The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 418 Reunited with Tianhao's Kitchen

"Thank you so much, Mr. Tian." Lin Miaomiao hugged Tian Tian excitedly after hearing the good news.

Tian Tian, ​​who was putting on makeup, saw that Lin Miaomiao was so happy and didn't disappoint her, but she still smiled and reminded Lin Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, after you become a full-time employee, you have to keep working hard, and your grades can't be worse than now. Oh."

"I will definitely work harder." Lin Miaomiao hugged Tian Tian even tighter.

"Okay, okay, Miaomiao, stop making trouble, I will be on camera later."

Seeing such an enthusiastic Lin Miaomiao, Tian Tian said helplessly.

Then Lin Miaomiao also realized her gaffe, she quickly got up and let Tian Tian go, and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Tian, ​​I was too excited."

"Understood, almost every employee is like this after becoming a full-time employee. Alright, go back to your position first, think about the next episode of the program, and don't let me down."

Tian Tian still maintained a professional and charming smile, and said in a slight tone.

"Okay, I promise to complete the task." Lin Miaomiao made a salute gesture and said with a serious expression.

Then Lin Miaomiao hurriedly ran to her work station.

At this time, Xiao Yao just came over with a water bottle, looked at Lin Miaomiao who had a happy face, and asked, "Hey, turn around, congratulations."

Lin Miaomiao looked at the lazy Director Xiao, and quickly said something nice: "Isn't this thanks to your teaching? Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"Hey, this is what you fought for yourself. Don't be humble, you deserve it. But don't be too happy. Even regular employees have a 30% chance of being fired. The assessment indicators for each quarter are very strict. Keep sharpening." After finishing speaking, Xiao Yao put his hands behind his back and left slowly.

Lin Miaomiao made a face at him and said in a low voice: "Cut, don't look at what a talented girl I am, Lin Miaomiao. Can the assessment indicators stump me?"

The colleagues next to her also came to congratulate Lin Miaomiao after learning that Lin Miaomiao had become a full-time employee.

"Thank you, everyone, thank you, we will become real colleagues in the future, please take care of us, take care of us." Lin Miaomiao clasped her fists in both hands, bowing to the colleagues around her one by one.

At this time, someone started to boo: "Miaomiao, you have officially become a regular, do you want to treat me to dinner?"

"Yes, please eat."

Lin Miaomiao gave them a big roll of the eyes angrily: "Please eat, I can't even pay the rent now, so it's good if I don't beg for you."

"No, does your boyfriend ignore you? Could it be that he abused you. "

"That's right, it's been a long time since I've seen my family deliver food, so I'm so hungry."

"Me too, hey Miaomiao, when will you let your boyfriend come again, everyone wants to eat love bento."

Facing the booing from everyone, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but blushed, and finally said angrily: "Don't even think about it, next time I secretly take it down and eat it, and I won't let you eat it."

"Don't, we were wrong, and we will never tease you again."

"I swear I won't either."

"Hehe, it's late, this girl is very vengeful, so you have no chance." Lin Miaomiao smiled proudly at the colleagues around her.

bang bang.

Xiao Yao looked at the chaotic office, and knocked on the table with displeasure: "Why are you one by one, you are not allowed to chat during work, and after a while, Mr. Tian will see you one by one and will be punished again."

As soon as Director Xiao's words came out, everyone quickly sat down in their seats, and each of them looked serious about their work.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Xiao Yao's serious face, and quickly took out her computer and started acting.


After Lin Miaomiao officially became a regular, of course she showed them off in the group, and of course received congratulations from everyone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Tianhao sent a message in the group saying that he would have a gathering at Tianhao's kitchen tonight to celebrate with Miaomiao.

Of course, everyone immediately agreed, after all, the last time we got together was a week ago.

After Ye Xingchen saw the news of Lin Miaomiao's regularization, he immediately told the two elders. After all, Mu Ying has been nagging Ye Xingchen for almost a day today. Even if Ye Xingchen is in school, WeChat is constantly being bombarded. .

After learning that Miaomiao had officially become a full-time employee, Mu Ying and Ye Bowen were also happy for Lin Miaomiao, so they suggested going out to have dinner together tonight as a celebration for Miaomiao.

"Not tonight. First, I'm afraid that my uncle and aunt are not prepared. Second, Miaomiao and I are going out to dinner with some good friends. We just made an appointment in the group."

Hearing that Ye Xingchen said that Miaomiao had an appointment with her friends tonight, Mu Ying didn't force her, so she told them to pay attention to safety on the road, come back early and so on.

Ye Xingchen quickly agreed, and then ran out. After all, if he stayed any longer, he would be nagging again.

Because he made an appointment with Lin Miaomiao to meet at Tianhao's Kitchen, Ye Xingchen rushed over directly, and when he came to the rooftop, only Jiang Tianhao was on it.

"Brother Chen, why are you here by yourself, aren't you with Miao Miao?"

Jiang Tianhao was a little surprised to see Ye Xingchen coming by himself, because in his impression, these two people were always inseparable, but this time they were not together.

Ye Xingchen casually sat across from Jiang Tianhao, and said, "Miaomiao said that she will come directly from the company later, so let me come here first."

"Oh, that's it, I thought you two had a conflict."

"If there are any conflicts, the two of us will basically not have conflicts."

Jiang Tianhao couldn't stand Ye Xingchen's embarrassing look: "Heh, can you not show your affection to a single dog?"

Ye Xingchen gave him a blank look and ignored his question. He asked casually, "How are you doing recently? Have you let Xiaoqi's matter go?"

At this time, Jiang Tianhao opened the beer next to him and took a sip, then sighed: "To be honest, no, but now I don't feel as uncomfortable as before. I'm busy, so I can't take care of it."

Ye Xingchen nodded after hearing this, indeed, as long as he survives for a week, he will find that it's nothing to worry about: "Okay, it's good to keep this feeling, I think, Xiao Zhao is pretty good, cherish the present man."

As he spoke, he patted Jiang Tianhao on the shoulder.

Jiang Tianhao smiled bitterly: "Forget it, forget it, I won't mention it, today is mainly for Miao Miao's celebration, I won't mention the rest."

"Okay, don't mention it if you don't want to mention it."

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen didn't continue to talk about this issue. Instead, he changed the subject and asked about the recent killing of scripts. After all, Jiang Tianhao only mentioned it last time, and he didn't ask in detail.

"I bought a few good notebooks in the past few days, and the business is relatively good. Although there are competitions around, we can't stand the fact that there are so many notebooks here, so most of the customers are still here."

Hearing what Jiang Tianhao said, Ye Xingchen also understood, it seems that the business is quite good.

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