The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 422 Dog Food at the Graduation Ceremony

Chapter 422 Dog Food at the Graduation Ceremony
Lin Miaomiao was a little reluctant to hear Lin Dawei say bad things about herself, but because her uncle and aunt were here, she didn't stand up to refute as usual.

Ye Xingchen's statement is tantamount to elevating today's dinner party to an unprecedented height, which is equivalent to the fact that the two families are already engaged.

Although they didn't say it verbally, everyone knew it in their hearts, and it was nothing more than a matter of time.

The next time is for everyone to chat about homework together.

While chatting, Wang Shengnan discovered that Ye Xingchen's parents, no, to be precise, this family seemed to be very down-to-earth, and they didn't feel like they were superior at all, so the conversation between the two families was still speculative.

Suddenly, Ye Xingchen realized that he and Miaomiao had nothing to do here, so he winked at Lin Miaomiao and slipped out quietly.

When the two came outside, Ye Xingchen suddenly turned his head and grabbed Lin Miaomiao who had been following him.

"What are you doing?" Lin Miaomiao raised her head and looked at him vigilantly, "I told you there are people here, and uncles and aunts are also here, so don't mess around."

"Then what's the matter, my uncle and aunt agreed, so I'm following orders now," Ye Xingchen said with a smirk.

"My dad told you to take care of me, but he didn't let you bully me."

"How can it be considered bullying between husband and wife?"

"Bah, who is husband and wife with you, let me go, don't let me go."

"Don't let it go, you don't feel ashamed, just call."

Ye Xingchen hugged Lin Miaomiao tightly, looking fearless.

Of course Lin Miaomiao would not sit still, she really dared to shout.

"Help me."

Now it's Ye Xingchen's turn to fail, he didn't expect Lin Miaomiao to be a real tiger.

In desperation, Ye Xingchen took a step forward and kissed her forcefully.

This simple and violent method is also particularly effective, not only quieting Lin Miaomiao, but also the other waiters.

Originally, Lin Miaomiao had attracted the attention of many people just when she yelled, but now she directly made those people stand there and eat melons.

Seeing more and more people, Lin Miaomiao pushed Ye Xingchen away violently, and ran out of the hotel without looking back.

Ye Xingchen was still standing there in a daze, but at this time someone from the crowd said: "Why are you standing still, hurry up and chase."

"Hurry up, handsome guy."

"Yes, go."

Ye Xingchen smiled when everyone was booing, then nodded at them in response, and then quickly chased them out.

Lin Miaomiao just avoided the sight of everyone, stood outside alone in a daze, and subconsciously backed away when she saw Ye Xingchen approaching.

"Why are you so afraid of me? It's not like you haven't kissed me before."

Ye Xingchen smirked and slowly approached Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao kept backing away, and said indignantly as she retreated, "Come on, there were so many people just now, you, you rascal."

"Hey, it's your fault. Why did I become a hooligan when I kissed my girlfriend? It's reasonable and legal for me, let alone you are my fiancee."

"Hmph, don't move without my permission, didn't you agree to me at the beginning?" Lin Miaomiao said angrily.

Ye Xingchen rubbed his nose and thought about it with a guilty conscience: "It was then, now is now, times have changed."

"If you catch him, you can do whatever you want, right?" Lin Miaomiao narrowed her eyes, and it was already a dangerous signal.

Unexpectedly, Ye Xingchen's intermittent wits began to attack again, and he said directly: "In theory, yes."

Lin Miaomiao squeezed her little hand, stared at Ye Xingchen with fixed eyes, and made the sound of grinding her teeth.


Ye Xingchen wasn't stupid enough yet, he regretted it when he finished saying that sentence, now seeing Lin Miaomiao like this, he naturally understands that he got into trouble.

"That, I was just joking." Although the desire to survive came up now, it was too late.

Lin Miaomiao rushed up angrily, and then punched and kicked Ye Xingchen. To be honest, she was really strong.

At first Ye Xingchen was able to block a couple of hits, but Lin Miaomiao directly rushed towards Ye Xingchen's lower body, but fortunately Ye Xingchen dodged and quickly dodged.

"Lin Miaomiao, you are going too far, you can't kick it there." Ye Xingchen was a little annoyed, he really could bear it if he got kicked like this.

"You don't care, I will teach you a lesson today."

Lin Miaomiao didn't intend to let Ye Xingchen go, and continued to chase Ye Xingchen.

"You're still here, I'm not welcome." Ye Xingchen didn't plan to sit still at this time, but also fought back.

I saw that he stepped forward and grabbed Lin Miaomiao's hands, clasped her hands behind his back, and then fixed Lin Miaomiao's legs with his legs. More like flirting.

"let me go."

"Don't let go." Joke, let go of you and let you hit me?

"Let go of me, I won't hit you anymore."

"I don't believe it."

Lin Miaomiao had no other choice this time, Ye Xingchen's hand was too strong, and she couldn't break free.

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to tease Lin Miaomiao for a while, but God didn't seem to be on his side.

Coincidentally, the parents of both parties also came out at this time, and happened to see this scene.

Mu Ying immediately became angry: "Ye Xingchen, what are you doing?"

Ye Xingchen was so frightened that he quickly let go of Lin Miaomiao, and explained: "Mom, Miaomiao and I are just messing around."

"Auntie, Ye Xingchen bullied me." Lin Miaomiao ran over crying, holding Mu Ying's hand and vehemently accusing Ye Xingchen of his evil deeds.

Wang Shengnan and Lin Dawei stood there without saying anything.

The anger on Mu Ying's face became even stronger, and she directly cursed at Ye Xingchen: "You brat, get out here."

"Mom, we're really joking around." Ye Xingchen walked over awkwardly and wanted to explain again.

But Mother Ye didn't give him any face at all, she directly pinched his ears and began to teach: "What you said just now in front of your Miaomiao parents in the room, it won't be you when you go out, right?"

"We're really joking around."

"Come on, please apologize to Miaomiao." Mu Yingcai would not listen to Ye Xingchen's explanation.

Ye Xingchen looked at Lin Miaomiao, and found that she was looking at him proudly, but when she looked at Mu Ying, she was aggrieved.

"Damn girl." Ye Xingchen couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and then confessed, "I'm sorry I shouldn't bully you."

"Hmph, I forgive you." Lin Miaomiao said with a magnanimous expression.

Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan, who were watching the play next to them, both covered their mouths and snickered. It seems that Ye Xingchen's family is also quite interesting.

"Thank you Ms. Miaomiao for your generosity." Ye Xingchen gritted his teeth and said.

"Okay, Miao Miao, I heard you have your graduation ceremony next week, right?"

"Well, next Friday."

"Okay, then your uncle and I will go to celebrate our Miao Miao's graduation."

"Thank you auntie, thank you uncle."

"Why is this kid so polite?"

(End of this chapter)

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