Chapter 431 Let's start again
In the end, thanks to the favor of the goddess of luck, I bought three kites for 100 yuan.

Now that we have the kite, the next step is to assemble the kite. Because this kite is relatively large, it is a bit troublesome to install it.

Ye Xingchen intentionally or unintentionally stayed with Mai Mai, helping Mai Mai to assemble the kite together, and then asked: "Well, Mai Mai, I..."

"What are you, I said Young Master Ye, won't you help me, let me make such a big kite here by myself."

Zhao Jin gave Ye Xingchen a white look, then pushed the kite in front of him and asked him to install it.

Ye Xingchen hurriedly took the kite to do it himself, but then his body trembled and he raised his head and asked, "You, what did you call me just now? Young Master Ye?"

"Hmm, why...?" Zhao Jinmai innocently had a little confusion on her face, "Look, you are considered a big family now, shouldn't I call you Young Master Ye? Anyway, my family can't buy it." From the RV, the only one is also the company's."

"Oooh, it's okay, I thought... forget it, it's okay." Ye Xingchen continued to tinker with the kite in disappointment.

When Zhao Jinmai saw the lost Ye Xingchen, there was a hint of cunning in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

Ye Xingchen's hands-on ability is very strong. After a while, the kite was assembled. He handed the string of the kite to Zhao Jinmai, and asked with a smile, "Can you fly it?"

"A little bit." Zhao Jinmai said shyly after taking the line.

Ye Xingchen got up and picked up the kite, and said slowly: "Let me teach you, don't let the line be so long for a while, and when I run for a while and throw it out, you are slowly setting it out, understand?" ?”

"Yeah, I understand, let's... let's get started." Zhao Jinmai said after getting ready, looking at Ye Xingchen.

But she thought in her heart: Let's start again, anyway, I didn't agree, and you didn't ask...

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly, then ran ahead holding the kite with one hand: "Let's go, Mai Mai will follow."

Zhao Jinmai's eyes sparkled, and the smile on his face couldn't conceal the joy in his heart: "Here we come."

A man and a woman started running on the beach, and with Ye Xingchen's "Go you", the kite slowly flew into the air.

Zhao Jinmai slowly shook the handle and started to let the line out. Under her control, the kite gradually flew higher and higher.

"The sky is the sea, and the kite is the fish. The fish fly in the sea, no, the fish jump over the dragon's gate." Ye Xingchen said silently looking at the carp kite flying in the sky.

At this time, Yang Mi watched the kites of the two of them rise first, and they were flying higher and higher. As the eldest sister, she couldn't help but eager to try: "Wow, you are so good, you can fly so high, I want to try."

The exaggerated Ye Xingchen couldn't help but expose her directly: "Sister Mi, you are really a good person, obviously you could grab it directly, but you still chose this tactful way."

"Go away, I'm talking to Mai Mai." Seeing Ye Xingchen's lack of vision, Yang Mi rolled his eyes and said.

Ye Xingchen spread his hands, walked directly to Mai Mai's side and stretched out his hand, "I want to play for a while."

"Uh, here." Zhao Jinmai's tone was a little dazed when he heard this sentence. This feeling was so familiar, as if he had seen it before, O... Lin enough to ask for something directly for her.

After Ye Xingchen took over the kite, he put another piece of string to let the kite fly higher, but the higher the kite flies, the harder it is to control, especially in this kind of windy weather. Disconnected.

"Xiaochen, I want to play too."

Yang Mi walked over and stretched out his hand just like Ye Xingchen said just now.

Ye Xingchen raised his eyebrows lightly: "Can I not give it?"

"Okay, yes." Yang Mi said with a smile, she didn't make things difficult for Ye Xingchen, she then turned her head to Maimai and said, "Sister, he won't let me play, Ye Xingchen is bullying me."

"Pfft, hahaha." Mai Mai couldn't help laughing, and even squatted on the ground laughing.

"Oh, sure enough, Mai Mai, you stopped kissing me after you got Ye Xingchen. My sister is sad, and my sister has gone back." Yang Mi touched the emperor's tears streaming down his face, then turned his head and left.

Zhao Jinmai got up and looked at Yang Mi who was leaving, and quickly chased after him to comfort him: "Sister, don't be angry, Ye Xingchen is just stupid, if you are too angry, you can beat him up."

"I beat him, are you willing?" Yang Mi pinched Mai Mai's nose.

Zhao Jinmai dodged in dissatisfaction, then arched her nose, and said in a low voice with her mouth pouted: "What does it have to do with me?"

"Ah, did Xiao Chen make you angry? Our always gentle Mai Mai actually wanted to beat him up, so I'll go over and give you a beat up to vent your anger." This sentence is obviously a joke Zhao Jinmai's.

But Zhao Jinmai surprisingly didn't resist at all, and instead continued to follow Yang Mi's words: "Please hit harder, it's like hitting for nothing."

Hiss, such a sweet girl, with such a gentle language, how could she say such a "cruel" thought.

Yang Mi looked at Mai Mai's appearance, and couldn't help asking quietly: "Well, can you tell me why Brother Xingchen provokes you?"

"You didn't mess with me."

"Then why did you..."

"Didn't it be my sister that you said you wanted to beat him?"

Looking at that innocent look, Yang Mi fell into deep thought.

Ye Xingchen was flying the kite leisurely there, and glanced at Maimai's position from time to time, because it was far away and the wind was too strong, so he couldn't hear the two of them plotting something, but he saw Yang Mi glanced at him from time to time. From the look in his eyes, he knew that he was definitely talking bad about himself.

Don't ask how you know it, just intuition.

After a while, Ding Chengxin ran over, seeing only a tiny bit of the huge kite, and couldn't help but be eager to try it.

"Brother Chen, let me play for a while." Ding Chengxin begged.

Ye Xingchen happened to want to hear what Mai Mai and Sister Mi were talking about, so he handed the spool to Ding Chengxin and said, "Use a little force, don't pull it off."

"I know, I know." Ding Chengxin couldn't wait to pick it up. The moment he got it, he felt a strong pulling force. If it wasn't for Ye Xingchen's support, the spool might really come out of his hands.

"be careful."

After Ye Xingchen confirmed that Xiao Ding was holding it firmly, he let go of his hand.

"Wow, it's so powerful."

"It's windy."

After Ye Xingchen dropped these two words, he quietly walked forward and said:
"Don't you still have two kites? Sister Mi can go play."

"The thread is entangled, the Sun God and the others are taking it out." Looking at the Sun God who was about to collapse in the distance, Yang Mi couldn't help but sighed.

"Well, what's the arrangement for today?"

Ye Xingchen actually didn't know what to say, he just looked for something to talk about, mainly looking for an opportunity to communicate with Mai Mai.

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(End of this chapter)

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