Chapter 421 Ye Xingchen's Choice
"You are Miaomiao's mother, oh, I just said that Miaomiao is so cute and smart, she must follow her parents,"

Mu Ying was not sloppy at all when it came to polite words.

However, this point made Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan greatly change their views on Mu Ying. Originally, in their minds, their family opened a company abroad, and people in the upper class might be difficult to get along with, but they did not expect Mu Ying to be so down-to-earth. Qi, wearing ordinary clothes, not so exaggerated.

"No wonder Xiaochen is so handsome. The parents are handsome and beautiful, so they have good genes." Wang Shengnan didn't "show weakness" here, but just said politely.

Ye Bowen and Lin Dawei laughed awkwardly beside them.

Ye Xingchen looked at the awkward atmosphere and suggested: "Well, parents, uncles and aunts, let's go in and chat, the dishes are ready, we will serve them when we arrive."

"That's right, let's talk after we go in, everyone has plenty of time to get acquainted today." Lin Dawei also said hastily.

Ye Bowen nodded: "Yes, there is no rush."

"Okay, then go in and talk?" Mu Ying asked, holding Wang Shengnan's hand.

"Haha, go in and talk."

"I'll lead the way." Lin Miaomiao hurriedly ran to the front to lead everyone to the reserved box, and even arranged everyone's location after Ye Xingchen's guidance.

Lin Dawei smiled gratifiedly as he looked at his daughter busying herself, thinking that her daughter is really clever.He was also very particular about the position of the elders who were arranged. Of course, he didn't believe that Lin Miaomiao thought of it. After looking at Ye Xingchen next to him, he had an idea in his mind.

After everyone was seated, Ye Xingchen went out to urge the waiter to serve the food.

I have to say that the efficiency of the big restaurant is really fast. It takes less than 10 minutes from the notification to the completion of all the dishes.

"Well, let's move your chopsticks first, and let's talk when you're full, haha." Since we just met, we're sure we've got something to do with each other, so Ye Bowen tried to be kind and try to give Miao Miao's parents the impression that they are just ordinary parents. Impression, remove the name of the company boss.

Ye Xingchen understood what his father meant in no time, so he picked up a piece of meat next to Lin Miaomiao, and said to the elders at the table: "Yes, let's talk about other things when we are full. Let's eat first."

"That's fine, let's eat first, I'm not polite."

Lin Dawei didn't take part in this kind of entertainment when he was young, so he could tell whether it was a polite word or the truth, and since others said it, he didn't take it.

Mu Ying and Wang Shengnan glanced at each other, but they didn't continue holding it.

Soon after eating, everyone started chatting. At first, the parents of both sides chatted with each other about work, and then the topic started to revolve around Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao.

The usual routine of being a person is still indispensable to praise each other's children, and in the end it is the matter of the two people's relationship. It sounds like the two parties have no opinion.

But Ye Xingchen's mother, Mu Ying, seemed to be more impatient, and asked directly: "Well, Sheng Nan, you see that our two parents also understand each other, and you can see the marriage between Xiaochen and Miaomiao..."

Ye Xingchen and Lin Miaomiao stopped their movements at the same time, looking at Mu Ying in disbelief, and then Lin Miaomiao's face flushed even more.

Lin Dawei and Ye Bowen were also stunned, obviously this was something neither of them expected.

Wang Shengnan didn't expect Mu Ying to bring up this matter in such a hurry, and she didn't have any preparations, she could only smile and said: "Well, this is a matter between the two children, we adults shouldn't be in a hurry, right?"

This sentence did not directly reject it, but it did not want to talk about this topic in depth.

"Haha, that's right. Looking at Xiaochen's personality, we parents thought he wouldn't talk about girlfriends before he was 30. At that time, I was anxious. I didn't want to fall in love when I went to college. Later, I slowly fell in love." After I took the exam, I didn't have time. I didn't expect that after meeting Miao Miao, this kid actually said that he wanted to fall in love. Don't mention how happy my father and I were at the time, so I was really anxious about this matter."

Mu Ying quickly explained the reason to Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei, and let them have a new understanding of Ye Xingchen by the way.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao proudly, and said in a low voice, "How about it, did I not lie to you?"

Lin Miaomiao was naturally very happy when she heard this, after all everyone wanted to be the irreplaceable one and only of the other.

"Hmph, you passed the test." Lin Miaomiao said that she was not forgiving, and she was still stubborn, but the smile on her face still betrayed her.

After hearing this, Lin Dawei stepped forward and interjected: "As parents, we still need to listen to our children's opinions. Whenever they want to consider this matter, that's when."

"That's right, parents can only provide a general direction, and the children should make the decision." Ye Bowen still held the same attitude as Lin Dawei on this point.

Afterwards, it was impossible for parents to let go of such a good opportunity, so Mu Ying asked Ye Xingchen: "Xiao Chen, what do you think?"

She thought that her son might refuse or be impatient, but this time Ye Xingchen's attitude made her feel incredible.

Ye Xingchen put down the chopsticks in his hand, and after thinking for a while, looked at the four elders and said sincerely: "Miaomiao has not officially graduated yet, and the graduation ceremony will be held next Wednesday.

So I also feel that it is very urgent to think about this matter now, but Miaomiao is indeed the only girl I like since I came to this world, so I also want to cultivate it as soon as possible. If the time is right, I will make the next step Yes, so uncles and aunts, I am here to promise you that I will take good care of Miaomiao, and I will not let her suffer any grievances in the future. You can trust Miaomiao to me. "

Lin Miaomiao tugged Ye Xingchen's clothes in shame and anger, and said, "Ye Xingchen, what nonsense are you talking about, sit down quickly."

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm serious." Ye Xingchen still looked serious, and now he just had to wait for Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan's reply.

At this time, Mu Ying naturally looked at Ye Xingchen with satisfaction, thinking that this kid really followed me, this kind of courage is not something ordinary people have.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei fell into hesitation. After all, the time for the two of them to determine their relationship was too short, and they might not have a real understanding of each other in their hearts, but what they didn't know was that Ye Xingchen absolutely knew Lin Miaomiao.

However, after listening to what Mu Yinghe said just now, Miaomiao is the only girl Xiaochen likes, which surprised Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan. They didn't expect such an excellent boy to have never been in a relationship, which is unbelievable.

"Xiao Chen, of course uncle believes what you say, but Miao Miao may have a bad temper sometimes..."

"Uncle I know, I will accommodate her." Then he looked at Lin Miaomiao with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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