Chapter 430 Seeing it through but not telling it through it (plus more, there are still two chapters tonight)
Yang Mi turned his head to Ye Xingchen again, and Ye Xingchen subconsciously floated into the sky, obviously guilty, as if he understood something instantly.

"Is it so supernatural? There is no one else in this camp except us." Ding Chengxin's little head was full of doubts.

"That's right. If only Xiaoding and I heard it, it might be a hallucination, but my sisters have also heard it. It's impossible for everyone to fall asleep."

Han Dongjun also found this incident incredible.

Yang Mi looked at them with a half-smile and said: "Bao Buqi really heard it wrong. After all, there are two people here who haven't heard it? Isn't it Xiaochen and Maimai?"

Just as Ye Xingchen raised his head to speak, Zhao Jinmai gave him a look, and then stopped talking.

The others were not fools either, now the truth is obvious.

"Forget it's not important, we have to think about what to play for a while, and it happens that the brothers and sisters are here, what do you want to play?"

Seeing that it was almost done, Yang Mi hurriedly changed the subject, after all, the show really couldn't be aired after digging deeper.

Ye Xingchen rubbed his chest, looked around, and suddenly saw a kite seller over there, and said, "Why don't we fly kites later, the weather is fine and windy today, it's just right for flying kites." Kite."

"Okay, let's fly the kite. I haven't flown a kite for a long time. It's a childhood memory." Han Dongjun agreed to the suggestion with a clap of his hands.

Yang Mi then asked Mai Mai and Xiao Ding again, and the answers he got were all okay, so let’s settle this matter:
"Then if everyone wants to fly a kite, then let's fly the kite in a while. Since Brother Xingchen proposed it, then you and Mai Mai can ask how much the kite costs. Remember not to exceed the quota."

Ye Xingchen didn't procrastinate, so he agreed, and it happened that he still had something to ask Mai Mai.

"Well, let's go and have a look?" Ye Xingchen asked Zhao Jinmai cautiously, for fear of making her angry for no reason.

At this time, Zhao Jinmai seemed to be a different person, without the hostility of this morning at all, her voice was sweet, soft and playful: "Okay."

Ye Xingchen wondered if he was dreaming just now, or if he was dreaming now.

"Let's go, what are you doing here, you plan to let Mai Mai go by himself."

Yang Mi looked at the stupid Ye Xingchen, and lightly kicked him angrily.

Only then did Ye Xingchen fully wake up. Seeing Mai Mai bouncing around to buy a kite, he quickly followed.

After Ye Xingchen left, Ding Chengxin whispered to the two of them: "Do you feel that the screams today seem to be Ye..."

"Shh, don't tell me if you see through, you kid should grow up." Han Dongjun interrupted.

Immediately, Ding Chengxin seemed to understand something, with a meaningful look on his face.

When Han Dongjun saw that it was almost done, he greeted Li Sidani, and the director team would ask the two of them to shoot a commercial later.

"It's over, it's over, this matter is like this, don't ask, I guess only the director team knows." Yang Mi waved his hand and said.


After Ye Xingchen followed, Mai Mai had already talked with the boss for a while, the price was still very expensive, and the budget was not enough.

"What's wrong?" Ye Xingchen said from behind.

Mai Mai turned her head and pouted and said, "It's too expensive, I can't afford it."

"how much?"

"One cost more than 100."

"More than 100?"

Ye Xingchen said to the boss: "Uncle, more than 100 is too expensive, can you make it cheaper?"

Zhao Jinmai also looked at the boss expectantly, hoping that he could lower the price.

Maybe because Mai Mai is too cute to bear, the boss said at this time: "How about it, three kites and two hundred are okay?"

Although it is true that there are a lot of discounts, it is still a bit expensive, Ye Xingchen still wants to fight for it: "Boss, it's cheaper, we can't use the three kites."

"What's the matter, haven't you bought it yet?" Yang Mi saw that the two were still discussing in front, so he came over to see if there was anything he could do to help.

Ye Xingchen turned around and said, "Kites are a bit expensive."

Yang Mi: "How much?"

"The boss said two hundred and three."

Yang Mi looked at the big kites inside, saw a smaller one on the table and asked, "How much is the carp kite, boss?"

"This, this 60."

"How much is three?" Yang Mi asked.

The boss still smiled all over his face: "I can give you 120 for three."

Ye Xingchen suddenly smirked from behind and said: "It's such a discount, then boss, see if you can lower it a little bit more, how about making it up, three 100, it's fine, if it's not good, don't buy it."

Yang Mi couldn't help but cast an appreciative look at Ye Xingchen.

Seeing the boss's hesitation, Ye Xingchen continued: "How about this, let's rock paper scissors, I win 100 yuan, okay?"

"Okay, but you will have to pay 150 yuan if you lose." The boss is not stupid, and immediately added a heavy weight to himself.

Ye Xingchen directly agreed, it was nothing more than a gamble: "Okay, then I will let one of the luckiest people fight with you, Mai Mai, you go."

"Why me?" Zhao Jinmai's face was full of refusal, and then she leaned into Ye Xingchen's ear and whispered in dissatisfaction: "You sincerely revenge me, right?"

"How could it be? I thought it over carefully. After all, pretty girls are not bad luck." Ye Xingchen took the opportunity to flatter her with a rainbow fart.

Yang Mi sighed and shook his head next to him when he heard it, looked at Ye Xingchen resentfully and said, "Oh, pretty girls are not bad luck, it seems that I am not beautiful anymore, I am old."

Ye Xingchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and felt particularly wronged for a moment, looked at Yang Mi with pleading eyes and said, "Sister, can you stop making trouble."

"Haha, just kidding, Mai Mai is fine, we won't blame you if you lose, it's all Ye Xingchen's fault."

"Okay," since he doesn't have to be responsible, Mai Mai wants to try it.

Ye Xingchen lowered his head with a wry smile, it seemed that he was just a doormat, he should bear it until he figured out why Mai Mai was angry.

The two shot at the same time, Mai Mai made a rock, and the boss made scissors.

"I won, I won." Seeing that she had won, Zhao Jinmai raised her hands excitedly and jumped on the spot a few times.

You can tell she's happy now.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but stepped forward to hold her shoulder, and then habitually stepped forward to touch Mai Mai's head.

But Zhao Jinmai didn't let him succeed, and turned around to hide.

I'm still angry, don't even try to touch me.

But Mai Mai's face is indeed calm.

Yang Mi was caught in the middle and kept looking at these two people, thinking: Are these two people at odds?
Ye Xingchen had no choice but to smile wryly and said to the boss: "It was agreed just now, 100 three, it should be fine now."

"Okay, then I can only lose money."

 Thank you brothers for sending monthly tickets and recommendation tickets
(End of this chapter)

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