Chapter 424 The Truth Comes Out
As the photos slowly appeared in front of Lin Miaomiao's eyes, the memory of that day gradually emerged in her mind.


"After three years in high school, it's not too short to get along day and night. In fact, Miaomiao and I have known each other for four years."

"Impossible. You are not at the airport..."

"That's right, Miaomiao and I met at the airport, but this is now. And I'm talking about the past."


This was the conversation between Ye Xingchen and Qian Sanyi when they were in the secret room.Lin Miaomiao was curious about Ye Xingchen's identity at that time, but was prevaricated by his few words at first.

But when she saw these photos, Lin Miaomiao finally understood everything and why the boy in front of her knew everything about herself so well.

Because she is now very sure that the girl in the photo is herself. Although she is a little different from her original self, her short hair is still very recognizable.

Ye Xingchen's face suddenly changed at this time, realizing the seriousness of the matter, he sat up suddenly and was about to reach for his mobile phone.

But Lin Miaomiao suddenly handed him the phone at this moment, and got up like a normal person and said, "Let's go, I still have to take graduation photos with my roommates."

Ye Xingchen took the phone and was relieved to find that the photo was still on the one he took just now. Fortunately, Lin Miaomiao didn't notice it.

He put his mobile phone in his trouser pocket, and then stepped forward to hold Lin Miaomiao's hand.

Lin Miaomiao quietly withdrew her little hand from Ye Xingchen's, and then took out her mobile phone to send a message to her relatives and friends, and said, "Let me ask if they are still in the auditorium. I can't wait to take pictures."

Because Lin Miaomiao was wearing a bachelor's uniform and a bachelor's hat at this time, although it could still show her unique charm, but Ye Xingchen always looked weird.Because this dress is too quiet to wear, it is not suitable for a lively person like Lin Miaomiao.

"I didn't expect you to look good in this dress." Ye Xingchen touched his chin and nodded repeatedly.

Lin Miaomiao also accepted Ye Xingchen's compliment unceremoniously: "That is, the main reason is that people look good on everything."

After speaking, he waved his sleeves and strode forward.

Ye Xingchen stared blankly at Lin Miaomiao who was slowly walking away, and this sentence always felt inexplicably familiar in his mind, it seems to be my words...


"Oh, good." Ye Xingchen responded and followed quickly.

After gathering with Wang Shengnan and the others, Ye Xingchen started working as a photographer and began to take pictures of Miao Miao and the others one by one. Individuals, families, and roommates all took turns, but these photos just didn't have Ye Xingchen. The figure of the stars.

Lin Miaomiao naturally thought of this, so she said to her roommate: "Xiao Xia, go and help us take a picture together."

"Okay, but I don't know how to use a camera." Xia Yuting said.

"It's okay, after Ye Xingchen adjusts it for you, you can just press the shutter button."

"That's fine." Xia Yuting came to Ye Xingchen and joked, "Ms. Ye, your guy asked me to take a family portrait for you, so please stand there."

Ye Xingchen looked at such a naughty Xia Yuting, and "angrily" raised his left hand as if to hit her.

Although Xia Yuting also made dodge movements, there was no fear in her eyes, but a little cunning.

"I've adjusted the machine, just take a picture, don't mess around, it's too expensive." Ye Xingchen reluctantly handed the camera to Xia Yuting and instructed.

Xia Yuting showed an impatient look on her face: "Oh, I know, just take a photo. As for it, I will be careful, Teacher Ye."

Ye Xingchen was not angry either, after all, this little girl and Lin Miaomiao had been together for too long, and they were completely miraculous.

After coming to Lin Miaomiao's side, Mu Ying behind him urged: "Stand fast."

Ye Xingchen could only obediently stand beside Lin Miaomiao, and when everything was ready, Xia Yuting said suddenly: "Ms. Ye, your expression is too stiff and formal."

"Too stiff?"

"Yes, it's too stiff. The two of you standing there are like standing in a military posture. Can you be a little more warm." Xia Yuting said with a smirk.

Lin Miaomiao glared at Xia Yuting and said, "Then how do we stand?"

"You should hug Teacher Ye's arm, it will look more affectionate."

Lin Miaomiao became angry after hearing this: "Xia Yuting, do you want to die?"

"Miaomiao, how do you talk? You are not allowed to swear."

Wang Shengnan scolded from behind.

Under Wang Shengnan's pressure, Lin Miaomiao had no choice but to give up, but she secretly thought: "Hmph, wait and see how I deal with you."

"Hurry up." Xia Yuting urged with a smile.

Lin Miaomiao glanced back at the parents behind, and found that they all acquiesced, so she hugged Ye Xingchen's arm: "You can hug whoever you want to be afraid of."

Ye Xingchen also made a particularly intimate homework, but at this time Wang Shengnan, Mu Ying and others silently left from behind, leaving the venue to them.

Obviously this was negotiated.

Even Xia Yuting was envious when she saw this scene. This kind of love that is tacitly approved by the family is really wonderful, why can't I meet this kind of magical love, woo woo woo.

Xia Yuting took a lot of photos, and then said to the two of them, "Okay, the photoshoot is over."

As soon as Lin Miaomiao finished speaking, she pushed Ye Xingchen away, and ran over to look at the photos.

Ye Xingchen took out a small notebook from nowhere, and then took out a black pen from nowhere, and started to write things down in the notebook.

On June 2020, 6, sunny, Lin Miaomiao ruthlessly pushed me away, and abandoned me for the 28th time. Her behavior was extremely bad, and she will definitely take revenge when she has the chance.

If you look carefully, you can find that there are not a few pages left in the original small book, and Lin Miaomiao, who is full of Ye Xingchen's notes on the front, has left behind her evil deeds, just so that she can be ruthlessly crushed when she turns over old accounts in the future. Press her.

Lin Dawei was curious about what Ye Xingchen wrote here, and he almost couldn't hold back his laughter when he quietly saw the content in the notebook.

He didn't expect Ye Xingchen to have such an interesting side.


The graduation photo officially heralds the end of Lin Miaomiao's college life. Although there are some regrets, it is still good to use.

Although Lin Miaomiao knew a lot of things today, she didn't speak directly. She was waiting for Ye Xingchen to confess and for him to tell herself.

After leaving the campus, Ye Xingchen obeyed his parents' instructions and sent Lin Miaomiao's family home safely, while Ye Bowen and Mu Ying were accompanied by a driver, so Ye Xingchen didn't have to worry.

 Thank you brothers for your rewards, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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