Chapter 425 Resolving Difficulties (Transition Chapter)
When I came to Wang Shengnan's house, I saw snail noodles all over the floor, so Ye Xingchen asked, "Auntie, why did you buy so much snail noodles? Do you want to sell it yourself?"

Ye Xingchen is not stupid and naturally knows that this is not for food. After all, how long will it take to eat so much.

Then Wang Shengnan pulled Ye Xingchen onto the sofa and told Ye Xingchen the whole thing back and forth.

"To be honest, it's a little hard to sell." Ye Xingchen frowned and said, looking at the snail noodles in the living room.

Lin Dawei also sat on the sofa and worried: "Who says it's not? Your aunt Katsunan has been running away for several days, but she hasn't sold a few boxes. It doesn't matter if you are hurt. If you run around more, you might sell it someday." went."

"Do you have any good ideas?" Looking at Ye Xingchen who had been thinking, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help asking.

Ye Xingchen nodded and said, "Just find a merchant that can sell it abroad. I happen to have a classmate who works in e-commerce and has a lot of fans. May I ask him if he can help me sell a little?"

"Really, that's great." Lin Miaomiao said excitedly.

Wang Shengnan's emotions were also affected when she heard it. She took a deep breath and said, "Can you really help Auntie sell it?"

"I know that the quality of things is guaranteed, 90.00% is OK, and my classmate and I have a good friendship. If he sells it, the sales will definitely be very fast."

Because of his previous life, Ye Xingchen is very familiar with the model of e-commerce. After having a certain fan base, the anchor will cash in at this time, and bringing goods is the most common way of expression, because fans will be because of fans. man pays for his things.

"Great, then I'll trouble you Xiaochen, Auntie doesn't even know how to thank you."

Wang Shengnan's eyes couldn't help turning red again, because these goods have been backlogged for a long time, and he himself went to various supermarkets to ask many people, but the effect was not very good.

Seeing this, Ye Xingchen was a little flattered. Seeing Wang Shengnan like this, he didn't know how to comfort him for a while, so he could only keep saying that he was fine.

After instructing Lin Miaomiao to take good care of his aunt, Ye Xingchen called his old classmate, and the call was connected soon.

"Lao Ye, aren't you busy studying for a Ph. D. Why did you call me suddenly? Do you miss me?"

The voice on the other side of the phone sounds more like Wang Ye's dubbing in the anime of the previous life. It sounds very nice, but it's not as good as Ye Xingchen's.

Ye Xingchen swears directly, and said angrily: "Fuck off, don't disgust me, I came to you to ask you to do me a favor."

"Yeah, it's my honor to help Dr. Ye. Tell me, what do you want me for? Could you let me introduce you to a girlfriend?"

Ye Xingchen was speechless after hearing this incoherent voice: "Didn't you bring the goods live? Now, I want you to help me bring a batch of goods."


"Snail noodles."

"Snail powder, when did you start selling this thing? Doesn't your family have a company in the Netherlands? It can't be bankrupt."

"Fuck off, can you hope that I can order it. My friend's house has a lot of these things, and they can't sell them now. If they don't sell them in time, they will all be thrown into their hands."

Ye Xingchen originally wanted to say that he had a girlfriend, but based on his personality, knowing that he has a girlfriend, he will definitely talk nonsense in the class group, and he will fly over tomorrow, and then he will ask you three questions, so In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Ye Xingchen simply referred to him as a friend.

"Okay, no problem. I'll give you an address when the time comes, and you can mail everything over, and the commission will be free for you. But let's make it clear in advance that this thing must have a production license, and qualifications and so on must be required."

"Don't worry, it's all genuine, good stuff."

"That's fine, then you can send it to me tomorrow, I will help you with this, and I will transfer the money to you directly."

Ye Xingchen knows that this kid is very honest, he can sell you the things he promised you even if you lose money, so he has a particularly good reputation among the anchors who bring the goods.

But Ye Xingchen didn't mean to take advantage of him, and said directly: "You follow your rules for profit, and you can't let you help for nothing. You also know that I am not bad at this."

"That's right, you're considered a big dog, no, since you want to help your friend so much, it's over if you just pay for it. I guess these things are not even enough for your pocket money."

Ye Xingchen sighed softly and said, "If only it were that simple, I'll send it to you tomorrow and leave it to you. I owe you a favor."

"Fuck off, are you scolding me? I need your favor."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, so I'll treat you to dinner if I have a chance."

"That's about the same. Let's not talk about it. I still want to broadcast live. Hang up."

"Well, it's hung up."

Li Zitao, Ye Xingchen's college classmate, had only been a roommate for a year and then they went their separate ways. At that time, Ye Xingchen skipped a grade too quickly, but the two have been together since then. Contact, the relationship is better.

Before returning to the sofa, Wang Shengnan was obviously in a much better mood.

"Auntie, there's no problem. He said that he can definitely sell all of them. I'll find a shipping company to send them all to him tomorrow."

Ye Xingchen said with a smile.

"Oh my God, I can finally clean up the whole room of snail noodles. To be honest, I feel like throwing up when I see this thing recently."

Lin Miaomiao pouted as she looked at the boxes in the room.

Wang Shengnan nodded Lin Miaomiao's head with his fingers, and mercilessly exposed her: "Then you still ate so deliciously two days ago."

"Hey, isn't this enough?" Lin Miaomiao smirked while clutching her forehead.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene. Sure enough, Lin Miaomiao was still the same Lin Miaomiao.


Because Ye Xingchen did them a great favor, Wang Shengnan wanted to stay with him for a meal, and Ye Xingchen had no choice but to agree.

The following things are also going on step by step. From the transportation to the sale, and then to the sale, it took less than half a month. Not only did Wang Shengnan earn back the backlog of losses, but he also made a small profit. It was also a surprise.

Afterwards, the ordinary life in the past resumed, Lin Miaomiao's work became better and better, and Ye Xingchen was also busy with his graduation.

However, there was a small episode in the middle, that is, Deng Xiaoqi broke up. Ye Xingchen didn't know the specific reason. It seemed that Li Xizhou had a problem, and since it was none of his business, he left the task of comforting Xiaoqi to Lin Miaomiao. Even if Lin Miaomiao fails, there is still Jiang Tianhao. Although he may not want to be directed at Deng Xiaoqi as above, he is still a good friend.

In this way, the time has been until the end of October...

(End of this chapter)

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