Chapter 420 Both parents meet.

All in all, this gathering of four little ones is considered a "perfect" dinner.

Except for the fact that Jiang Tianhao and Deng Xiaoqi didn't keep their mouths shut, it was still done in a friendly manner.

Only the world where Jiang Tianhao was injured appeared, after all...he is still single.

After sending everyone away, Jiang Tianhao sat alone on the roof, while Xiao Zhao sat opposite him, and the two of them watched the night sky from above.

Jiang Tianhao asked at this time: "What do you think I persisted? I got nothing and wasted time. Isn't this pure injustice? Sure enough, no matter how hard I try, I'm still a supporting role."

Xiao Zhao didn't answer this sentence directly, but turned to look at Jiang Tianhao, his eyes became very gentle, and said: "Stretch out your hand to pick up the stars, even if you get nothing, your hands will not be full of dirt."

Jiang Tianhao felt inconceivable when he heard such philosophical words from Xiao Zhao: "Okay, Xiao Zhao, this literary quality is good."

Who knew that Xiao Zhao, who was still "soft like water" just now, suddenly turned into the same nervous look as before: "Haha, I just saw it on TikTok today, and I thought this sentence was very good, so I wrote it down , show your ugliness, show your ugliness."

"Yeah, I thought there was someone under my command who was hiding everything, so I was so happy." Jiang Tianhao sighed and slowly got up to clean up the debris on the table.

Xiao Zhao saw it and wanted to help clean it up, but was stopped by Jiang Tianhao.

"It's fine if I come, you, a girl, don't do this kind of work, and throw me a plate or something."

Although this sentence was full of dislike and distrust, Xiao Zhao could still feel the concern revealed in his tone.

That's right, she likes Jiang Tianhao, even though she knew Jiang Tianhao had always liked Xiaoqi, she never gave up.

The onlookers knew that apart from Jiang Tianhao who was taken advantage of, Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao had already seen it. Although Lin Miaomiao was told by Ye Xingchen, she was the only one who knew about it.

So the two of them have been intentionally or unintentionally making Jiang Tianhao cherish the person in front of him, but unfortunately Jiang Tianhao didn't dare to think about it at all.


After returning home, Ye Xingchen began to ask about Lin Miaomiao's graduation: "Miaomiao, you should...graduate soon, how is your graduation thesis going?"

"I'm ready." Lin Miaomiao got a piece of dental floss from somewhere, and kept holding it in her mouth, lying on the co-pilot's chair with her eyes closed, enjoying listening to the car music.

"When are you going to take graduation photos?"

"The school notice seems to be next Wednesday, so I have to ask for a leave in advance."

Lin Miaomiao's tone could not tell the urgency or nervousness at all, it seemed that graduation was a very normal thing for her.

But Ye Xingchen didn't say a word at this time, and drove seriously. In fact, he didn't see anything on the surface, but in his heart, he didn't know why there were mixed feelings.

After waiting for a while, Lin Miaomiao found that there was no movement from Ye Xingchen, so she opened her eyes and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? Why didn't you speak?"

Ye Xingchen said with a slightly regretful tone: "It's nothing, I just suddenly felt that I... came late."

"Ah?" Lin Miaomiao was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Ye Xingchen explained slowly:

"University is our most precious time, and I seem to have only been with you for a year, and I was with you as a teacher. It's a pity, why didn't I meet you earlier, so maybe we can be together It’s been a wonderful four years together in one school.”

Having said so much, Lin Miaomiao, who was originally confused, became even more confused. She reached out and touched Ye Xingchen's forehead and said, "Did you have a fever? Why are you talking nonsense?"

Ye Xingchen slapped her hand down, and said angrily, "Don't make trouble, just drive."

"I see you, there are too many things going on recently, and you start to think about things when you are tired, just rest for two days, my mother sometimes does this, when she is tired at work, she will say some inexplicable things, and she will send out The temper made me and my dad baffled, and the next morning, nothing happened, and she was completely the same as yesterday. So, you go back to sleep and forget everything when you wake up. "

Lin Miaomiao spoke in a serious manner, and then returned to the lazy look just now.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help chuckling, and didn't continue to disturb.Just like that, I drove back to my home. After all, my mother said, if Miaomiao doesn't come back today, don't come back either.

Therefore, Lin Miaomiao is now the key to open the door of her room. If there is Miao Miao, you can enter together, but if you don't have Miao Miao, you can't enter.

As soon as Lin Miaomiao entered the door, Mu Yingla went to chat with Lin Miaomiao. Seeing how well the two got along, Ye Xingchen smiled and went to the study.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Xingchen's leaving back, and couldn't help but said, "Auntie, does Ye Xingchen have something on his mind?"

Mu Ying looked in the direction of the study, and then said indifferently: "It's okay, Xiao Chen is like this sometimes, don't worry about him, let's talk about ours."

Although Mu Ying said so, Lin Miaomiao was still a little worried, but seeing her aunt's enthusiasm, it was hard for Lin Miaomiao to leave.

After Ye Xingchen came to the study room, he began to organize the photos in his network disk on the computer. For a world traveler, the only thing that can prove that he has been here are these photos.

"I can organize a photo album." Ye Xingchen murmured.


Time soon came to Sunday. Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao came to the hotel early this day to prepare. They waited for their parents to arrive, and both of them sent them their locations.

Then all that's left is a long wait.

Uneasy, this is the portrayal of Lin Miaomiao's heart. She is afraid that if the two parents fail to agree, or if they do not get along, it will be more difficult for her to be caught in the middle.

So before today, she had already made emergency plans for various situations, but whether it works or not is another matter.

After a while, Ye Xingchen saw Lin Dawei's car at the door. He remembered the license plate number and appearance clearly, so it was impossible to admit his mistake.

Just as he and Miao Miao were about to go up to say hello, a black Audi drove up. Ye Xingchen saw that it was the car of his parents' driver Brother Liu, which was really a coincidence.

After Ye Xingchen told Lin Miaomiao about the situation, the two looked at each other, and hurried forward to meet the four elders.

"Parents, uncles and aunts, it's really fate that you came here together." Lin Miaomiao came to Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei's side and said in surprise.

"Could it be that these are Xiaochen's parents? Oh, I said why there is a car following us all the time. Just now your dad said that it might be Xiaochen's parents. I didn't expect it to be true. It's a pleasure to meet you." Wang Shengnan said Also always smiling.

(End of this chapter)

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