In fact, Yujia's wish is really difficult for her. It can be said that if there is no miracle, these so-called wishes will not be realized at all.

The reason why Ye Xingchen worked so hard to help her was because of one sentence.

Some people say that you have read the script of life in heaven, and you chose this script because it has something you think is worthwhile, so maybe for Yujia, she is a ray of light in her life.

Some people may ask, why not directly help Yujia to cure her illness systematically, because the world has never been broken, just like Xu Jie.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the big boy who was operating the virtual screen, and retreated silently. She seemed to understand what Ye Xingchen was thinking at this moment.

The next thing will be fine, Lin Miaomiao will help those patients together with Lin Dawei in the Hospice Nursing Home, and with the consent of the patients, Lin Miaomiao will also record what happened in a day with a sports camera.

When he got home, Ye Xingchen was already exhausted and fell asleep. Lin Miaomiao knew that he had been at the workbench for a whole day today, without drinking a sip of water or eating.

Lin Miaomiao's movements were very light. She went to the refrigerator to look at the contents, and found that there was nothing in it, so she went out cautiously and went to the supermarket outside to buy some vegetables. She had all the vegetables for today. Think about what to say, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, and beef stew with potatoes.

Because of Wang Shengnan, Lin Miaomiao is very familiar with these two dishes.

Although she is very unfamiliar with the operation of the smart appliances in Ye Xingchen's home, because Ye Xingchen gave her enough authority, she can directly consult Heitan.

After a while of introduction to Heitan, Lin Miaomiao found it really convenient. The perfect ratio of all ingredients and seasonings, as well as the ultimate control of time, made Lin Miaomiao particularly worry-free to operate.

Soon, with the help of Heitan, the two delicious dishes were ready.

At this time, Ye Xingchen also slowly woke up. After asking about the aroma of the food, he asked in a daze, "Is Miaomiao back?"

"You're awake, wash your hands and eat as soon as you wake up, you must be starving." Lin Miaomiao put the food in for Ye Xingchen and brought it out, said in a coquettish tone.

At this time, Lin Miaomiao gave Ye Xingchen the feeling of being a good wife.

"Here we go." Ye Xingchen endured his exhaustion and went to the bathroom to wash his hands.

As soon as I came to the dinner table, I felt very hungry.

So he also started to gobble it up.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's hunger, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but feel a little distressed: "I'm not going to do this next time, you must eat on time, this is what you told me, if you let me know that you don't eat, then I won't either." If you eat it, don’t blame me, you don’t set an example and teach others.”

Ye Xingchen knew that it was Lin Miaomiao who was feeling sorry for him, and his heart suddenly warmed up. After eating a few more mouthfuls of rice, Ye Xingchen said slowly: "I see, I will definitely set an example. This is the last time."

"That's good."

Lin Miaomiao has been eating in small bites. She is a different person in peacetime. She is afraid that Ye Xingchen will not have enough food, so she basically doesn't move much.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help being a little puzzled after seeing it: "Miao Miao, why don't you eat it?"

"I'm not very hungry, I'll eat after you finish eating." Lin Miaomiao said with a smile.

Although he said so on his lips, his stomach let out a growl.

Ye Xingchen's eyes narrowed, and he said softly, "Let's eat together."

Lin Miaomiao blushed, but did not continue to refuse.

Both of them had a wonderful feeling during this meal, a feeling that Ye Xingchen couldn't experience when taking Lin Miaomiao to other restaurants in the past.

The feeling of home is really good.

After eating, Ye Xingchen took the initiative to clean up the dishes.

Lin Miaomiao also hurriedly got up to clean up.

"It's fine if I come. The division of labor in the family must be fair. I will do the dishes while you cook." Ye Xingchen hurriedly stopped and said.

Hearing the word "family", Lin Miaomiao blushed and stopped her movements.

Ye Xingchen ignored her. After packing up his things, he took off his shirt and prepared to take a bath, change clothes and go to sleep.

Because it was not the first time we met, Lin Miaomiao was bolder this time, but she didn't look directly at Ye Xingchen too much. She asked, "Do you want to take a bath?"

"Well, I went to bed after taking a shower, I'm too tired." Ye Xingchen replied.

"Then give me the changed clothes, and I'll wash them for you." Lin Miaomiao said in a low voice.

Ye Xingchen was taken aback. Recently, Lin Miaomiao felt like a different person. He was very strange, very caring, and would take the initiative to cook and wash clothes. Is it an illusion or...

"Okay." Ye Xingchen replied and closed the door.

Only Lin Miaomiao was left standing there in a daze.

Ye Xingchen took a shower relatively quickly, and it took about 10 minutes to finish.

He handed the changed clothes to Lin Miaomiao and said, "The washing machine has two layers, and the upper one is for washing underwear. Don't forget it."

"Oh, yes, I see." After receiving it, Lin Miaomiao responded and ran away.

Ye Xingchen chuckled, and then returned to the room.He was lying on the bed thinking about all kinds of things in this world, maybe he had an intuition, he felt that he was about to leave.

Lin Miaomiao took Ye Xingchen's clothes and put them into the washing machine one by one. When she picked up the underwear, Lin Miaomiao hurriedly threw it into the upper drum with a blushing face. When everything was ready, the voice Control the washing machine to start.

She cautiously came to Ye Xingchen's room and asked, "Where do I sleep tonight?"

Ye Xingchen frowned lightly and said, "Here, why did we start to separate when we first arrived at my house?"

"No, no, I think there is only one bed in the apartment and we slept together, so we don't need it now." Lin Miaomiao said the last sentence in a low voice, like the sound of a mosquito, and you can't hear it carefully Can't hear.

Ye Xingchen's face became a little displeased, and he said in a deep voice, "No, I'm used to it, I can't sleep without sleeping with you."

That sounds... ambiguous.



Listening to Ye Xingchen's resolute tone, Lin Miaomiao reluctantly agreed.

Anyway, it's not like they haven't slept together before, so what are you afraid of, don't be afraid.

This is Lin Miaomiao's inner thoughts at this time.

"By the way, how is your filming going?" Seeing the embarrassing scene, Ye Xingchen changed the subject.

"Because the patient needs a quiet and peaceful environment, we borrowed an action camera. Basically, all the processes have been filmed, but the material is still not complete. Just make up for it in the next few days."

Lin Miaomiao reported the progress and situation of the filming in a tone like reporting work, which made Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, Miaomiao, I'm not your boss, why are you so serious."

"Cut, I have developed a workplace habit, okay?" Lin Miaomiao said with her lips curled.

Ye Xingchen couldn't stop smiling, and then said, "Okay, then I can appear on camera in two days."

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