The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 423 Ye Xingchen's Phone Album

Chapter 423 Ye Xingchen's Phone Album
Soon, Lin Miaomiao's graduation ceremony officially arrived.

In addition to wearing a bachelor's uniform to take pictures to commemorate this one, you also need to give a speech on stage, which can be regarded as a graduation speech.

And Lin Miaomiao's group of relatives and friends is also very grand, Ye Xingchen, Mu Ying, Ye Bowen, Wang Shengnan, Lin Dawei, Lin Gougou, all sat down to watch Lin Miaomiao give a speech.

Standing on the podium, Lin Miaomiao didn't feel the slightest bit nervous. Seeing the familiar faces in the audience and Ye Xingchen in the front row, a wave of turbulence arose in her heart at this moment.

Under the watchful eyes of her classmates and teachers, Lin Miaomiao said slowly: "Teachers and classmates, hello everyone, I am not going to read the manuscript here today, I want to say a few words from my heart to you."

"Miao Miao is going to play on the spot." Wang Shengnan touched Lin Dawei next to him and said.

Lin Dawei looked a little proud: "It's up to me that my daughter is not stage-frightened. Don't worry, if she dares to improvise, she must be confident."

"As for me, I'm just an ordinary student. My grades are not too bad, but I'm not among the best. But I think I'm luckier than all my classmates. Why do you say that?
First of all, I gained friendship in school. Even though my grades were not so good, I still got a job as an intern at a TV station, but I lost the job because of some reasons of my own. Of course, these are not important.

Most importantly, I also met my boyfriend in this school.



The audience had already started booing at this time, they didn't expect that someone would say this at the graduation ceremony.

"Haha, everyone knows my boyfriend, he is very popular in school, and has a large number of suitors. Every day, I know that he is promiscuous..." The next 500 words slammed Ye Xingchen complained again.

In addition to the students in the audience watching Lin Miaomiao on the stage with interest, some even took out their mobile phones to take videos.

Lin Dawei and Wang Shengnan could not wait to find a crack in the ground to get in, it was too messy, if Lin Dawei hadn't stopped Wang Shengnan, they would have rushed up and pulled Lin Miaomiao down.

Mu Ying and Ye Bowen appreciated Lin Miaomiao even more in their hearts. He dared to love and hate, to be straightforward, to say what he had to say, and this character was more popular with them.

"This classmate is too messy. If the principal continues like this, I'm afraid something will happen." A male teacher, Jing An, couldn't bear it.

Another middle-aged male teacher said: "I think it's nothing. It's good for the graduates to say what they want to say. What's the matter with it? Teacher Li, don't be so rigid."

The principal sat between the two of them, paused and said, "Mr. Wang is right. After graduation, it is time for the students to speak their minds. Those manuscripts are too rigid. It's good to improvise. You can read more in the audience." I like the atmosphere."

Just like what the principal said, what the students think most is not the formality, but rather interesting speeches like Lin Miaomiao's.

And Lin Miaomiao on the stage did not continue to tease everyone, she looked at Ye Xingchen and said, "Okay, let's not tease, my boyfriend is Ye Xingchen, Teacher Ye, how can you be surprised?"


"No way?"

"What is she talking about?"

There was even an uproar in the audience, not only the classmates, but even the teacher couldn't help being surprised.

"That's right, it's Ye Xingchen, Teacher Ye, Teacher Ye, aren't you going to come up and say hello to everyone?" Lin Miaomiao blinked at Ye Xingchen in the first row.

Reluctantly, Ye Xingchen held the flowers that had been prepared and walked to the podium under the gaze of all the students and teachers. He put the flowers in Lin Miaomiao's hands and said, "What's the matter, have you finished your speech? Shall I come up and deliver flowers?"

"No, this is not for everyone to get to know you again." Lin Miaomiao said playfully.

Ye Xingchen didn't care what the occasion was, and unceremoniously gave Lin Miaomiao a headache: "Nonsense."

"Wow, it's so sweet, isn't it? Why do I feel that the two are a good match?"

"It doesn't match at all, my Teacher Ye, woo woo woo."

"I remember this girl, isn't she the one who keeps holding the keys?"

"Yes, I also have the impression that I sit in the first row every time, and I seem to have brought my brother to school."

"I also have the impression, no wonder, it turns out that they..."

Ye Xingchen gently held Lin Miaomiao's hand on the stage at this time, and then said to the following: "I am indeed a couple with Miaomiao, we have been together for five months, I am sorry for keeping it from everyone , Now Miaomiao has finally graduated, and I am also preparing to resign, so I am very happy to meet all my classmates, I wish you all a bright future, thank you. Oh yes, I hope that your lovers will eventually become married, just like me."

Then, in full view of everyone, Ye Xingchen took Lin Miaomiao's hand and walked out of the auditorium from the stage.

The video of the two quickly spread throughout the school. I don't know how many girls were heartbroken that day.

Lin Miaomiao and Ye Xingchen lay on the lawn of the playground, looking at the blue sky and white clouds for a while.

Lin Miaomiao, who was next to her, asked abruptly: "The hearts of your little fans must be broken today, don't you have any thoughts?"

"What can I think, if it breaks, it will break, sooner or later." Ye Xingchen said lazily with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth.

Lin Miaomiao turned over, looked at Ye Xingchen lying on the bed and asked again: "Don't you think it's a pity? After all, there are still many beautiful sisters."

"Tch, do you think I'm rare?" Ye Xingchen said disdainfully.

"Hmph, then who do you care about?"

Ye Xingchen stretched out his hand and pinched Lin Miaomiao's little face: "Of course it's you, my naughty girlfriend."

"It hurts, take it away." Lin Miaomiao patted Ye Xingchen's hand away dissatisfied.

And Ye Xingchen got up suddenly, took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera and said, "Don't move, let's take a group photo together."

Lin Miaomiao immediately calmed down, then sat up, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and Ye Xingchen pressed the photo.

Beautiful, this is the first impression of this photo.

"How is it?" Ye Xingchen handed over the phone as if offering a treasure.

Lin Miaomiao looked at it and found that it was really pretty: "Not bad, it looks good, you still have a talent for taking pictures."

"That is."

Ye Xingchen lay down again stinking.

Because Ye Xingchen opened the photo album, Lin Miaomiao subconsciously swipe left and right, and she discovered a big secret with this swipe.

Ye Xingchen's mobile phone is full of group photos between them. Apart from the ones she knows, there are also some group photos that she can't remember where they were taken.

Slowly, the more she stroked, the more shocked she became. When she saw herself with short hair, she lost her composure completely.

When is this?
Why did Ye Xingchen have photos at this time, and in the photos, he was obviously very close to Ye Xingchen.

(End of this chapter)

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