"You said you met Xiaochen's parents?" Lin Dawei asked in surprise.

Lin Miaomiao said with a little embarrassment, "I met you last night."

Wang Shengnan couldn't wait to ask: "Have you left a good impression on others? How is their attitude towards you? Do you have any prejudice against us?"

A series of questions confused Lin Miaomiao, why was she more nervous to see her mother than she was yesterday.

Lin Miaomiao raised her pretty face, bit her lips lightly and said, "Yesterday, my uncle and aunt were very warm to me, and they were also very talkative. They should like me a lot."

"Haha, let me just say, my daughter is so beautiful and so sensible, how could she not like it?"

Lin Dawei took it for granted by the side, not worried at all that his daughter would not be liked by others.

"That's fine. I'm afraid that Miaomiao's carefree personality will cause trouble. But as long as people don't mind, first impressions are very important."

Lin Miaomiao's words made Wang Shengnan's heart drop, and he agreed immediately: "Parents are free anytime, you can ask Xiaochen now, when the time comes, parents will definitely prepare well."

Lin Dawei: "Yes, parents will never lose face when they meet each other's parents. They must cheer up and take this matter seriously."

"There's no need to make it so grand, it's just a simple meal, a chat, and getting to know each other, that's it, you guys made me nervous again." Hearing that my parents attached so much importance to this matter , Lin Miaomiao felt a lot of pressure.

"It must be grand. You think this is the first time the parents of both sides have met. Although our small family can't compare with others, we can't show weakness in terms of momentum."

Wang Shengnan's expression was very serious at the moment, and he regained his previous aura of being the head of the family, as if it wasn't her who was crying anxiously just now.

Seeing such a big change in such a short period of time, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help asking, "Dad, my mother has changed her face too quickly, and she is almost the same as before."

"Ham, just get used to it. It's normal for your mother to change her face. Don't you know this since high school?" Lin Dawei said with a chuckle, "But what your mother said just now is right. The two parents met. It's a very serious matter, that's all right, just leave this matter alone, tell us the time, and leave the rest to me and your mother."

"Okay, then I'll ask Ye Xingchen tomorrow." Lin Miaomiao saw that her parents had made up her mind, so she didn't continue to take care of it, so let the two of them go.

At this time, Wang Shengnan hurriedly urged: "Don't ask tomorrow, you can send a message to ask now, maybe Xiaochen's parents are waiting, don't let people think that we are neglecting."

In the end, Lin Miaomiao couldn't hold back Wang Shengnan, so she sent Ye Xingchen a message in front of the two of them.

At this time at Ye Xingchen's home, Ye Bowen and Mu Ying were watching TV dramas on the sofa, while Ye Xingchen was by the side, chatting on TikTok boredly, seeing Lin Miaomiao sending a WeChat message at this time, the corners of his mouth couldn't help up.

Then he said to his parents: "Mom and Dad, Miao Miao said that uncles and aunts are available at any time, and the time and place are determined by us."

After hearing this, Mu Ying seemed to have heard some good news. The corners of her mouth burst into joy, and she hurriedly said: "Then let's go on weekends, and we don't work on weekends. We will come out to have dinner together. Your dad and I don't know." Which place in Jiangzhou has a good restaurant, you can decide the place."

Ye Bowen put down the remote control in his hand and said in a deep voice, "We must pay attention to this matter, and we must not be negligent in the slightest."

"Understood, Dad, you have repeated it many times. Isn't it just for dinner, it shouldn't be enough." Ye Xingchen curled his lips, really not understanding why he was so cautious about this matter.

"What do you know, this is not just a simple meal, it is related to your life..."

"Stop, mom, I know, I understand, I'll send a message to Miao Miao right now, you can stop watching TV for a while."

Before Mu Ying could finish her sentence, Ye Xingchen hurriedly interrupted her, got up and went back to his room, and then returned a message to Lin Miaomiao.

"The time is set for the weekend, and the location will be at the Starlight Hotel. I'll fix the location right now. Tell your uncles and aunts."

Lin Miaomiao quickly replied after seeing it: "Okay."

"Are you coming back tonight?" Ye Xingchen asked again.

Lin Miaomiao: "Don't go back, it's fine to stay at home tonight, after all, it's quite troublesome to take a taxi there."

Ye Xingchen: "Okay, then if you leave work early tomorrow, remember to tell me, and I will pick you up."

"OK. naughty.jpg"


"A little bit."

When Lin Miaomiao responded to the message, the corner of her mouth kept curling into a smile, which made Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan next to her think that the child was out of her mind.

"What are you talking about, so happy." Wang Shengnan came over curiously.

Like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, Lin Miaomiao quickly hid the phone in her arms and asked in amazement, "What are you doing, Mom, you scared me to death."

"I saw you were giggling all the time, and thought you were out of your mind, what's wrong with Xiaochen?" Wang Shengnan asked angrily seeing Lin Miaomiao's nervous look.

"He said that the time will be on the weekend night, and the location will be at the Starlight Hotel."

"It's really a big business. This is the best hotel in Jiangzhou." Lin Dawei couldn't help but sigh.

"No matter how big the restaurant is, it can still make flowers. Besides, we didn't go there for dinner, but to talk about the two children..."

Seeing that Wang Shengnan was about to start nagging again, Lin Miaomiao said quickly: "Mom, I have to go to work tomorrow, so I'll go to bed first."

After speaking, he hurried to the house.

"You went to bed so early, you haven't eaten yet." Wang Shengnan asked.

Lin Miaomiao reopened the door of the room at this time, and then came out to take out a box of snail powder and said, "Isn't this ready-made? So much is not wasted."

"You can eat outside, and eat inside to make the bedroom smell so good."

"That's right, then I'll go to the kitchen to eat."

Lin Miaomiao took the water and went to the kitchen to cook the snail noodles.


Ye Xingchen said something to Lin Miaomiao the day before yesterday. The original content was, I am used to sleeping with you next to me, and now I can't sleep without you.

This sentence is really not just a joke, without Lin Miaomiao here tonight, Ye Xingchen really has a bit of insomnia.

It seems that Lin Miaomiao really can't be easily "returned to her natal family" in the future.

Ye Xingchen, who was bored in every possible way, tried to call the system twice. He thought that there was no response as before, but this time he really woke up.

"Is there something wrong with the host?"

"I'll go, you're alive." Ye Xingchen was shocked.

"At present, the energy of the system has been restored, and the activation state can be maintained normally."

However, Ye Xingchen was not at all happy, because he knew that the system reactivation meant that he was going back soon.

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