The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 433 Is there any point in what I said?

Chapter 433 Is there any point in what I said?

"I have something to say, why do I have to do it, and my sister and the others already know." Ye Xingchen pointed at the six people who were peeking behind him, motioning for Zhao Jinmai to take a look.

Zhao Jinmai looked in the direction Ye Xingchen pointed, and sure enough, everyone was looking at this side. Although they were blocked by various objects, this way of deceiving their ears and stealing their bells looked particularly funny.

"Tch, if you don't tell me what happened this morning, who will know, unless you go to inform me, I despise you."

Zhao Jinmai pointed at Ye Xingchen like a pistol, and said with an unhappy expression.

"Sister, don't you seem to be lying? I can't hide what happened this morning. Do you think I will tell everyone? Besides, there are only a few of us in the camp, and we can figure out what's going on with the method of elimination."

Zhao Jinmai got up and turned her back to Ye Xingchen, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, she said, "I don't care, I didn't do anything anyway, as for you, don't tell others, otherwise I will really ignore you."

Ye Xingchen had no choice but to agree, but he still wondered why Mai Mai was angry, but he didn't say anything after asking her, so he changed the question and asked, "By the way, did you have something to do with me this morning? What do you want me to say. "

Zhao Jinmai turned around and asked again: "Yes, is there anything you want to tell me now?"

"What are you talking about...can you give me a hint?" Ye Xingchen was at a loss, really didn't know how to answer this kind of clueless question.

Seeing Ye Xingchen's "poor" look, Zhao Jinmai asked a fatal question: "All right, Ye Xingchen, have I been the only co-pilot in your car?"

Ye Xingchen frowned, what does this mean? Maimai was the only one who sat in the RV when he just bought it. Although Ye Xingchen thought it was a fraud, he still told the truth: "Except for you, it is Xueqiu, by the way Xueqiu Where's the ball?"

"In the RV." Maimai was taken aback by the question, and indeed he hadn't seen Snowball since he woke up today, so he said uncertainly.

"I'll go take a look." After speaking, Ye Xingchen hurried towards the RV.

Zhao Jinmai also worriedly followed closely behind.

Seeing the two hurriedly, Yang Mi and the others couldn't help but said, "What's the matter, Mai Mai, what are you running, be careful."

Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai were not in the mood to answer either, the main thing now was to see where the cat was.

The two searched inside the RV, and then in the driver's cab, but they couldn't find it.

Mai Mai immediately ran out and started asking everyone: "Sister, have you seen Ye Xingchen's cat?"

"I just remembered after you said that. It seems that I really didn't see Xueqiu today." Yang Mi said, holding a cup of hot coffee that he didn't know where to make.

Ye Xingchen also came down at this time, and began to feel the connection between the two seriously, and knew the location of Xueqiu through telepathy.

Seeing Ye Xingchen close his eyes, Liu Mintao thought he was too anxious, so he hurried over to comfort him and said, "It's okay, the director team must know where it is, don't worry, they will definitely find it."

"I know." Ye Xingchen walked towards the big tent over there.

Then he shouted inside: "Snowball!"

Xueqiu was sleeping on his stomach in the sleeping bag, but he ran out immediately after hearing Ye Xingchen's voice.

"How do you know that Snowball is here?" Mai Mai asked curiously.

Not only Mai Mai, everyone has this question in their hearts at this time.

Yang Mi said angrily: "Do you still need to ask, he must have let it go."

"Sister, I didn't see it all day today, and Xueqiu was with Mai Mai last night. I just went to the RV. If you don't believe me, you can ask the director team."

Ye Xingchen said to the fixed camera next to him.

The director team obviously received the instructions, and then said to the people below: "When editing, this place must be played back. By the way, the segment this morning was also edited in a reminiscent way."

"However, this Maimai company will definitely not allow it to be broadcast." The somewhat cute young lady said.

"Stupid, if you don't let it air, then don't broadcast it, but if you let it air, we can directly play the easter egg chapter, and it will definitely be a big hit."

"Okay, wise leadership."

"Hahaha, hurry up and work. By the way, this matter must be protected. It's not the first time you have done this, and you know the consequences of leaking it."

"I understand, I understand."


After finding the cat, the two began to compete to take care of the kitten. Mai Mai skillfully took the cat's rice bowl and water basin from the car, and then poured water and cat food carefully. After all, the cat hadn't eaten all morning. Yes, I must be starving.

Taking advantage of the two of them taking care of the kitten, Mai Mai suddenly said: "Does someone only have a car?"

"Ah? Who, who only has one car?" Ye Xingchen Zhang Er monk couldn't figure it out.

Mai Mai sighed: "Oh, it's okay."

"You're acting weird today."

Zhao Jinmai stroked Xueqiu gently, and said suddenly: "Really? Should someone think about whether it is their own problem?"

"Sister, can't you tell me something? Can you stop guessing riddles?" Ye Xingchen was about to go crazy at this moment.

"Not good, think to yourself, have you forgotten something?"


"Think to yourself, is there any point in what I said?"

Ye Xingchen's temper also turned up, and he said directly: "I like to talk but don't talk, I am too lazy to guess, and I hate guessing."

According to Ye Xingchen's past personality, he would definitely be a wall-dong, and it is much easier to move his hands than to move his mouth.

But this was filming, and because Mai Mai was a star, Ye Xingchen, who had just returned from the world, felt particularly aggrieved.

Seeing Ye Xingchen lose his temper, Mai Mai, who was already a little tempered, became even angrier: "Okay, whatever you want."

How to say the state of the two of them now, it has reached a state that every couple must have encountered. The girls let the boys guess their thoughts, but the boyfriend can't guess.

Although Ye Xingchen is different from other boys, because he is no longer a straight guy after so many relationships, but this time he doesn't know why, but he is a little impatient.


The next two people didn't speak any more, and they didn't say a word when they were eating at noon.

"Are we having breakfast or lunch? It's time to eat." Han Dongjun said when he saw the breakfast he just brought over.

Yang Mi asked Ye Xingchen: "Brother, what time did you check?"

Ye Xingchen took out his bracelet, glanced at the time, and said calmly, "It's 1:09, and Xueqiu protested against our meal."

"Brother, we have a plan to save money and pay less for a meal." Han Dongjun unceremoniously picked up a bun, took a few casual bites and swallowed it.

"Hahaha, look how hungry the Sun God is, Mi Tuan, I'm going to criticize you now."

Liu Mintao said jokingly.

The others also laughed when they saw Han Dongjun eating.

Only Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai were eating breakfast quietly.

 There are two more chapters tonight

(End of this chapter)

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