut, what did you say?" Lin Miaomiao rolled her eyes.

"I was thinking, what do people want to see most in this era? Your original intention of making this show was to let everyone know about these people who are often seen in the society but don't pay attention to them, takeaways, couriers, cleaners, Volunteer, you said that you did not make short videos for the sake of popularity, but to draw people's attention to professions that would not normally be noticed, and to give them more understanding, right?"

"Yes, being an actor is also a kind of professional experience, and in the eyes of ordinary people, you can only see the brilliance of the actor, but you can't see the hard work behind it. Only after this program is produced can more people know about the actor. It’s also very hard.” Lin Miaomiao felt that her direction was not wrong, and she wanted to let everyone understand the differences between various occupations.

"It's not the same. Compared with novelty-seeking things, I think resonance is more attractive to everyone." Ye Xingchen put forward his own point of view.

"Resonance?" Lin Miaomiao half understood.

Ye Xingchen nodded: "Yes, empathy, think about why your first video became popular, isn't it because everyone saw your own shadow from Master Shao? This is empathy."

After listening to Ye Xingchen's words, Lin Miaomiao suddenly understood. She felt as if she had grasped something, but she hadn't fully grasped it yet.

Before Lin Miaomiao could speak, Ye Xingchen reminded: "I remember that uncle is doing volunteer work."

"Volunteer, yes, why didn't I think of it? Isn't this just a ready-made shooting material? Ye Xingchen, you are simply a genius."

Lin Miaomiao jumped up excitedly, suddenly inspired.

Before she could be happy, Lin Miaomiao's phone rang.

Lin Miaomiao picked it up and saw that it was her mother calling.

"Hey, mom, what are you calling for?"

"Miaomiao, your father and I can't live anymore."

Upon hearing this, Lin Miaomiao quickly asked, "No, what's the matter with you two? Didn't you be fine two days ago? Besides, my dad can't hear now, so you can accommodate him a bit."

Mentioning this, Wang Shengnan's tone became even more excited: "Your father is not deaf at all, and he has been pretending to be deaf to lie to me for a while."

"What? Pretending to be deaf, this old Lin, mom, don't get excited, I'll go back right away."

Lin Miaomiao hung up the phone hastily.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen asked.

"It's okay, my parents are quarreling again, I'll take care of it. By the way, Ye Xingchen, your proposal is very good, I'm going to adopt it, and I'll go back this time to ask my dad about volunteering." Lin Miaomiao had already reached the door and suddenly turned around and said, "You don't have to see me off, I'll just take a taxi and go back by myself. I might not be going back to the apartment tonight, let me tell you."

Ye Xingchen nodded helplessly and said, "Okay."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."


Lin Miaomiao rushed to the house in a hurry, and after opening the door, there was no quarrel and endless quarrel between the two of them as she thought, but one was on this side of the sofa, and the other was on the other side of the sofa, murderous and trembling at the same time.

"Well, are you guys finished arguing or haven't you started yet?" Lin Miaomiao walked over and put down her bags and sat on the sofa in the middle and looked at Wang Shengnan and asked.

"Miaomiao, your dad and I can't live anymore." Wang Shengnan said.

Lin Miaomiao showed a little impatience on her face, she rubbed her trousers and said: "Mom, you have said this hundreds of times, and it is just these few sentences back and forth, every time you say no Go down, live a different life and have a good time."

"This time it's true. Your dad has already touched my bottom line. I'm going to move out tomorrow." Wang Shengnan looked like he had made up his mind.

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help being very troubled, where did this come from, and she quickly winked at Lin Dawei: "Dad, you see that you have offended my mother, so I apologize quickly, let me tell you that I am here this time. Standing on my mother's side, it's wrong for you to deceive my mother."

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