Chapter 434 You Two...

"Have you noticed that these two children are very quiet today?" Zhang Kaili said.

"There is a conflict." Yang Mi looked at the two in front of him with a smile, and pointed it out directly.

Liu Mingtao knew that it was not appropriate to talk about it at this time, so he found a topic to prevaricate: "Let's eat, after a while we are full, don't we mean to go play that motorcycle, beach motorcycle, right?"

Yang Mi clapped his hands together and almost forgot about it: "Yeah, I'm going to play that motorcycle in a while. The beach motorcycle is super cool. I've always wanted to ride it but never had a chance. Last time I went down the mountain, I didn't get to ride it. Xiaochen played with Maimai. I remember."

"I'm kind of scared, I've never ridden a motorcycle because I think it's too scary."

There is expectation in Zhang Kaili's eyes, but more fear.

Yang Mi: "It's okay, sister, there will be a staff member that day, he will teach you, if you are worried, he will follow you."

"Yes, I asked them, you can take him with you, and then you can deal with anything in time." Li Sidani's eyes are also full of anticipation, after all, this is the most interesting project in the past two days.

Yang Mi saw that everyone was eager to try, and said directly and proudly: "Since everyone wants to play, then one person can play enough."

"Long live Sister Mi." Li Si hugged Yang Mi and said excitedly.

Zhang Kaili: "It has to be secret, it's Hao."

"Others don't have this temperament, so they have it secretly, really." Liu Mintao agreed with Sister Kaili's statement, and nodded.

The Sun God looked at the two sisters' high evaluation of Yang Mi, and then gave Yang Mi a title, which is bold and airy.

After the matter was finished, everyone tacitly started cooking.

After Yang Mi finished drinking the porridge in the bowl, seeing that the staff was still here, he couldn't help asking: "Is there anything else?"

"You didn't give me any money." The staff member said innocently.

Yang Mi covered her face in shame when she heard this, and I said why don't you leave, I'm waiting to ask for money, so I hurriedly said to Mai Mai: "Uh, I forgot, I'm sorry, sister, pay quickly."

"Oh, good." Zhao Jinmai also hurriedly searched for her phone in her pocket.

Because of what I just ate, I still had half a piece of snack in my hand, so it was not very convenient, maybe I was flustered, and I didn't put down the snack in my hand.

Everyone knows that the more panicked it is, the harder it is to handle things well, so Mai Mai struggled for a long time but failed to take out the phone.

Just as she was about to put down the raised snack, Ye Xingchen swallowed it in one gulp, and lightly touched Zhao Jinmai's finger with her lips.

Everyone's eyes widened with disbelief.

Ye Xingchen didn't think too much about it when he ate it. He simply wanted to help her solve the "burden" by watching Hanhan being so stupid, but he realized something was wrong after eating. It... seemed like he was recording a show. I haven't fully gotten used to it, after all, I have been in the world of Boys Pi for 3 years.

"Well, I just think it's inconvenient for her to hold it..." Ye Xingchen quickly explained to everyone.

"Stop talking, I understand everything, I understand everything." Yang Mi said with a half-smile.

Li Sidani: "It's over, how many cuts do we need for this episode?"

Han Dongjun: "I don't think there are many broadcasts, hahaha."

Zhao Jinmai felt her face was hot at the moment, so she hurriedly found out her phone, scanned the QR code to pay, and then continued to eat with her head down, hiding her embarrassment.

Everyone saw that Mai Mai was too shy, so they didn't continue to mention this matter, and they all went on to eat, and then went to play motorcycles after eating.

Only Ding Chengxin asked Ye Xingchen curiously in a low voice: "Brother Chen, are you dating sister Jinmai?"

Ye Xingchen smiled wryly and said, "No, don't talk nonsense, it will have a bad influence on Maimai."

"Come on, I think you must like sister Maimai."

"Go, go, children know what they like and don't like, eat quickly, and go racing after eating."

Ye Xingchen sent Ding Chengxin away pretending to be disgusted. This kid knew too much, and he was afraid he couldn't help but kill him.

In this embarrassing atmosphere, everyone was full soon, and the exciting moment came next.

When everyone came to the venue, the staff came over and asked, "Are you here to play beach motorcycles?"

"Yes, one for each of us." Yang Mi pointed to everyone and said.

Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun couldn't wait to sit on it before Sister Mi finished negotiating. The moment Ye Xingchen touched the motorcycle, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but start the ignition now. Maybe the motorcycle is romantic in the bones of boys.

"Come on, now let me tell you what to pay attention to." After the boss took the money, he went straight to the topic.

After Zhao Jinmai sat on it, he put his hands on the front brake handle, looked around and said, "Teach me how to fix it."

"Yes, just to teach you how to do this. Your right foot is the clutch, and your left hand is the gear shifter. After stepping on the clutch..."

Before the coach could finish speaking, Ye Xingchen had already started the car, along with Han Dongjun.

"You know how to play, little brother, Bibi." Han Dongjun looked at Ye Xingchen's skillful movements, and couldn't help itching his hands for a moment.

"Okay." Ye Xingchen then controlled the car and turned a corner.

Ding Chengxin looked at the skilled two and said enviously, "Wait, brother, you can't leave me behind."

"Then hurry up, we won't wait for you for the game later." Ye Xingchen ran out first with a smart acceleration,
Han Dongjun followed up not to be outdone: "Here we come!"

Ding Chengxin was relatively proficient in the operation because he had played this kind of motorcycle in the last place, and then followed closely behind the two.

Boys generally have fun and drive fast. From the perspective of girls, they really feel very chic and handsome.

"Wow, they are so powerful, I dare not drive so fast." Li Si enviously looked at the three people racing.

Yang Mi: "Have you learned it all, let's go play after we've learned it, we can't let the three of them watch jokes."

Mai Mai had also played this kind of motorcycle with Ye Xingchen when he was at the foot of the mountain, so he was quite familiar with it. He started slowly at the beginning, and drove super fast at the end.

At this time, Ye Xingchen, who had finished running a few laps, turned his head and looked at Mai Mai playing there by himself, hesitating whether to go over.

"If you think about it, go there, what are you afraid of?"

Behind Ye Xingchen, Han Dongjun's voice sounded.

After turning his head and taking a look, he said firmly, "I don't want to."

Then he drove his motorcycle and ran in the opposite direction.

In fact, just when Ye Xingchen looked away, Zhao Jinmai also took a look in this direction, but Ye Xingchen just turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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