Ye Xingchen asked silently in his heart: "Am I going back soon?"

The system was silent for a while, and then said: "The host is very smart."

Ye Xingchen smiled wryly: "I knew it would be like this. It seems that I made the right choice not to break through the last step."

Then he went on to ask: "Can you tell me how much time is left?"

"The host still has two months left."

"Why, in such a hurry? Are you kidding me?" Ye Xingchen lost his usual calmness. Although he knew that he was definitely going back, he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"The system is not kidding anymore. The host has been in this world for three years, which is the longest time. If you continue to stay, the real world will proceed simultaneously."

"What do you mean?" Ye Xingchen frowned, he didn't quite understand the last sentence.

"If the host hasn't left after two months, then every day in this world will be spent in the real world, and the host is equivalent to a vegetable in reality."

The system explained this problem to Ye Xingchen in detail.

Although Ye Xingchen knew when he came to this world that going back was certain, and he was already prepared in his heart, but when this day really came, he still felt a little bit reluctant.

Then he thought of another important question: "Will Mai Mai know this memory?"

"This...not necessarily." This was the first time the system answered Ye Xingchen's question uncertainly.

"I'm not sure, you brought me here and you didn't know if the memory would be inherited, what's wrong?" Ye Xingchen cursed in his heart, what kind of unreliable system is this.

Then the system gave him a satisfactory explanation: "Because this world does not have a specific world structure, it is an external world expanded from the system space based on the world of Boy Pi Yi, so the system does not know what will happen."

Ye Xingchen seemed to understand what it meant. The general meaning was that the Youth Pi had no script in the original world, and this was deduced from the original script.

"I remember you said that the Youth Pi disappeared directly, but the system expanded the outside world based on the original world, that is to say, the original database system existed. It disappeared, but it was saved by you, right?" Ye Xingchen found a loophole in the system's language based on the short conversation between the two of them, and asked directly.

After a while of busy tones, a voice sounded very familiar but couldn't remember who it was: "No, the world has disappeared. The world of your Boy Pi has indeed disappeared."

"Really?" Ye Xingchen who was lying on the bed suddenly sat up, and his whole body trembled suddenly.

"Yes." The mysterious man said with certainty.

"But, didn't the sublimator fuse the two?" Ye Xingchen asked again,

"Why does Miaomiao appear on Maimai's body, and everyone in the original world is treated as a wedding dress?"

"Let the system make up for your regrets at that time. Moreover, they are the same person, and Miao Miao is Mai Mai."

Ye Xingchen took a deep breath and sat down on the bed slowly. After a while, he asked: "If I want to go back to the world of the Youth Pi, I mean, the world where Miaomiao didn't grow up, can I ?"


"Isn't it okay to rebuild the world?"


I don't know how to describe Ye Xingchen's mood at this time. He is lost. Even if he reactivates the system with better permissions, he can't return to that world. It's just to make up for regrets, it's quite humane.

That's right, he asked his heart about who he really liked, but the voice deep in his heart was Lin Miaomiao, the petite and thin Lin Miaomiao who had been with him for two years, that eccentric spirit, didn't he just be naughty? little girl.

He liked Zhao Jin Mai, and then fell in love with Lin Miaomiao. When he returned to the original world, he suddenly found that he seemed to like Lin Miaomiao. This is why when he first met Mai Mai in the real world, but Deep down, there is no reason why I like it so much.

And when she learned that Mai Mai is Miao Miao, that feeling really came back.

The more he thought about it, the more confused his thoughts became. In the end, Ye Xingchen took out a coin from nowhere. After choosing the front and back, he threw it in the air. After the coin fell, Ye Xingchen reached out to catch it again, without looking at the result.

There is a special classic in iPartment, when faced with two choices, tossing a coin always works, not because he can always give the right answer, but because the second you toss him in the air, Suddenly you know what you want the outcome to be.

Ye Xingchen already had the answer in his mind.

But he also noticed an inadvertent little detail about that mysterious voice.



The next day Ye Xingchen didn't wake up as early as before. He suddenly felt very tired and wanted to sleep a little longer. He didn't go out even after his parents asked him to finish dinner.

Lin Miaomiao came to the company early this day, because she will know what the result will be today, whether to go or stay depends on yesterday's data.

After learning that Mr. Tian was in the dressing room, she walked into the dressing room tremblingly, and then came to Mr. Tian and asked, "Mr. Tian, ​​my video was updated normally yesterday."

"Well, I know, I read it. Are you satisfied with this work?"

Tian Tian was sitting in front of the dressing table, and the staff behind her were constantly busy. She still kept a professional smile on her face, her tone was unhurried, and she couldn't tell whether she was happy or angry.

Lin Miaomiao was a little nervous: "Mr. Tian, ​​I think I have worked very hard this time. Although the effect may not be very good, I think it must be higher than the previous data. I hope you can give me some more. Time, I will definitely do a good job with the professional experience program, please, Mr. Tian."

Lin Miaomiao started acting coquettishly as she hugged Tian Tian's arm.

The smile on Tian Tian's face became brighter, and she even changed her address to Lin Miaomiao: "Lin Miaomiao, did you not read yesterday's data?"

"I didn't dare to look at it. How is the data? Is it worse?"

"Well... how should I put it, I think you can leave."

"Huh? Mr. Tian, ​​I will work harder next time. Give me one chance, just one." Lin Miaomiao's heart skipped a beat, as if she had fallen into icy water.

Tian Tian's expression was a little helpless: "Can you listen to me and finish my sentence."

"You say, you say."

"Congratulations, Lin Miaomiao, you can leave your internship position. From today onwards, you are a full-time employee of Vientiane."

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