Chapter 432 Try and Die

"You go and help them fix the kite first, my sister and I are chatting for a while." Yang Mi glanced at Mai Mai and issued an expulsion order to Ye Xingchen.

Ye Xingchen didn't want to be sent away to be a coolie when he just came here: "I won't go, why don't you go?"

"Mai Mai, the two of us are going, let's help you get a kite for Brother Sun God, and let him be lazy here."

Yang Mi glanced at Ye Xingchen proudly, and then took Mai Mai to get the two entangled kites.

"I'm just provoking someone. Is it so annoying?"

Seeing Ding Chengxin who was having fun, Ye Xingchen walked up to him slowly and asked, "Is there any difference between me today and usual?"

Ding Chengxin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "No, he's as handsome as usual."

"That's strange, why?" Ye Xingchen, who was puzzled, came to his RV alone, lay on the bed and began to be dazed.

The bed Maimai slept on had a fragrance, like lavender, lemon, and even a hint of milk.

Ye Xingchen got up and shook his head, throwing away all the miscellaneous thoughts in his mind.

Then he took out the ring again and stared at it in a daze.

After being in a daze for some time, the alarm sounded suddenly, Ye Xingchen subconsciously put away the ring, and just as he got out of bed, he saw Han Dongjun appearing at the door.

"Chen, why are you here? We are going to play a beach game, do you want to play?" Han Dongjun said excitedly.

"Beach game? What kind of game?" Ye Xingchen asked with great interest.

"I knew it in the past, come and come, the more people there are, the more fun it will be."

Ye Xingchen also quickly got out of the car, went outside and saw that all the girls were playing a game that he and his friends used to play when they were young, throwing sandbags.

Although I don't know what it is called here, but it was called sandbag throwing when I was a child.

The rules of the game are also very interesting. There is one person on each side who is responsible for throwing sandbags. As long as it hits someone in the field, that person will be eliminated. If the sandbag thrown is caught by a person in the field, then a person can be resurrected directly. If the sandbag thrown is caught by teammates, all the people on the field will be ordered to let others slaughter them.

Seeing them running around, Ye Xingchen seemed to have returned to his childhood.

"Xiaochen, you come up to play too." Yang Mi watched the sun god bring Ye Xingchen over, and called them over.

Ye Xingchen looked at several people and said, "Forget it, won't I destroy the balance of the game if I go up?"

"He's too arrogant, what should I do if I want to hit him, Mai Mai, can I hit him?" Li Sidani pointed to Ye Xingchen outside the court and said angrily.

Originally, Ye Xingchen expected Mai Mai to say no, but she did not expect her to agree more simply than anyone else: "Yes."


"I guess Brother Chen is feeling very uncomfortable now." Ding Chengxin said unbearably.

Sun God came over and patted Ye Xingchen on the shoulder: "Oh, it doesn't hurt to leave anyone alone."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Kaili hurriedly asked, "Chen, are you making Mai Mai angry?"

"I didn't." Ye Xingchen smiled wryly: -D.

"Or let Brother Xingchen throw it away, and we hide." Yang Mi suggested.

"There is one more, let Ding also throw it, and then we will run inside." Han Dongjun said.

"Okay, that's it, Chen, have you played this code before? Can you play it?"

Liu Mintao asked with concern.

Ye Xingchen picked up the sandbag and threw it a few times and said, "I used to play with it when I was a child, I can throw it accurately, so be careful."

Although it is about you, Ye Xingchen's eyes turned away from Mai Mai's direction, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

"It's over, we'll meet an opponent this time, I'm an expert." Yang Mi's smile suddenly disappeared, and he became nervous.

On the other hand, Li Sidani looked disbelieving: "I can't hit me 100%."

Zhao Jinmai also stared closely at the small sandbag in Ye Xingchen's hand, thinking in his heart, if you dare to hit me, you will die.

"Are you ready? I'm going to start." Ye Xingchen raised the sandbag and looked at the crowd and said.

"come on."

The people in the arena are all ready to go.

Ye Xingchen was looking for the target with a sandbag, and then threw it at Li Sidanni. Just as Li Si was about to hide and the others relaxed their vigilance, Ye Xingchen suddenly threw the sandbag at Maimai in a flash.

Crack, the sandbag just hit Maimai's arm.

Ye Xingchen looked at her proudly, thinking that he wanted you to hit me today.

Maimai threw the sandbag back angrily, and then went to sit inside the tent without saying a word.

Yang Mi: "After Xing Chen, Mai Mai is angry."

"Mai Mai is not so stingy, go on, Mai Mai waits for me, my sister will definitely save you." Li Sidani couldn't wait to pick one up.

Unexpectedly, he was shot as soon as he shouted.

Ye Xingchen spread his hands and said, "How about it, let me say that my appearance will affect the balance of the game."

"Hmph, it's too hateful." Li Si left the stage unwillingly, and sat down beside Mai Mai.

Yang Mi quickly picked up the sandbag and threw it to Xiao Ding. This thing is a bomb in Ye Xingchen's hands, so he can't play with it.

Good idea, but unfortunately...

Five minutes later, when Ye Xingchen dropped a ball and hit Han Dongjun, the game officially ended.

"Don't play anymore, I don't have any gaming experience." Han Dongjun sat on the ground and said unrequitedly, "Unless you press f11 to kick Brother Xingchen out, this game will not be playable."

God TMf11, is he treating himself as a big brother?

Packed my bags on my back...

"There is Xiaochen who really can't play. Let's vote. Those who agree not to let Ye Xingchen play the game raise their hands." As the third person to be dealt with, Yang Mi raised his hands without hesitation.

At the same time, without exception, the other 6 people all raised their hands, which is too disruptive to the balance of the game, and it is recommended to weaken it.

Ye Xingchen saw the voting on the spot and quit consciously, but he still came to Mai Mai's side and asked concerned: "It didn't hurt just now, did it?"

"It doesn't hurt, thank you for your concern."

Although he said so on his lips, there was a hint of coldness in his tone.

Li Si gloated and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, it's causing trouble, hurry up and coax."

"Well, what are we eating today, let's go and ask what we are eating tonight." Yang Mi winked at several people.

Yang Kaili and Liu Mintao understood each other in seconds. Although Li Si was reluctant, he still got up and gave way.

"I want to sit here for a while."

"What do you sit on? After you work, you know how to eat."

Ding Chengxin originally wanted to join in the fun here, but was ruthlessly pulled away by Han Dongjun.

After everyone left, the surroundings finally became quiet, and Ye Xingchen went straight to the point: "Mai Mai, why are you angry with me?"

"I'm not angry." Zhao Jinmai still refused to admit it.

"Come on, why did you hit me this morning?"

"I just watched a kung fu movie last night and learned a few things casually. I want you to try it."


Good guy is so touching, learn to ask me to try it at the first time, fortunately this is seen without weapons, even those with weapons dare to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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