By the evening, Lin Miaomiao's work had also been finished, and she finally handed in the manuscript before the evening update.

"Fortunately, we caught up." Lin Miaomiao stretched her waist and let out a sigh of relief.

Xiao Yao took a good look at Lin Miaomiao's video, and found that this one is very interesting, especially the boy who went viral last time, and this is a professional experience of public welfare dedication, maybe it is true Can be redirected.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Director Xiao Yao's smile, and immediately ran over, squeezed his shoulders to please him and said, "How about it, do you think I can stay?"

"I took a rough look, and the quality is basically fine. The next step is luck, but I think there is a high probability that there is no problem."

Xiao Yao's words gave Lin Miaomiao a shot in the arm.

"That's good, that's good, it's so late, is Director Xiao hungry, do you want me to order you a takeaway?" Lin Miaomiao wanted to take this opportunity to bribe Xiao Yao again, after all, if he really didn't To achieve the grades required by Mr. Tian, ​​then at this time, Mr. Xiao needs to give a few words of praise.

Xiao Yao couldn't see what Lin Miaomiao was thinking, so he said, "Okay, don't put eye drops on me here, and go home quickly when it's time to get off work, or your little boyfriend will give you some medicine later." You called."

"What's the matter, little boyfriend, he's older than me, you don't respect you for being old."

Lin Miaomiao squeezed Xiao Yao's shoulders vigorously from behind twice.

"Hiss, take it easy. You kid can't do anything lightly or hard."

"Okay, you can always stay in the company, I clock out of get off work." Lin Miaomiao packed her schoolbag and clocked out of get off work.

After getting in the car, he called Ye Xingchen and told him that he would not go there as soon as he went home today, and asked him to tell his uncle and aunt.

Ye Xingchen agreed, and told Lin Miaomiao to be careful on the road, and to send him a message when he got home.

Afterwards, the two chatted casually for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Because Ye Xingchen had just come back, he told his parents that Miaomiao was going home tonight, so there was no need to wait for her.

When Mu Ying heard that Miao Miao would not come today, she thought that she did not do well yesterday and frightened the girl.

"Mom, Miaomiao hasn't been home for a long time, and it's normal to go back. Aunt Katsunan called last time. Besides, didn't you ask Miaomiao to tell your uncle and aunt? What if you don't go back."

Seeing his mother's appearance, Ye Xingchen was also helpless for a while, thinking in his heart: Is it possible that girls are so out of their minds?
"That's good." Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Mu Ying was relieved.

Lin Miaomiao just opened the door when she went back this time, and the scene of people inside completely shocked her.

"My God, Mom, what are these boxes?" Lin Miaomiao asked blankly looking at the boxes piled up in the living room.

Wang Shengnan looked back, wondering why Miaomiao came back suddenly at this time.

"Miaomiao, you, didn't you go to work today?"

"I just got off work, no, what is it? So he raised his head and asked suspiciously.

Wang Shengnan sighed, now she is also very anxious, but now the goods have been piled up, and her classmates can't repay the debt now, and the tears can't stop flowing down slowly.

Seeing her mother crying, Lin Miaomiao hurried forward to inquire about the situation and comforted her, "Mom, don't cry, what's going on?"

"Miaomiao, Mom seems to have done something wrong."

"Don't cry, we have something to solve, don't cry, don't cry."

Lin Miaomiao coaxed Wang Shengnan like a child.

At this time, Lin Dawei had just returned from get off work, and after seeing this scene, he hurried forward and asked with concern:

"What's the matter, isn't it alright in the morning? Miaomiao, did you make your mother angry?"

Lin Miaomiao: "I just came back too, okay, I asked what happened to the snail noodles in the house, and then my mother became like this. Dad, do you know?"

Lin Dawei heard the chat between the two when he was pretending to be deaf a while ago, so he still has some understanding of this matter.

Before he could speak, Wang Shengnan told them both the ins and outs of the matter, and in the end, he became more and more anxious: "These goods have been kept at our house, and now that mother's classmate has no money to return them to us. Let’s get these goods here first, but, it’s useless for us to bring these things, what should we do.”

"Okay, okay, mom, don't worry, isn't this still in stock? We can sell it ourselves." Lin Miaomiao said.

Lin Dawei also felt that he was very smart, so he echoed: "Yes, we can sell it ourselves, as long as we can perform well, and besides, we are all good things, so we shouldn't worry about selling them."

"Sell it? Where to sell it? We don't know anyone."

Wang Shengnan wiped away his tears and said.

Lin Miaomiao suddenly sat up straight and said: "You can sell it by yourself. You see that you have quit your job now and have a lot of time. After retirement, you may be able to develop a new business. Then you can say no to e-commerce. You can make a lot of money.”

"E-commerce? No, mom doesn't know how to do this. Mom's classmate is an e-commerce company. You see, all the goods in the house are hers. Now she sells them all. How can we sell them?"

"It's all about human effort. A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor. If others can do it, you can do it." Lin Dawei also cheered Wang Shengnan up and gave her confidence.

After thinking about what the two said, I think it seems quite reasonable. Anyway, it is already like this, and there is no worse result. Try it yourself.

"Okay, then I'll ask tomorrow." Wang Shengnan replied.

Lin Miaomiao also smiled, and joked with Wang Shengnan: "That's right, as long as you work hard, nothing can be solved. Didn't you give me this truth?"

"Slippery, you still taught me a lesson." Wang Shengnan wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said angrily.

Then he remembered something, and suddenly asked: "By the way, Miao Miao, you haven't said anything yet, why did you come back suddenly today?"

This time, Lin Miaomiao was a little nervous. She murmured for a while before saying, "Well, Ye Xingchen's parents came back from abroad."

"Come back when you come back, what's the matter, people are not allowed to go back to China." Lin Dawei said as he tuned the TV station beside him.

"That's right, what does their coming back have to do with us?" Wang Shengnan asked puzzled.

Lin Miaomiao blushed, and then told the second elder the truth: "I had dinner with them yesterday, and they asked me to ask you out, and then...the two families have dinner together."

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