The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 426 Beat your legs and back, massage your shoulders.

Chapter 426 Beat your legs and back, massage your shoulders.

Ye Bowen and Mu Ying's acquisition of the Four Seas Company has come to an end. Lin Miaomiao's job is also very stable, and her program performance has always been very good.

Ye Xingchen used this time to officially finish his studies. That's right, Ye Xingchen has successfully obtained his Ph.D.

Three months passed in a hurry, and it was time for Ye Xingchen to go home, but before going back, he wanted to complete one last thing, which could be considered a perfect ending.

That night, Ye Xingchen called everyone together and gathered on the rooftop of Jiang Tianhao Hotel.

When Ye Xingchen issued the notice, he came to the rooftop first. Because he is a shareholder, everyone here knows everyone.

Because Jiang Tianhao was busy killing his own script, Chef Tianhao seldom came here, and only visited a few times a month.

When he came to the rooftop and saw Ye Xingchen looking at the scenery on the swing, he couldn't help sighing: "Our Dr. Ye came here very early, so he rushed here as soon as he got off the plane."

"What do you think?" Ye Xingchen didn't turn his head, and continued to look down at the passing vehicles.

Jiang Tianhao saw that Ye Xingchen was abnormal as usual today, and he was filled with hesitation. He hurried forward and asked, "What's the matter? Don't tell me that you broke up with Miaomiao?"

"Hiss, Haozi, are you looking for something to talk about, co-author is looking forward to the two of us breaking up all day long, right?"

Ye Xingchen unceremoniously hit Jiang Tianhao with a heavy hammer.

The fist landed on his body and made a dull sound, Jiang Tianhao immediately started crying and howling: "It hurts, Brother Chen, why are you hitting so hard?"

"It's still heavy. You haven't seen a heavier time. Back then..." Ye Xingchen originally wanted to say that it was much heavier than this when Lin Miaomiao hit him, but then he thought about it Isn't it very embarrassing.

Then he waved his hand and said impatiently: "Forget it, it's useless to tell you. Don't curse us in the future. Your money will be indispensable in the future. Just wait and follow the gift."

As soon as Jiang Tianhao heard this interest, he immediately said proudly: "If you marry Miao Miao, of course I will follow, not only follow, but also more. By the way, when are you planning to get married? I am still waiting. "

Ye Xingchen looked at the second-rate Jiang Tianhao and shook his head helplessly. His IQ was on the same level as Alaska's.

"You should wait for me to propose first." Ye Xingchen asked when he got up and looked at the bracelet, "Why don't you come, it stands to reason that it should be here by now."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Miaomiao's voice sounded from below: "Do you think Ye Xingchen has arrived? I'm on vacation. If I have to wait for him here for a long time, let's see how I deal with him when we meet."

"Come on, I don't think you dare, so just talk about it." This is Deng Xiaoqi's voice, and a hint of ridicule can be heard in the tone.

"Don't dare, Ye Xingchen kneels on the floor every day at home, if you don't believe me, ask him."


"If you don't believe me, I'm definitely the one in charge anyway."

"Ha ha."

Ye Xingchen laughed angrily when he heard what Lin Miaomiao said, I actually knelt down on the washboard, why didn't I know, good Lin Miaomiao, it's good that you slander me like this when I'm not here.

Ye Xingchen walked slowly to the door and leaned against the wall to wait for the two to come up.

Lin Miaomiao was still talking on the stairs at this moment, when Deng Xiaoqi behind her saw Ye Xingchen and gave Lin Miaomiao a wink to stop her from talking.Lin Miaomiao was talking vigorously, how could she stop, and she didn't care about the signal Deng Xiaoqi gave her, and continued to brag there.

"Ahem." Ye Xingchen coughed lightly at this time.

The moment Lin Miaomiao heard the voice, her body froze instantly, as if she was frozen in ice.

Deng Xiaoqi couldn't help sighing heavily, she patted Lin Miaomiao on the shoulder and walked onto the rooftop.

Ye Xingchen walked down slowly, then gently grabbed Lin Miaomiao's ponytail and said, "Why don't I remember kneeling on the washboard? Could it be that I lost my memory?"

Lin Miaomiao closed her eyes in embarrassment, thinking in her heart: It's over, it's over, it's dead now.

"I was just joking, just to tease Xiaoqi, don't be angry." Lin Miaomiao turned her head and hugged Ye Xingchen's arm and said coquettishly shaking.

Ye Xingchen calmly pulled his arm from Lin Miaomiao's phone, and said flatly, "I don't dare, what status do I have, I don't dare to get angry."

Lin Miaomiao knew that Ye Xingchen must be angry when she heard Ye Xingchen say this, and then she hugged Ye Xingchen again and continued to act coquettishly: "Okay, I was wrong, don't be angry when you finally come back Well, I'll do the cooking and laundry in the future."

Ye Xingchen glanced at Lin Miaomiao in disgust, and then said: "My smart home can do all these things, it seems that you have nothing to do."

"Then let me bother the head office of health."

"I have a sweeping robot at home."

"Then I, then I..." Lin Miaomiao really couldn't think of what she could do. The things in Ye Xingchen's house were too advanced, and everything that a person could do could be handed over to Heitan. Useless.

No, then I will become a vase, let me think about what else I can do.

Thinking about it, Lin Miaomiao blushed slightly, gritted her teeth and said, "I'll bring you tea and water, and beat your legs and back for the head office."

Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows, this condition is very tempting, but he doesn't seem to be able to enjoy it for a long time, and he doesn't know if the memory of this time will be integrated into Maimai, let Maimai beat his legs and rub his shoulders It's quite tempting.

"Then I will barely forgive you, and next time I will..." In the end Ye Xingchen agreed with great reluctance, but his heart was already full of joy.

"Absolutely not, I swear to God!" Lin Miaomiao said with a straight face.

Ye Xingchen looked carefully at Lin Miaomiao's eyes, and found that he did not intend to lie, so he nodded silently, and then returned to the rooftop.

What Ye Xingchen didn't expect was that there was one ear on each side of the door, and today he fully understood what a partition wall has ears, and it still has two ears.

Following Ye Xingchen's entry, the two quickly pretended to be okay, and walked to the table in a panic.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at the embarrassing atmosphere and looked for a topic: "I won't go out this time when I come back."

"Well, I'm basically going to die in Jiangzhou, and my dad has been urging me to let me take over the company's daily business, so I shouldn't be going to other places in a short time." Ye Xingchen said after taking a sip of tea.

"Scholar comes back and inherits hundreds of millions of fortunes, and only novels dare to write about it." Jiang Tianhao looked at Ye Xingchen enviously.

Ye Xingchen: "Come on, you were the same before, don't talk about me here."

"Can it be the same? My small family and business, how can I compare with you."

 Thanks to the 95 killer lunatics for rewarding 1500 starting coins, thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets

(End of this chapter)

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