Chapter 435 The Familiar Feeling

Just when everyone was having fun, Zhao Jinmai's car suddenly broke down. She tried to restart it, but she couldn't move.

And Ye Xingchen, who had been observing Mai Mai's movements, immediately sensed something was wrong, and ran towards Mai Mai with a beautiful flick of his tail.

"The car broke down?" Ye Xingchen stopped in front of Zhao Jinmai and said in a flat tone, but this did not affect the concern in his flat tone.

Zhao Jinmai didn't speak, and continued to try to restart.

Ye Xingchen turned off the motorcycle, walked up to Zhao Jinmai, and said, "Let me take a look."

"No, I'll do it myself." Although Zhao Jinmai's tone was still very gentle, Ye Xingchen could still feel the rejection.

Ye Xingchen saw that everyone else was playing with himself, only a cameraman not far away was there, so he stood in front of the car and said, "Are you sure you can't come down? If you don't, I'll take you down." .”

Speaking of Ye Xingchen, it was as if he was directly attacking, Zhao Jinmai hurriedly got off the motorcycle without letting him touch her.

Ye Xingchen smiled complacently, thinking: If I don't play a scoundrel, I really think I'm a good person.

"Can you pay attention." Zhao Jinmai frowned displeasedly and said.

Ye Xingchen went up to check carefully the wiring of the motorcycle, and replied, "No."

"Rogue." Zhao Jinmai stomped her foot lightly.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Standard dialogue formula.

Ye Xingchen suddenly discovered that rejection is only effective for ordinary people, as long as you are shameless enough, there is no such thing as rejection.

Zhao Jinmai looked at the stinky and shameless man in front of him, and there was really nothing he could do about it. To be honest, if there wasn't a camera guy over there, he would have to beat him up, it's too cheap.

"Why don't you play with yours?"

Zhao Jinmai asked angrily.

Ye Xingchen didn't answer seriously, and said casually: "I accidentally wandered over to you."

"Hehe, then you really know how to go shopping."

"That must be."

Ye Xingchen didn't care about Mai Mai's taunt at all, and continued to find out why the motorcycle wouldn't start.

He found that the power line seemed to be a little loose, and after plugging it in again, the motorcycle could start again.

"It's fixed, you can continue playing." Ye Xingchen returned the motorcycle to Mai Mai, and sat back in his own car.

After Zhao Jinmai took over the motorcycle, he tried to start it and found that it was really repaired.

She looked at Ye Xingchen who was about to turn his head away and said, "Do you dare to compare?"

Ye Xingchen turned back and smiled, "How do you compare?"

"Well... let's run around this field."

Zhao Jinmai pointed to the whole beach and said.

Ye Xingchen seemed to feel a familiar feeling from Mai Mai, and immediately agreed: "Okay, come on, I allow you to run first."

"Since it's a competition, shouldn't there be a bet?" Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen maliciously and said, with a hint of provocation in his tone.

"Oh? What are you betting on?" Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence, because at that moment he recalled that Lin Miaomiao often said this sentence when he was in the elite middle school.

Zhao Jinmai said the bet he made: "Whoever loses will be another person's little follower for the next few days, and he must be the one who is absolutely obedient."

Ye Xingchen heard something wrong with this sentence, the one who is absolutely obedient, is it the one I think?
As Ye Xingchen thought about it, a "handsome" smile appeared on his face unconsciously, and the saliva at the corner of his mouth could be vaguely seen.

Although he didn't know what Ye Xingchen was thinking, but looking at him like that, he knew that he was definitely thinking about something unhealthy.

"Is it okay?" Zhao Jinmai was also a little impatient.

"Okay, this is what you said, come on, you start." Ye Xingchen looked at Zhao Jinmai who offered to give away the head, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. These twists and turns.


Taking advantage of Ye Xingchen's inattention, Zhao Jinmai accelerated and ran away.

"Hahahaha, I'm leaving first." Maimai still didn't forget to look back at the bewildered Ye Xingchen, and then smiled contentedly.

Looking at the dark-bellied Mai Maiyuan's back, Ye Xingchen smiled wryly and said, "Who did I learn this from? It's all gone bad."

That's right, we don't know who we learned it from, and we dare not say or ask.

But Ye Xingchen didn't give up easily, and quickly accelerated to catch up.

After all, Zhao Jinmai hadn't been in contact with motorcycles for a long time, and he didn't dare to ride too fast. After seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't keep up, he didn't continue to accelerate. He thought that victory was in sight, but suddenly Ye Xingchen's voice came from behind. : "Mai Mai, why don't you abide by the competition rules, and don't talk about martial arts."

Then a beautiful overtaking passed by, Maimai wanted to continue to accelerate, but unexpectedly the car broke down.

Following Ye Xingchen, he circled the entire venue, and then returned to Mai Mai's side.

"That doesn't count, my car broke down." Zhao Jinmai knew that even if the car didn't break down, he couldn't win, but at least he had a chance.

Ye Xingchen said helplessly after seeing her cheating: "Forget it, it's boring not to play."


"You don't count."

"How can I? My car is broken."

"This is not a reason for not following the rules of the game. A game without rules is really boring. I went to find them to play. Just connect the front brake handle yourself."

Then Ye Xingchen went to play with his own.

After all, the two are now in the Cold War period. Although Ye Xingchen cares about Mai Mai, he will not indulge her unrestrainedly.

In fact, Ye Xingchen himself is also surprised. After coming back this time, he seems to be weakened. The self in the world of the youth school is always full of confidence and calm, but his state of mind now cannot compare with the self at that time.

After Ye Xingchen left, Zhao Jinmai was stunned. She found that Ye Xingchen seemed to be a little impatient with her now, and she no longer indulged herself infinitely, even if she was a little wayward...

After Ye Xingchen returned to Xiao Ding and Han Dongjun's side, their gossiping hearts suddenly rose.

Han Dongjun glanced at Xiaoding and asked, "Xiaochen, how did you go just now? I want to come back again."

"That's right, Brother Chen, what's wrong with Sister Maimai, is the car broken?" Ding Chengxin followed the words of the Sun God.

Ye Xingchen naturally saw that the two of them were teasing him, and said angrily, "The car broke down, I went over to have a look."

"Tsk tsk, I have to say that little brother Xingchen is careful, and he can still see that the McMac is broken from a long distance. Why can't Xiaoding and I see it?"

"Yeah, we can't see it."

Ye Xingchen ignored their words, changed the subject and said, "One more time."

(End of this chapter)

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