The two hadn't chatted for a while, Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi came up together, this time Li Xizhou didn't come, which made Ye Xingchen quite strange.

"Why did you come up together? Maybe you met in advance." Jiang Tianhao looked at the two girls and asked.

Lin Miaomiao unceremoniously put her schoolbag beside her, and then sat down next to Ye Xingchen: "Coincidentally, we met downstairs. As soon as we got downstairs, we saw that Xiaoqi had just got off the car. They were born to be good sisters."

"A good sister chosen by heaven." Deng Xiaoqi added.

"You two are naive enough to still believe in this stuff." Jiang Tianhao mocked.

Lin Miaomiao glared at him angrily: "I want you to take care of it."

"Okay, okay, you are the biggest today, as long as your old man is happy."

Today I mainly came here to celebrate Lin Miaomiao, and Jiang Tianhao didn't continue to quarrel with her. He got up and said, "I'll go cook for you gentlemen."

After Haozi left, Lin Miaomiao hurried to Ye Xingchen's side and whispered, "Hey, do you feel that something is wrong with Haozi recently?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen couldn't help asking with a smile as he looked at the spooky Lin Miaomiao amusedly.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Deng Xiaoqi for a while, then leaned against Ye Xingchen's ear, and said in a low voice: "He hasn't bothered Xiaoqi much recently, and I feel that the relationship between him and Xiaoqi is a little bit distant."

"Isn't this normal? Is it normal for people to pester Xiaoqi?" Ye Xingchen also whispered in Lin Miaomiao's ear.

Deng Xiaoqi is not a fool, these two people are obviously talking about themselves, although they don't know what to say, but they always feel that it is not a good thing, and finally can't bear it anymore and said: "Hey, you are too much, are you secretly talking bad about me. "

Lin Miaomiao was stunned for a moment, then quickly sat next to Deng Xiaoqi and said, "Oh, how is it possible, we are talking about other things."

"Come on, you must be talking bad about me again." Deng Xiaoqi would not be easily fooled, from the moment when Lin Miaomiao was stunned just now, she knew that she must be talking about herself.

Seeing that Deng Xiaoqi couldn't be deceived like this, Lin Miaomiao brought out the sisterhood and said: "Look at you, you said just now that we are natural good sisters, but now you don't trust me so much, I still regard you as the best sister .”

Deng Xiaoqi gave her a blank look, and said helplessly: "Okay, I believe it, I believe it is not enough."

Regarding Lin Miaomiao's helpless approach, Deng Xiaoqi could only express... Speechless.

Seeing that Deng Xiaoqi didn't mention this matter anymore, Lin Miaomiao immediately used her trick, hugging Xiaoqi's arm and lying in her arms:
"Hee hee, I know you are the best. By the way, why didn't your boyfriend come today?"

The smile on Deng Xiaoqi's face froze immediately, and then she said: "He, he couldn't come because of something, so I came here by myself."

I have to say that none of this group of people can lie, of course, except Ye Xingchen who doesn't blush when he tells lies, the rest will show their flaws when they tell lies.

"Xiao Qi, you are better at lying than I am." Lin Miaomiao directly pointed it out, "What's the matter, you two won't quarrel, right?"

Deng Xiaoqi still pretended to be relaxed, and said with a smile: "Oh, it's okay, it's just a little conflict, it will be fine in two days."

"It stands to reason that I shouldn't be involved in your affairs, but if Li Xizhou dares to bully you, you must tell me and see if I don't beat him up." Lin Miaomiao shook her small fist, looking Adorable.

"Okay, let's not talk about him, Miaomiao, get up from me quickly, are you jealous if you don't see your boyfriend?" Deng Xiaoqi raised her head in Ye Xingchen's direction.

Lin Miaomiao followed Deng Xiaoqi's line of sight, and happened to see Ye Xingchen with a "jealous" face.

"Don't worry about him." Lin Miaomiao chuckled, and then continued to lie on Deng Xiaoqi's body, after all, a natural pillow is good.

Ye Xingchen and Deng Xiaoqi were speechless at this moment.

Seeing that he was left out in the cold, Ye Xingchen got up and said, "I'll go down and help Haozi, you two have a good chat."

"Well, don't forget to make my favorite braised pork."

Lin Miaomiao gently closed her eyes and said lazily.

Ye Xingchen swears that if Deng Xiaoqi is not here, he will definitely spank Lin Miaomiao's ass to let her know who is the big and small king, but now it is enough to give her face in front of Deng Xiaoqi.

"Okay." Ye Xingchen agreed, and then went downstairs.

Looking at Ye Xingchen who left, Deng Xiaoqi asked, "Aren't you afraid that Ye Xingchen will get angry like this?"

"He won't be angry with me." Lin Miaomiao said this in a smug tone.

"Hey, so affectionate, I'm so envious."

Deng Xiaoqi didn't say this casually, she really envied Lin Miaomiao for having such a good boyfriend, Ye Xingchen seemed to be much better than Li Xizhou, at least he wouldn't talk about Lin Miaomiao in public No, she loves Lin Miaomiao very much.

Lin Miaomiao lay down and said lazily: "Anyway, if he dares to attack me now, I will go to his parents and sue him, saying that he bullied me. Uncles and aunts must be on my side."

This sentence is tantamount to telling the whole story about Lin Miaomiao seeing Ye Xingchen's parents.

"It's not like this, you two, you have finished seeing your parents, no, aren't Ye Xingchen's parents abroad?"

"I'm back, I came back the day before yesterday, that is, I just met the day before yesterday." When Lin Miaomiao said here, she who was lying down suddenly sat up, "You don't know, I was very nervous at the time, I was afraid that my uncle and aunt would not I like me, but after we chatted, I found out that they are actually quite easy to get along with."

Deng Xiaoqi was completely shocked at this time, just as she was continuing to ask, Ye Xingchen and Jiang Tianhao and the waiter came up with the dishes.

"What are you talking about? It looks like you're having a good chat." Jiang Tianhao, who sat down again, looked at the two of them and asked.

"Haozi, Miaomiao, she met Ye Xingchen's parents..." Deng Xiaoqi told Lin Miaomiao everything she had just chatted with.

Jiang Tianhao felt even more incredible on his face: "I'll go, I'm too fast, can you give our store time to respond, Lao Ye, you are not mean, don't tell us about such a big event in advance, hurry up and say what else Things are hidden from us."

"How can I tell you, my parents didn't even tell me when they came back. When Miaomiao and I came back that day, we both looked dumbfounded. I didn't deliberately hide it from you. By the way, on weekends, our parents asked Let's have a meal together at the Starlight Hotel, that's all."

Ye Xingchen saw the surprised look of the two, and immediately released a heavy bomb on them.

At this time, Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi were completely speechless, and the wave after wave of heavy news really made them unable to react.

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