The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 408 Ye Xingchen's Secret Base

After Lin Miaomiao heard the news, she was surprised for a while, and then she was very happy in her heart, but she still showed displeasure on her face: "I don't go to places where other girls have lived."

Looking at Lin Miaomiao who was eating vinegar, Ye Xingchen sighed softly and coaxed: "He lives in a guest room, but you are the hostess, and you are going to live in the master bedroom. You live with me, why don't you even talk to me?" I also dislike it."

Ye Xingchen gently hugged Lin Miaomiao from behind and said in a very soft tone.

Lin Miaomiao's ears were so itchy from Ye Xingchen's breath, she couldn't help struggling slightly:
"Hey, who is the hostess? Don't be self-righteous. My rent is half a month away. I'll think about it after I finish my stay."

Ye Xingchen looked at the stubborn Lin Miaomiao, and directly hugged her forcefully.

"Ah, what are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao exclaimed.

Ye Xingchen hugged Lin Miaomiao and slowly approached her face and said, "Even if I tie you up today, I will tie you up, so I will give you another chance, go by yourself or I will tie you up."

Lin Miaomiao was shy and angry at the moment, but with Ye Xingchen's strength, she had no choice but to compromise in the end.

"I'll go, can't I go? Let me down quickly."

Lin Miaomiao said in a dissatisfied tone.

Ye Xingchen smiled in satisfaction, and then put Lin Miaomiao down.

"What a rogue." Lin Miaomiao, who was freed, quickly took several steps back, cherishing life, and staying away from Ye Xingchen.

Looking at Lin Miaomiao who looked like a frightened little rabbit, Ye Xingchen said helplessly: "Hurry up and pack your things, there is still a big thing to do when we go back."

Lin Miaomiao trembled, staring at Ye Xingchen cautiously and asked, "What's the big deal?"

"It's about whether your job can be covered, and whether your professional experience can be popular. It's not a big deal." Ye Xingchen said.

Lin Miaomiao was a little puzzled, and asked inexplicably, "Does this have anything to do with me going to your house?"

"Maybe not."


"Hurry up and pack your things. I still need to pack up when I go back. I'll go down and wait for you first." After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he turned his head and walked down with the luggage and backpack he had already packed.

Lin Miaomiao complained, and then packed her usual clothes and all kinds of cosmetics and toiletries. After simple packing, she found a problem, there were too many things to carry.

Perhaps because he had expected this situation a long time ago, Ye Xingchen just came up at this time, looking at the big suitcase, small suitcase, big backpack and small backpack, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

What a simple clean up, this is too simple.

"Let me help you get some." Before Lin Miaomiao could speak, Ye Xingchen carried a big bag on his back, then went down with two suitcases, and then turned around and said, "Let's go."

"Oh." Lin Miaomiao followed Ye Xingchen with the small schoolbag on her back.

The luggage of the two of them had filled the trunk and the back of the car to the brim. Fortunately, it was just a simple tidying up. If you do a thorough tidying up, let alone your own car, the van would be enough.

Soon, Ye Xingchen drove to the downstairs of the community, parked the car in the parking space, and the two went upstairs with their luggage.

When you come to the door, the intelligent system scans your face, and the door opens automatically with a beep.

After entering the house, Ye Xingchen looked at the tidy living room, and couldn't help but feel a little different about Mu Yunxi. He originally thought that just a young lady might mess up the house, but now it doesn't seem to be the case.

"Welcome home, boss."

Heitan's voice sounded, all the furniture in the room was powered on, and all the intelligent systems were activated.

"Come here, go and put your things down first." Ye Xingchen glanced at Lin Miaomiao behind, and said with a smile.

Even though I lived in Ye Xingchen once, Lin Miaomiao, who came for the second time, still sighed a little about the luxury of this house. This luxury is not just about the decoration, but the sense of technology inside, giving people a feeling of a future house .

Lin Miaomiao came to Ye Xingchen's room, put her luggage away one by one, and was brought into the study by Ye Xingchen.

"Why did you bring me here?" Lin Miaomiao asked suspiciously.

Ye Xingchen showed a mysterious smile: "Take you to my secret base."

But with this smile, Lin Miaomiao seemed to have some malicious intentions.

Ye Xingchen came to the desk, and after pressing a button, the entire bookshelf shook and opened on both sides.

A bright silver door appeared in front of Lin Miaomiao's eyes. Ye Xingchen came to the door and pressed his fingerprint. After the recognition was successful, the door opened automatically.

Lin Miaomiao's eyes widened, and what was inside completely shocked her:

"This is?"

Ye Xingchen introduced: "This is my laboratory and the place where I do my research. Go in and have a look."

Ye Xingchen took Lin Miaomiao's hand and strode in.

"Ye Xingchen, you're not an alien, are you?" Lin Miaomiao couldn't help asking after seeing the holographic projection screen and the strange things inside it only in movies.

Ye Xingchen said angrily when he heard this: "You are an alien. These are all things I made myself. In addition, holographic projections have been researched long ago. It's just that ordinary people can't touch them."

Hearing Ye Xingchen's explanation, Lin Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it's good that it's not an alien.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Miaomiao understood what Ye Xingchen's purpose was for bringing her here, so she asked.

Ye Xingchen walked to the workbench, looked at the screen floating above and said, "Help Yujia fulfill her wish. Although she can't actually see those scenes, I can use holographic technology or VR technology to simulate real scenes for her to see." See."

Lin Miaomiao was shocked when she heard it, and she asked excitedly, "Can you really do it?"

"Theoretically yes." Ye Xingchen has this confidence because he has Heitan, a super artificial intelligence that is more powerful than Jarvis in Marvel, and Ye Xingchen is a genius in the first place, so he can really do it. .

In one, if you can’t do it, there is still a system. If you really can’t change it, hehe, I’m so smart.

"That's really great, so Yujia won't have any regrets. By the way, can I shoot here?"

Lin Miaomiao asked in anticipation.

Ye Xingchen walked over with a blank face, and unceremoniously gave Lin Miaomiao a critical blow.

"It hurts, why did you hit me?" Lin Miaomiao covered her head, tears of pain rolled in her eyes.

"Sometimes I really don't know if you are really stupid or fake. Do you think that if the things from my secret base are sent out, can the two of us calm down in the future?" Ye Xingchen said angrily.

Lin Miaomiao said with an aggrieved face: "I'm just talking casually, and I don't really want to shoot."

Then Ye Xingchen rubbed Lin Miaomiao's head just now, then returned to the workbench, and began to use VR technology to simulate all the scenery in this world.

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